Uptake on 4K Gaming?

That's why I think working on lighting (RT etc...) over resolution is more important for the next hardware iteration. TV manufacturers might see it otherwise, but 8k isn't necessary yet IMO.
The 4k uptake is maybe faster for console simply because more of them use TV?

Probably. On PC, the priority for most serious gamers once you can hit 1080p or higher is Framerate > Resolution.

So high refresh rate 1080p and 1440p displays will almost always outsell 4k displays because the lower resolution displays have always supported a higher refresh rate. It also didn't help that most 4k displays were stuck at 60 Hz refresh for so very long on PC displays.

For consoles you generally use a TV and most TVs sold now-a-days support 4k. Then it's just a question, as a console gamer, of whether or not 120 Hz is important. Beyond that you generally can't get a higher than 120 Hz TV (there are a few that will go higher at lower resolutions, but it's still pretty darn rare). If you are getting a 1080p TV you're still generally going to be stuck with 120 Hz, either because the TV doesn't support higher or the console doesn't support higher. So, unlike PC gaming there's no reason to not get a 4k TV.
