UT2007 on 360?

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Bad_Boy said:
For what its worth, UT didnt come to the xbox1. Not that it wasnt possible, it just didnt. Unreal Championship on the other hand did. I dont think sony paid any money to port ut to ps2, I could be wrong on that.

The difference here is that UT was already 3 years old by the time the Xbox came out. Four years by the time UC was released. ;)
Heh, it's absolutely amazing. UT, which is supposed to be using the PPE and several SPEs (Edit: correct me if I'm wrong), is running reasonably well. But GoW, a game that should have alot more CPU time going into AI (both allies and enemies) than UT, running on a single core, only gets a little over 50% of the framerate (as most previews say it runs smoothly, hovers around 30, or only has a few problems with the framerate). Strange indeed. And, of course, it's obvious that GoW (which may have been the game with the most work put into its assetts so far, considering it was used to demo UE3) is using the same complexity of shaders, animations are equally complex, the levels are equally complex and dynamic, and so on and so forth.

Anyone who continues to use these asinine comparisons should, IMO, have their mouth duct taped. The same engine doesn't mean having the same things going on in them, and this should be a very "Durr!" kind of conclusion. You'd think, anyway. UT2K7 on PS3 dev kit (7800GTX and underclocked Cell, no?): 49fps. GoW (Xenos + 1 core of Xenon): ~30fps. Huxley (???): ~15fps (according to some). If the latter's on final hardware, I'd like to see the explanation of its poor performance since, apparently, an engine should perform the exact same across two games. Besides, GoW should be far more CPU limited than UT, and following from UT2K4.... ;)
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Alstrong said:
The difference here is that UT was already 3 years old by the time the Xbox came out. Four years by the time UC was released. ;)
You have a point. :D And i dont think Midway published that one. point taken.
TurnDragoZeroV2G said:
(7800GTX and underclocked Cell, no?): 49fps. GoW (Xenos + 1 core of Xenon): ~30fps. Huxley (???): ~15fps (according to some). If the latter's on final hardware, I'd like to see the explanation of its poor performance since, apparently, an engine should perform the exact same across two games. Besides, GoW should be far more CPU limited than UT, and following from UT2K4.... ;)

your comparing a demo with nothing but rendering and animation to gameplay with realtime physics, AI, animation, and any other game logic, it can be aything keeping the framerate down and I don't think it's the rendering

I can run a realtime demo on my pc at frame rates that a game looking the same way could never acheive
pegisys said:
your comparing a demo with nothing but rendering and animation to gameplay with realtime physics, AI, animation, and any other game logic, it can be aything keeping the framerate down and I don't think it's the rendering

I can run a realtime demo on my pc at frame rates that a game looking the same way could never acheive
I thought quote was from the new PSM. In which they were actually playing the game.
scooby_dooby said:
Just to point out another couple of quotes from this interview:

2:56 - "it'll be on PC first then we'll probably work on next generations consoles"

2:50 - "we're really excited about doing that on consoles as well as pc"

For a game you dont care about you sure love reaching and hoping it will make an apperance on your console of choice, or is it that you dont want to see the PS3 have anything that the 360 may not?
Think of it this way: Why doesn't Rein mention PS3 explicitly and only? That's scooby's point in bringing up all those quotations.

IMO, it seems they are just not excluding the option of porting to the X360.
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Kabbage said:
For a game you dont care about you sure love reaching and hoping it will make an apperance on your console of choice, or is it that you dont want to see the PS3 have anything that the 360 may not?

Don't care, I played Unreal Championship for maybe 20minutes, quit. I just think it's fun burstin bubbles that's all. Hate to burst yours ;)
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TurnDragoZeroV2G said:
The same engine doesn't mean having the same things going on in them, and this should be a very "Durr!" kind of conclusion. You'd think, anyway. UT2K7 on PS3 dev kit (7800GTX and underclocked Cell, no?): 49fps. GoW (Xenos + 1 core of Xenon): ~30fps. Huxley (???): ~15fps (according to some). If the latter's on final hardware, I'd like to see the explanation of its poor performance since, apparently, an engine should perform the exact same across two games. Besides, GoW should be far more CPU limited than UT, and following from UT2K4.... ;)

Ya you would think that would be pretty obvious, but that's just no fun!! Better to assume that same engine = same game, that way they can twist it into actually meaning something.

UT2007 - runs at acceptable framerates with a 6800 gpu according to sweeney
GOW - runs at 20-30 fps on sli-ed 6800's at e3

These are not the same game. There's really no reason to automatically assume they'll be graphically comparable since one is a PC-port and the other is a console exclusive.
I remember one interview where someone from Epic discussed how Utk7 would work with the new Xbox Live for 360... it was earlier in the year, maybe someone has it...
pegisys said:
your comparing a demo with nothing but rendering and animation to gameplay with realtime physics, AI, animation, and any other game logic, it can be aything keeping the framerate down and I don't think it's the rendering

I can run a realtime demo on my pc at frame rates that a game looking the same way could never acheive

Just fwiw, the author of the article in question wasnt referencing the E3 demo there, he was describing UT2K7's performance on the PS3 devkit (2.4ghz Cell + 7800GTX?).
They could be focusing on PS3 development so they can cash in on the US launch. When is this game supposed to be coming to PC? Not to mention the pointlessness of working on Gears of War and UT2007 (for Xbox 360) at the same time. Gears of War is coming out first and working on it is like indirectly working on a UT2007 360 port. If there are any problems at all I think it'll be with the physics. I expect they won't say yes or no to a 360 port until Gears of War is done and selling like hotcakes.
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scooby_dooby said:
Don't care, I played Unreal Championship for maybe 20minutes, quit. I just think it's fun burstin bubbles that's all. Hate to burst yours ;)

The funny thing is, we arent talking about Unreal Championship, and bursted what bubble exactly :|
pegisys said:
your comparing a demo with nothing but rendering and animation to gameplay with realtime physics, AI, animation, and any other game logic, it can be aything keeping the framerate down and I don't think it's the rendering

I can run a realtime demo on my pc at frame rates that a game looking the same way could never acheive
The UE3 demo ran at 60fps at e3 iirc. This new 49fps is for unoptimized ported game code, in ingame situations I'd pressume, iirc the e3 framerate.

liverkick said:
Just fwiw, the author of the article in question wasnt referencing the E3 demo there, he was describing UT2K7's performance on the PS3 devkit (2.4ghz Cell + 7800GTX?).

I think that's correct, and if it is indeed a totally unoptimized port then it probably is using only the underclocked ppe.
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