Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PS4]

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Can't wait to see Elena in a nextgened up version, imagine the life like skin shaders, eye reflection, hair physics, uber smooth silhouette, cloth physics and sweat shaders etc, damn I don't think PS4 is ready for this.
You wont be disappointed, they have muscle simulation on character models now, so gluteus maximus should move exactly as how a gluteus maximus moves in real life;). Personally I fancy
Chloe's ass

Huh, interesting to know. Where did you get that info from?
Hummmmn, Next gen Chloe's ass.......
There's no way to have simulation in realtime. The artists are probably talking about some simple extra bones and Maya trickery as seen in the Last of Us rigging presentation.
There's no way to have simulation in realtime. The artists are probably talking about some simple extra bones and Maya trickery as seen in the Last of Us rigging presentation.

Are we talking purely from a computational standpoint? Meaning; to taxing on current XB1/PS4/PC hardware. Doesn't the Euphoria and CryEngine support realtime muscle simulation?
Jesus, it was a joke. And no, of course the kinds of muscle deformations as featured in movies like The Mummy, Hollowman, Avatar etc. ain't gonna happen in real-time anytime soon.
Jesus, it was a joke. And no, of course the kinds of muscle deformations as featured in movies like The Mummy, Hollowman, Avatar etc. ain't gonna happen in real-time anytime soon.

I wasn't specifically addressing Uncharted 4, or the jokeing nature of Sully's arse... but rather muscle simulation in gaming. And no, not at Hollywood rendering standards... but something beyond standard precanned animation.
Well, in that case that already sort of happened. I think even the first Uncharted had a couple of extra joints in Nate's arms to simulate his bizeps motions.
I think games had helper joints well before the PS360 generation, at least on PCs with GPUs that supported skinning.
Here you go

There's no way to have simulation in realtime. The artists are probably talking about some simple extra bones and Maya trickery as seen in the Last of Us rigging presentation.

Trickery! The digital equivalent of taping a bunch of cats together :runaway:
Sorry but if you guys get realistically modelled and bouncing girl butts, I want hyper realistic and shapeshifting bulges, according to the mood! At least on Drake! :runaway:
Sorry man, the title is A Thief's End.

They are of course referring to Chloe's.

[Clap, rub hands]

When's the release date ?
lol you guys should just spend more time on Skyrim and mod the hell out of it with HDT. Then you can get all the bouncing you want :)
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