These guys really make all these LazyDevs Remasterers (TM) look like children.
I think its more because of the Jak and Daxter like animations in the cutscenes. This makes you realise how far ND had progressed with UC2 and then 3. These animations look totally cartoony and ps2 like now, when compared to UC2 and 3. But as soon as the gameplay kicks in, it still has the same charm.Cinematics feel kinda weird at 60fps. Gameplay's better, but... that 'motion blur' is kinda bad...
At 60fps?? With no visible compression artifacts??? Doubt it.
I fully expect a lot of the assets to be shared between the games. I'm sure a lot of textures were redone from U1 thru U2 thru U3 but which use a single texture asset in the remaster. Ditto sound effects, music scores, models, animations etc etc.All on a single dual-layer BD disk ? I wonder, unless you end up with an install size of e.g. ~100 GB in total for all 3 games. Imagine
even the digital distribution.
9-10 hours sounds about right. Perhaps a bit less on easy mode if you just want it for the story experience.BTW, approximately how long is each game?
I don't want to risk losing PT
I meant by migrating to a larger HDD. Hopefully Sony might consider allowing external HDD for storage.
BTW, approximately how long is each game?