-Consoles don't have cheating online
Aha, thats not what i have experienced. For the first no platform is totally free from cheating. On the other, yes there are cheaters/hackers on console too. BF4 PS4 there where people using XIM4, against people with controllers. Its basically a hardware hack impossible to detect.
Also, modded/custom FW PS4's did exist and mods where available.
I have been maintaining BF servers since 2005 (scandinavia), and yes cheaters are more common on PC, but at the same time they are often dealth with much faster. More often then not for PC mp games, its easy to find good administred servers, where cheating is almost non-existant due to excellent moderation. Whereas on consoles, such servers arent as common, mostly being offcial servers which means no administration.
Another point, atleast for BF games, on pc you have less trouble with 13 year olds that only know DM. On pc i often can find really good conquest matches with very good teamplay/voip coordination etc. Also worth mentioning is that regarding online MP, this usually dies out rather quick on consoles, often leaving you without servers when a new BF game releases. On pc, even BF2 is still going strong, despite gamespy shutting down the servers, the community finds its way. Same for BC2, once in a while i boot it and still can find a server to my likings, almost ten years after release. On console, its dead and shutdown.
Even if i had to pay to be able to play online for PC, i'd still rather play there. The integration of kb/m is much better, too.
Also if we're talking BC and AAA exclusives then it's worth remembering that the PC is the only platform on which you can play pretty much all of Nintendo's back catalogue via emulators - provided you legally own the games already of course. I still regularly play the various Mario Kart incarnations - at higher resolution too.
Same for PS2 games, more often then not, running your old PS2 games using PCSX2 actually gives you 4k/60 and whatever effects/reshade effect you want, much faster loading and stable fps at that. Basically remasters.
Dolphin (GC) emulation is even better then PCSX2. Theres no xbox 2001 emulation though, but every other console prior that are possible.
That and, with the pc, your abit in the middle-land. You get all the pc games, MS games, and Sony games to an extend. Console matching hardware isnt as expensive as before either (90's and 2000's). A 3060Ti/6700XT system will get you there. I remember when OG xbox launched you needed a 4x00Ti, atleast, which didnt even exist on the consoles launch. Optimization on pc was a total disaster back then, too.
For the one time cost of $20 you can transform the Series console into a dev station that allows you to flip modes. In the developer mode, it allows you to run emulators written for it. Its not as extensive or easy as the PC world, but there are multiple youtube videos showing Series S running RetroArch and even some PS2 games being playable.
You do need to flip back and forth on the modes if you want to play normal commercial games.
Saw that on facebook, someone basically had XSS converted into a 'retro' box, playing PS2 games and more. Quite intresting, considering it plays next gen games at it too