I just have to comment on this oneThe problem you don't understand, is that point clouds don't need TEXTURES. Textures are purely a POLY thing. Point cloud data includes the texture as part of the point cloud, and also includes the COLOR.
You don't NEED terabytes of texture data. However, unlike a poly, which is basically three coords and a bunch of texture data, you instead have 10k point objects.
10k colored points per object... That equals texture detail comparable to 100x100 texture unwrapped around the object (100*100=10k). Assuming the object is somewhat box shaped, we can approximately split this detail to it's six faces. So one box side has 1666 points. If the points are equally spread around the box face you get (color) detail comparable to a 40*40 texture per box face (40*40=1600)...
Assuming I need to have the (essential) toxic waste containers in my game, with signs and the warning text at each six box sides, the 40x40 points (color values) per box side is nowhere enough. Current games use 512x512 textures to make their toxic waste containers look good (sharp surface texture detail). That's 163x more color data than the 40x40 point cloud detail can offer.
So you either need to bump up the point amount to match the texture detail of current generation games, or you need to have more (separate) color (texture) data than position (point cloud) data. Separate color (texture) detail and geometry detail has it's advantages.
I have done some point cloud / voxel rendering research myself (I coder has to have some hobbies after all). And personally I feel that storing texture coordinate data (a big virtual texture) to the points/voxels instead of color/normal/material data has it's advantages. Instead of doing some screen space gap filling / parameter smoothing (to smooth the "point sampled" point/voxel material parameters and normals), you can just interpolate the texture coordinates. The virtual texture contains high quality color, material properties and normals that can be filtered properly. And the artists can freely create higher (or lower) texture detail compared to geometry detail, and curved surfaces have perfect specular highlights (virtual texture stores object/world space normals). This kind of point cloud rendering could also combine really well with a g-buffer that only stores texture coordinates (to a virtual texture cache). The voxel renderer would only need to output texture coordinates and depth values to the g-buffer. All other parts of the rendering pipeline could be done efficiently with current rendering techniques.