Wanna see what Heavenly Sword looked like in 2003?




Now Ninja Theory (DeanoC or nAo) what machine did you guys make this on in 2003? And was it real-time?
whoa, pretty interesting. I wonder if we will see similar type of effects in the final game.
I would love to be fighting in a forest type area with plenty of leaves flowing around reacting realistically.
It was our original concept movie, all done in Maya (not real-time in any sense).

Seems such a long time ago, I think that even DeanA was at JAM when that was made...

To be honest ALOT has changed since then but its still has the main focus about right...
DeanoC said:
It was our original concept movie, all done in Maya (not real-time in any sense).

Seems such a long time ago, I think that even DeanA was at JAM when that was made...

To be honest ALOT has changed since then but its still has the main focus about right...

Oh okay. Are you guys thinking about keeping that "Hero" stage with the yellow flowers in the game? Because that will just bring players to their knees in tears. It's so beautiful. :cry:
DeanoC said:
Seems such a long time ago, I think that even DeanA was at JAM when that was made...
Quite true. At the time that was released, I believe I was working on the runtime anim system... Given what I've been working on recently, it's definately a case of "The more things change, the more things stay the same" ;)

The video was made as material to aid in the pitch to prospective publishers. I think it's still a pretty good render (even though I thought at the time - and still think - that it was a bit too close to the Hero trailer), but I'd agree that the focus for the game has stayed pretty much on track since that was released.

Bad_Boy said:
whoa that was cool. I know it wasnt realtime or anything, but I can see A LOT of the present day HS's style in that old trailer.

I wonder if you guys will keep the 'walking on water', 'slowing down time', and 'yellow leaves' type parts in the final game. :D

very cool stuff.

And to add to this I also loved the music and feel of that video. Especially the part where she's talking to the guy while he was looking out the window. I felt like a real movie was about to come on.

I like that feeling. I hope the real game makes me feel like this. nAo I hope you are reading this.:D
Would someone be kind enough to upload this to a service that doesn't hate me (anything else, basically)? It's like I'm on a 28.8 with this place! =/