Unreal Engine 5, [UE5 Developer Availability 2022-04-05]

This engine would be great for a Superman / Man of Steel game. Even with this small sample, it still feels like a huge living Metropolis while flying around. The amount of geometry, life-like vertically structures, insane amount of traffic/NPCs, high frequency details/textures, and everything else that is going on, it's just ungodly at this point. I really can't believe PS5 and XBSX/S are actually capable of handling such an engine. I really want this demo on PC, so I can crank up the settings even further.

Since they'll be including this project within the samples when the engine releases for real, you'll be able to do it that way, if you are willing to put in the effort to compile the demo yourself.
But when you eat in the matrix, you don't in the real world.

I'm a party pooper !
"Ugh, human 8F42A91CC07ABF913220E has soiled his statis pod. Again. For the third time in this orbital time interval."
"When is root gonna finally admit we need to roll back that Taco Bell update?"
"They said the world emulation construct must be imperfect or else the human cognition would revolt, so here we are I guess."
"When are we moving to all fusion energy and ditching this garbage human power?"

/Our Robot Overlords in another 400 years, probably
Dude, thank you so much for all the transparency. As it is right now, does HLOD have multiple levels too, or just one?
Unfortunately you're poking a bit beyond my knowledge of the details in this case... I know some of the projects have used an "HLOD0" that keeps the Nanite stuff effectively identical but strips out some of the other engine stuff (fine grained physics/collision/whatever you don't need at a certain distance). I believe AncientGame was mostly "HLOD0". I believe Matrix Awakens has some distance at which it is actually doing geometric collapse of geometry into fewer instances too (HLOD1+?), but I'm not sure about the details. I'm also not entirely sure how much of this is baked into the engine vs. convention. Some documentation here, but a bit sparse on the details:

And do theses colapsed models also get to be processed through Nanite?
Yes, I'm pretty sure they are also Nanite per the visualization. I'm not sure what sort of mesh processing happens before they get passed back to Nanite though.

Are you guys researching ways to also make that part of it as automated as possible and a integral part of nanite itself?
I'm not sure on the specific efforts on that front either. Nanite being able to handle higher instance counts obviously makes the need for aggressive HLODs smaller (and there's still space to optimize the instance culling that Nanite does with a hierarchical acceleration structure of its own that will likely be revisited at some point), but as mentioned there are other reasons why HLOD exists for non-rendering parts of the engine as well, so I'm not sure how the constraints interact there.
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I don't care how good the trees look. If they can't move, especially move realistically, then they're only useful for tech demos and steam shovelware.
The Matrix Awakens is STUNNING to behold on PS5 (finally got one). On XBSS it's still STUNNING, just a little less.

I am happy to be living in this gaming future. I want to learn more, for instance Cerny spent time talking about the audio casting rays in some presentations. I would assume UE will support that in hardware if it doesn't already?

I wonder what kind of realtime destruction models we might see this gen.Rainbow 6 Siege excels in that department, and I'm excited for the new gen to bring wonders in the next 7 years.
The Matrix Awakens is STUNNING to behold on PS5 (finally got one). On XBSS it's still STUNNING, just a little less.

I am happy to be living in this gaming future. I want to learn more, for instance Cerny spent time talking about the audio casting rays in some presentations. I would assume UE will support that in hardware if it doesn't already?

I wonder what kind of realtime destruction models we might see this gen.Rainbow 6 Siege excels in that department, and I'm excited for the new gen to bring wonders in the next 7 years.

I think it looks superb. Its amazing how stylized it makes a lot of the new AAA's look already, almost cartoonish in comparison, although I appreciate that photorealism isn't a goal for most games. Can you seriously imagine what future gen simulation games will look like though once we cross the whole uncanny valley (and not just on human rendering), especially with full destruction etc. I know this is early in the current gen still, but there's already a part of me drooling for what we are likely to get 10th gen onwards. I'm intrigued as to the empathy we may show towards NPC's when they are close to indistinguishable, will we think twice about 'killing' someone in a game or will we develop a conscious and just feel differently towards them? Intriguing.