Vision Game Engine image


"Trinigy released this image from their Xbox 360 graphics engine, Vision Xbox 360 SDK. The engine is used in more than 40 game projects, and will be unveiled at the GDC on the 20th of March. Several PC games are using it already, Emergency 4 and Desperados 2 among others. No special X360 game has been named, but one of the upcoming games using it is an Asian MMORPG. It looks pretty promising, and new engines are always fun to look at."
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I really don't have to say much except that that's an ugly picture. Too much parallax mapping.
ROG27 said:
I really don't have to say much except that that's an ugly picture. Too much parallax mapping.

I have to say something: Don't you guy ever read the forum rules? No pics above 800x600 are allowed in the forums...

About Posting Pictures

You can post pictures as long as they're not of a large size (Anything over 800x600 is considered as too large), and as long as you don't post a boatloads of pictures (Posting a few pictures plus a link to the rest is enough).

Actually the best way to post pictures is to use thumbnails
The art there is just terrible, imo. It has a 80's fantasy B-movie thing going on there.
Who ever is using this engine, I hope they have better artists than this.
It looks like it's doing what everyone else is already doing, only with far less support and likely less polish. The engine market is already crowded just with UE3.0.
Problems :

1. To much shiny stuff
2. Look at the lack of polygons on his arms
3. Textures look like crap
4. Why does it look grainy?
Err...what's going on with that fog bank in the background?

Is this engines strong point the ability to blind mere mortals? So much shiny bloom shinyness everywhere...tone it down some.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that in at least this instance the engine is getting a bad rap due to bad artistic choices.
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The thing that really stands out as bad, IMO, is the rancid character must just be a place-holder.
DigitalSoul said:
The art there is just terrible, imo. It has a 80's fantasy B-movie thing going on there.

No way man! Conan the barbarian, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Willow, Legend and the rest were looking not just way better then this, but they're still pretty good even by tomorrow's standards! I mean just how incredible cool is the Darkness in Legend! Or should I mention... Alien? And so on! Thus I herebey demand that you take it back and do not dare to compare this horror to the above mentioned movies!

Okay so I'm having fun here, but my statemant stands nonetheless ;) Those movies are inspiring artists to this day, while this thing will be forgotten by tomorrow...
Laa-Yosh said:
No way man! Conan the barbarian, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Willow, Legend and the rest were looking not just way better then this, but they're still pretty good even by tomorrow's standards! I mean just how incredible cool is the Darkness in Legend! Or should I mention... Alien? And so on! Thus I herebey demand that you take it back and do not dare to compare this horror to the above mentioned movies!

Okay so I'm having fun here, but my statemant stands nonetheless ;) Those movies are inspiring artists to this day, while this thing will be forgotten by tomorrow...

Hey man, I liked Conan the Barbarian and those movies were cool. When I said 80's B-movie, I ment bad 80's B-movies........ like Red Sonja for example.

I didn't mean to diss those movies.
the glare on the bridge is horrendous. bloom is nice if it's used well and not overdone. I'm not a fan of the character, and some parts of the architecture look odd. the door on the right for example. the top of the tower is really nice though! subtle