EDIT: Another presentation, about lighting and shading:

Shining the Light on Crysis 3


Thanks to milk for the heads up.

Presentation about shadows, including area shadows:

Particle shadows as well:

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Its quite cheap, its adds 0.8-1ms to transparencies cost per light on GTX 560 in 720p. I havent checked how it scales up with resolution yet.

Here, i've made video how it reacts with normal particles, instead of fog volume:

They still havent fix a bug with particles not casting shadows though :p
They seem to be using the same technique from Crysis 1 volumetric lights but are in between what you would get by setting the cvar r_beams to 1 (very detailed, need lots of resources) and 3 (very bloomy and blurry but cheap). However, cvars like r_BeamsDistFactor don't seem to work anymore :/
New Ruby Techdemo from AMD using Crytek's CryEngine and running on on a Radeon R9 290X

New Ruby Techdemo from AMD using Crytek's CryEngine and running on on a Radeon R9 290X

For a minute I thought it was a new Perfect Dark game, that would have been cool. I'm so happy that the new consoles are basically pc's, that will really help sharing this tech across all non Nintendo platforms. If a 290x can do that now, then can't wait to see what two 800 series NVidia cards will be able to do by years end.
Wii U listed as next gen? Remarkable!

Its really a testament to how well this engine scales. Sonic Boom is the first game to show off the Cry Engine on Wii U, and so far it looks pretty darn nice. Obviously the engine will be far more limited on Wii U than the PS4 and X1, but its obviously a pretty darn efficient game engine if it runs on Wii U with good results.