Value of Hardware Unboxed benchmarking *spawn

I cannot directly talk about financials as that is not my place at DF, but I can say from OUR perspective, videos covering newer NV tech do tend to do better historically for viewership numbers than those that cover new AMD tech.

A good example is DLSSRR vs. FSR3, or DLSS vs. FSR2 or DLSS vs. FSR1.
I cannot directly talk about financials as that is not my place at DF, but I can say from OUR perspective, videos covering newer NV tech do tend to do better historically for viewership numbers than those that cover new AMD tech.

A good example is DLSSRR vs. FSR3, or DLSS vs. FSR2 or DLSS vs. FSR1.
In general this used to be the same case for Intel videos, whereas now those often get clicks for laughs.
It could very well be that Nvidia will be looked at the same way as Intel one day, should AMD ever make a ‘ryzen-GPU’

With intel and ryzen it was sort of :
-but productivity
-but the games?
-but certain games?
-but very specific price ranges?

and the arguments against AMD began to dry up.

With Nvidia it could be raytracing, after this is on par or better than Nvidia for most price points it could become DLSS or something, and after that? Nobody knows but Intel had 10 times the R&D and it took AMD 8 years to beat them on every front. So expect it to be a slow process
I cannot directly talk about financials as that is not my place at DF, but I can say from OUR perspective, videos covering newer NV tech do tend to do better historically for viewership numbers than those that cover new AMD tech.

A good example is DLSSRR vs. FSR3, or DLSS vs. FSR2 or DLSS vs. FSR1.

One thing though is I wouldn't classify Digital Foundry as a PC Hardware DIY channel and I feel the audience is likely rather different than say places like HUB, Gamers' Nexus, and etc. The hardware focused channels/sites are really the ones with the audience that is heavily into the "vendor wars" (a term you yourself have used I believe) and as far as my recollection is participating that's always been case.

Digital Foundry itself seems like a rather unique niche and I don't think any other major channel or site really services the same topics and audience?
Surprising, but not as if he could look the other way. Interesting to see whether it's a one-off or a sign of things to come.
Surprising, but not as if he could look the other way. Interesting to see whether it's a one-off or a sign of things to come.
No, it's not surprising. The idea that they are some AMD fanboys has always been embarrassing nonsense.

And they could have easily just never talked about this at all, given that pretty much nobody else has.
And they could have easily just never talked about this at all, given that pretty much nobody else has.
No. It was old news by the time they got around to talking about it. But that's likely because they decided to benchmark for themselves before commenting.
It was not 'old news', as nobody else was talking about it until them.

But of course y'all wont give them any credit for this, as it simply goes against what you want to believe about them. smh Completely predictable. Y'all are the only ones with an agenda.
I stand corrected. At Computex HUB did comment on the what they thought was a testing discrepancy in the footnotes.
Daniel Owen after hearing HUB's Computex comments thankfully came out with a short video on June 13 which has been referenced by other sites.

0:54 AMD intentionally misleads CPU buyers in their Computex keynote
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Steve tears AMD a new one for deceptive CPU benchmarks.

Absolutely dishonest as hell of AMD! That's not trying to show your product in a favorable light it's a g-damn flat out lie! BAD AMD, BAD!

There's no excuses or justifications for this, it's total cheeseball and I would have thought it was beneath AMD's pr team. Seems like a lot has changed there since most of my PR friends left there, I can't imagine how in the hell they thought this would just slip by.

Absolutely dishonest as hell of AMD! That's not trying to show your product in a favorable light it's a g-damn flat out lie! BAD AMD, BAD!

There's no excuses or justifications for this, it's total cheeseball and I would have thought it was beneath AMD's pr team. Seems like a lot has changed there since most of my PR friends left there, I can't imagine how in the hell they thought this would just slip by.

Nothing is beneath any company’s PR team. The better a company is doing in their market, the worse the PR gets.