Virtua Fighter 5 Site up

Uh... Julia's always seemed about 100x more leg-based than anything I've seen from it so far.

At any rate, both Julia and Xiaoyu are supposed to use an amalgam of a number of martial arts (Chinese or otherwise)--only in Xiaoyu's case, they mentioned Baji among them. (I assumed because someone or another noticed a few moves that lined up.) Hakke Ken and Hike Ken are among the only "official" styles named. (Whatever they may be.)

Julia isn't a good representation of Baji. Xiaoyu however is a pretty good representation of Pigua (Hika-ken) and Bagua (Hakke-sho). I am familiar with those martial arts. Beside if you open PS2 TTT manual, I am pretty sure they'll list Hakkyokuken as one of Julia style. I am positive my memory hasn't fail me on that one.

Official comments from Namco seem to only mention http://[URL="http://[B" Xing Yi in connection to Julia, while Michelle got "Kempo + various." But considering how much holdover there is from Michelle to Julia...

Baji will incorporate elements of Xing Yi and Pigua into their repertoire. Even VF Akira has Xing Yi. Some other videogame representation of Xing Yi would be Tekken Wang and DoA Genfu and Eliot.
Correct, except that what isdn6 in this particular case was talking about it slightly different. There's a "flinch" that you can perform with most characters.

BTW, isdn6, it never occured to me to use it that way! (force major evade). I'm going to try that.

See, you really have to go into the details before you appreciate the differences. That's why I'm not satisfied with answers that cover the 90% that is practically the same part, but I want to uncover the 10% that isn't. ;)

Ooh here's a good example of some miscomunication that could happen. To some, that line may suggest that I want to feint or "fake someone out" and make them evade. That's not it at all.

Indeed. But the 'flinch', that sounds exactly like the feint I was looking for. There are some characters in Tekken with regular feints too. The new popular way to implement them in Tekken seems to be by adding the option to double tap instead of single tap to slightly modify an existing move into a feint. It would be a great improvement to the game if you could cancel out of nearly all moves with a single button to create an incredible range of feints. :) And it would probably make the game look a lot more realistic.

Arwin -
You asked me to explain where VF is different than Tekken and I gladly got all into it. I was met with disagreement telling me "Tekken has all that stuff too." And trust me a whoooooollle lot of that disagreement is coming from the miscomunication I described above.

I appreciate it all which you understand hopefully despite my critical replies, which were only meant for me to a clearer picture of the exact differences.

I think that at the very least I have shown that there are currently very few people who can tell you with decent precision what the differences are exactly and how they affect the game. ;)

I feel I need to clarify here: Yes, Tekken does indeed have all that stuff. But the slight differences in the way that stuff is implemented is what makes the difference in the games. Which I don't percieve (again..) as a very big difference at all. Trust me, I know both game intimatly. If it sounds like some of us are skewing Virtua Fighter is a more deep and balanced game, that's because it is. At least it is generally considered so by people who play a whole big huge shitload of fighting games and get very good at several of them.

And all I've been doing is uncover 'why'. And since Tekken is the game I know best (and I am not even an ace fighter on it, in a big part because I literally play all of the characters in almost equal measure, or at least, in relation to their complexity - e.g. I've played Xiaoyo, Lei and King a bit more than some others).
The best way to do this is to play the game. Evo is $10 at most places.

I've played it. I've even owned it (until someone lost my copy) But it takes a lot more than just playing to pick up on the details. I learnt that from studying other games in detail, like Gran Turismo. How many of you guys know you to put the car in neutral while driving, for instance? ;) Or about clutch simulation in that game in the first place, do some free revving in neutral, etc? Shift down several gears at once? How many people are smart enough to pay attention to the type of tires you put on the car before they do tests that compare the in-game car with its real life counterpart? Who knows the details of the differences between steering with the d-pad, analog stick, or steering wheel (not to mention in the different versions of the game), and the related levels of steering assist? How many people can distinguish bad handling from good simulation and vice versa? Etc. etc. etc. There's a lot to a game that takes more than just playing to find out ... ;)

Better to have a discussion with experts first, and then do some more pointed research later for verification, I say ...

But I'll be sure to pick up Evo when I come across it ... ;)
I've played it. I've even owned it (until someone lost my copy) But it takes a lot more than just playing to pick up on the details. I learnt that from studying other games in detail, like Gran Turismo. How many of you guys know you to put the car in neutral while driving, for instance? ;) Or about clutch simulation in that game in the first place, do some free revving in neutral, etc? Shift down several gears at once? How many people are smart enough to pay attention to the type of tires you put on the car before they do tests that compare the in-game car with its real life counterpart? Who knows the details of the differences between steering with the d-pad, analog stick, or steering wheel (not to mention in the different versions of the game), and the related levels of steering assist? How many people can distinguish bad handling from good simulation and vice versa? Etc. etc. etc. There's a lot to a game that takes more than just playing to find out ... ;)

Better to have a discussion with experts first, and then do some more pointed research later for verification, I say ...

But I'll be sure to pick up Evo when I come across it ... ;)

Whoah!!Can you make a thread and post about these if its ok wih you? I am very interested :D
AM2 never disappoints

Vitua Fighter 5!

I've seen too many videos of the game, already, I want the game, dammit!

Next, port AfterBurner Climax, Sega, easy money for you.
I have to agree. I'll always love Sega.

Never really liked fighters, but VF has always been special (and Power Stone - Doh!).

Awesome. Though I might need to get a PS3 early than I anticipated. Has there been any word on online for this game? I haven't heard anything and I'm getting a little worried it's gonna be just like Evo in that aspect.
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Awesome. Though I might need to get a PS3 early than I anticipated. Has there been any word on online for this game? I haven't heard anything and I'm getting a little worried it's gonna be just like Evo in that aspect.

It's not online. I doubt we will see an online console VF game in this generation due to network latency.
It's not online. I doubt we will see an online console VF game in this generation due to network latency.


Well that sucks, I was really looking forward to some form of online from this game. This is almost a deal breaker for me. You can only play against the CPU for so long. A real shame.