Unreal Engine 5, [UE5 Developer Availability 2022-04-05]

If The Coalition makes the UE 5.X version, is it likely that MS will distribute this Xbox specific engine version to the mutiplatform developers?

What low-level coding needs to be done in Lumen to make code much faster on current consoles with good quality?
They didn't with their custom UE 4 branch. You may see sharing with the studios they have recently purchased but I wouldn’t expect them to share the tech with studios making games for Playstation too.
Previously The Coalition have been careful with the custom work they've done. * They wanted to move onto the next point releases of mainline UE. Presumably this also makes it easier for other MS studios to roll in The Coalition's optimisations to their own work, if they want?

*Probably a GDC talk
Is that supposed to look good? 😅

The art work looks so utterly bland and what is it with Zeus speaking with completely open mouth and teeth showing? And what about the body build on Kratos? Is he supposed to be a stick with muscles?
It is certainly not polished and a lot of things look hastily done. Even his blades are skinned with his body here. So the skinning and rigging is probably less than good. But the detail and lighting gives a good sign of how good a GoW could potentially look with this engine.

It is certainly not polished and a lot of things look hastily done. Even his blades are skinned with his body here. So the skinning and rigging is probably less than good. But the detail and lighting gives a good sign of how good a GoW could potentially look with this engine.

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Why so harsh? It's a fan made demo, and this is not wctech

Sorry, I didn't realise it was a solo project from a fan of the game.

Which would explain my initial reaction 😅
Really enjoying dipping in and out of Jusant. I think it's pretty much the perfect advert for a small UE5 title. It looks absolutely lovely. So instead of screenshots I'll convey that with my dyslexic ramblings instead. :)
Was actually gonna come post the same thing when I finish (I'm about 2/3 of the way though). If people want a nice, polished UE5 title that runs well and makes use of the new tech in stylistic ways, it's a great game. I would post screenshots but it's a game where the discovery and story is tied a lot to your progression through the world/game so I don't want to ruin any of that for folks, as I'm finding myself getting more curious about all that as the game reveals more too.

It's also a great palette cleanser in between putting embarrassing numbers of hours into Ark SA with my wife :LOL:
I did briefly switch from playing Jusant on PC to XSX. While the Xbox mostly looks great, the 'hot' area has a really unsatisfactory red heat effect. It's like diluted ketchup being thrown at the camera. Didn't notice that effect on PC. It was mostly nice heat haze, which the Xbox might also have, but I've only thought about it in retrospect.
Unfortunately after jaw dropping UE5 demos actual games on consoles are not living up to the hype. Terrible performance, bad image quality. The best looking games on consoles are running on custom engines. Perhaps UE5 is simply too ambitious for this HW.
Unfortunately after jaw dropping UE5 demos actual games on consoles are not living up to the hype. Terrible performance, bad image quality. The best looking games on consoles are running on custom engines. Perhaps UE5 is simply too ambitious for this HW.

You might be generalising, but since you were following on from my post...The XSX version of Jusant seemed good to me, it was just a visual effect on that version that stuck me as odd, rather than anything particular to UE5.

If you weren't playing versions back to back I'd doubt you'd notice.
Unfortunately after jaw dropping UE5 demos actual games on consoles are not living up to the hype. Terrible performance, bad image quality. The best looking games on consoles are running on custom engines. Perhaps UE5 is simply too ambitious for this HW.
Not surprising, its the second gen in a row that epic has fumbled the ball. In the lead up to the ps4, they showed the elemental demo running pc. Then at the sony press conference, they showed it running on ps4 and the downgrades were apparent. What followed was a whole generation of technically troubled UE4 games. I imagine the same will happen here. The matrix demo showed the consoles stretched at the seams with very poor image quality and sub 30fps frame rates. The games that have followed have been utterly disappointing. I might be misremembering but even UE3 struggled on the PS360. It seems epic has a knack for missing the target.
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You might be generalising, but since you were following on from my post...The XSX version of Jusant seemed good to me, it was just a visual effect on that version that stuck me as odd, rather than anything particular to UE5.

If you weren't playing versions back to back I'd doubt you'd notice.
I am generalizing. I am looking at Lords of the fallen wich dosent run good on any console, Remnant2, same thing, Imortals of avernum or whatever it’s called wich was a disaster pretty much. It dosent look good in general. I think right now the best looking and running UE5 game on consoles is probably Tekken 8?