Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PS4]

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See the brand new Uncharted 4 trailer at the Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiere weekend in select US theaters!


That's very smart advertising. Hopefully it won't take them too long to upload it to YouTube. :p
That's a first for ND, iirc they didn't do any CG trailers for TLOU, or previous Uncharted games. But I do agree that it is smart advertising by Sony.
Yeah, good point. It wouldn't look as impressive on the big screen. Now they can make it look good among the film trailers that will undoubtedly be shown as well.
For all we know it's still using realtime assets, but spruced up and rendered in 4k at least so that it doesn't look like a jaggy mess on those huge screens. Makes total sense to me, sorry. The times I saw games trailers at the cinema, they looked horrendous, with pixels the size of my sofa.

As if Sony would ever let their biggest title look anything but stunning, just before a visual feast like Star Wars!
Yeah, good point. It wouldn't look as impressive on the big screen. Now they can make it look good among the film trailers that will undoubtedly be shown as well.

Nah, it'll look great, as long as they don't play it directly off the PSN feed.

I have a 3.2m diagonal screen (projector) at home displaying at fullhd (1080p) at a viewing to screen distance of around 4 meters. In other words, the perceived screensize is probably quite similar to what you get at the theaters as long as you don't sit closer than the first 3rd. I assume theaters are 4k, so if I was Sony, I'd render any trailer at that resolution to make sure the jaggies aren't the size of L-Bs couch for those sitting in the first row. :LOL:
Apparently the CGI trailer is very brief, while the BTS stuff is over 2 minutes long.
So I just saw this at my theatre, IMAX showing in Hooksett, NH.

There was BTS footage, showing Nolan North and Troy Baker doing Mocap stuff, with Bruce and so on discussing the impact of the focus on the story and ideals behind the game design, which was pretty cool. Troy and Nolan both weighed in on some stuff, and they showed some of the footage and then the overlay of the mocap of the moment in the scene, which was impressive.

The CG scene was really brief, with a really solemn piece to tie into it, with a sort of tagline, dramatic flash-scene, just something as a splash image, the BTS was much more impressive and a more than 2 minutes long, so that was the real 'meat' of it.

They also showed the Star Wars 'nostalgia' commercial for Battlefront leading into the opening of the movie as well.

All in all, definitely a solid PS4 representation, hah.
That's very smart advertising.
smart? huh, bang for the buck?
Its prolly the most expensive ad slot ever in cinema, OK I would ignore that if ppl had the chance to buy it afterwards .... but they dont, it doesnt release until months afterward.
Very expensive ad slot which is most likely watched by a high percentage of ppl that already know of the game = not a good investment
What a load of rubbish.

Yes, ads are expensive, but clearly Sony wants to go all out on this and are looking to attracts people who might not have a ps4 and/or heard of UC4. Since EVERYBODY and their grandma will go see Star Wars, odds are that the vast majority of them belong in that category.

TV ads are also very expensive yet we see them all the time, even in very expensive slots.

Whether that's a good investment or not, it will depend on how the product sells.
You have to go deeper.

Star Wars is the biggest movie in 2015 -> The soundtrack of Star Wars is being composed by John Williams -> John Williams is also the composer of the Indiana Jones soundtrack -> Uncharted is clearly inspired by Indiana Jones

It all makes sense now :yep2:
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smart? huh, bang for the buck?
Its prolly the most expensive ad slot ever in cinema, OK I would ignore that if ppl had the chance to buy it afterwards .... but they dont, it doesnt release until months afterward.
Very expensive ad slot which is most likely watched by a high percentage of ppl that already know of the game = not a good investment

Why does it matter whether or not people can buy it after seeing the ad? That's completely irrelevant. Sony wants to showcase Uncharted 4 to a wider audience, and doing that during the premiere of a new Star Wars movie is a good move, no matter how much it costs.

You make it sound as if Uncharted is just as mainstream as Star Wars is. As you said yourself, everybody and their grandma will go see Star Wars, which means a lot of people who've never heard of Uncharted before will be exposed to it.

Your logic is flawed.
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