Unreal Engine 5, [UE5 Developer Availability 2022-04-05]

Maybe it's an impression based mostly on 'bad' console HWRT performance? But likely the difference between both approaches is just larger than i think. UE docs do not really go into details, though.
SW Lumen has many screen space elements, which enables it to run faster. It also has way less range and ignores dynamic objects, the resolution of reflections/global illumination is also way lower.

Regardless - my point is that if the goal is to make HW as fast as SW, it should be possible to get there easily by decreasing the detail of the slower method.
Or it should make HW Lumen use RT cores more effectively, currently I don't think they are any where close to saturating RT cores in NVIDIA hardware at least.
On another topic:

To this day I have not seen an UE5 game that looks truly awe-inspiring or ground-breaking. Great art direction has been in serious recession for a long time now, which is very unfortunate considering the canvas and tools developers have at their disposal.
All the games that released started as UE4 games and we're updated late in development.
We will really see what a game designed for UE5 looks like a year or so from now
Lords of the Fallen looks like it's not going to be the UE5 title that causes us to relax, erm, our performance anxiety. From Eurogamer's review:

What's worse is the game's performance. The developer has frequently updated the game during the review period to make significant improvements, and promises to continue up until public release, but I can't recommend Lords of the Fallen from what I've played. On PS5, the framerate frequently stutters, textures pop in, visual effects like weather are awkwardly blurry, enemy AI is wonkily unpredictable between runs, and there's a horrible film grain on by default to cover the cracks. Initially a bug meant I had to play without sound at all, though this was fixed. Later, a castle area had a frame rate so bad it was practically unplayable - I ignored enemies and ran through it as best I could to just reach the end. This has also since been fixed, by crudely locking a door to block off half the area. I'll leave the full analysis to Digital Foundry...
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Lords of the Fallen looks like it's not going to be the UE5 title that causes us to relax, erm, our performance anxiety. From Eurogamer's review:

I had been wondering if Hexworks were being too ambitious for a new studio (this is their first title). It's too bad that Deck13 weren't able (not allowed or not interested?) to continue work on the series.

Related: Jusant (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1977170/Jusant/) comes out in a couple weeks and I really enjoyed the look of the demo. I too am excited to see more photorealistic UE5 stuff in the future but Jusant demo/game is definitely worth a try!
Jusant's demo was so fun I stopped playing so I could just wait for the full game.

Looking forward to a game that's not some hyper over ambitious title by a relatively small studio blasting PR and "UE5!!!" all over the place running on UE. Demo ran perfectly as it was.
Related: Jusant (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1977170/Jusant/) comes out in a couple weeks and I really enjoyed the look of the demo. I too am excited to see more photorealistic UE5 stuff in the future but Jusant demo/game is definitely worth a try!

So I tried this out and some interesting findings from a performance stand point.


The settings marked as low are the ones that impact performance. In a location i chose, i was getting 118fps with everything maxed out and then when those were set to low, the FPS maxed out my monitor at 175hz. I couldn't be bothered to uncap and see what it would be but it's a big enough jump.

Also notable was that it wasn't really loading up the GPU or CPU heavily. You'd think as I load up the GPU (4090 with power limits maxed and oc'd), it'd start pushing the GPU harder but power draw remained the same. CPU barely did anything as well. This is at 3440x1440 using TSR but resolution scaling maxed so no upscaling. In actual playthrough, maxed out, I was dropping into 90's at times.
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Lords of the Fallen supports software and hardware Lumen. But like in other UE5 games the base performance is so bad that hardware Lumen does not really seem a practical option.
And like others UE5 games the lighting system is just not good enough for the performance. When there is no direct light source every (moving) object looks out of place with no shadows and even no AO:
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Lords of the Fallen supports software and hardware Lumen. But like in other UE5 games the base performance is so bad that hardware Lumen does not really seem a practical option.
And like others UE5 games the lighting system is just not good enough for the performance. When there is no direct light source every (moving) object looks out of place with no shadows and even no AO:

How do we know it's hardware Lumen? The perf delta at 4K between Ultra GI/Reflections (~60fps) and Medium GI/Reflections (~70fps) is 16% which isn't bad although I couldn't see any visual differences.
I may be misremembering but I don’t recall the tech press referring to programmable shading as “hardware accelerated” even in the early DX9 days. Hardware acceleration has usually referred to fixed function non-programmable stuff.

Hardware acceleration is traditionally defined as offloading CPU tasks to specialized hardware that can perform the work more efficiently.

This specialized hardware has often been fixed function but the definition of hardware acceleration doesn’t mandate it. The programmability of modern GPUs doesn’t break the definition either.

Typical tasks performed on programmable shaders still benefit from the wide parallel nature of GPUs and is still accelerated in the traditional sense.

I guess there is work that can be pushed off onto a GPU or other hardware where the handoff isn’t motivated by acceleration but rather reducing the workload of the CPU. Allowing the CPU to focus on more pertinent tasks. Those tasks wouldn’t be consider “accelerated” per se.
Hardware acceleration is traditionally defined as offloading CPU tasks to specialized hardware that can perform the work more efficiently.

That’s clearly not true. GPU SIMDs run graphics shader code much faster than CPUs. Nobody calls that hardware acceleration.
How do we know it's hardware Lumen? The perf delta at 4K between Ultra GI/Reflections (~60fps) and Medium GI/Reflections (~70fps) is 16% which isn't bad although I couldn't see any visual differences.
The setting info says for "Reflection quality" and "Global Illumination quality" "Settings of 'High' and above use more accurate ray tracing methods to solve [reflections | lighting], but can reduce performance".
That’s clearly not true. GPU SIMDs run graphics shader code much faster than CPUs. Nobody calls that hardware acceleration.

Nobody readily calls it that anymore because it’s basically a given. Rendering on a cpu has been known as “software” rendering since forever. Rendering on a GPU was and still is considered hardware accelerated.

Fixed function vs programmable isn’t a defining criteria for hardware acceleration because if you threw tasks on fixed function that performed at the same level as a cpu there is nothing being accelerated.

GPUs, DSPs, DPUs and other hardware can be considered accelerators even if programmable as long as they are specialized enough to perform their given task much faster than a CPU can.
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The setting info says for "Reflection quality" and "Global Illumination quality" "Settings of 'High' and above use more accurate ray tracing methods to solve [reflections | lighting], but can reduce performance".

Can't assume that. Talos principle's settings menu said the same thing but it did not enable hardware raytracing.
