Uncharted 3

What's realistic and what's not will depend from person to person when you compare two different games with different style, and the kind of fire and the lighting situation in both condition is completely different to draw a comparison. If we are to draw random comparison to random games then I'll give Farcry 2 a mention here as no game surpass the fire effects and behavior seen in that game.

Yeah FC2 for doing it in open areas and truly dynamic. Though Mafia 2 has great progressing fire in the demo mission (at end in the warestore) depeding o ntime spent, with or without physics by PhysX.

Bad Company Vietnam sure shows a lot of scene fire to. At 0:22.


Alone in the Dark 5 has some nice to and it's progressive.


Anyway they are all nice, U3s to in different ways and taking into consideration playarea.
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This ?

That's more like it. ^_^
But too "corridor-like".

Bad Company Vietnam sure shows a lot of scene fire to. At 0:22.


Even better !

Ironically, I prefer KZ2's fire from the flame thrower/napalm gun. It's more smooth and continuous.

The U3 burning mansion will have more psychological and gameplay impact though. Being trapped in a burning mansion is different from seeing a mountain on fire. I think in some U3 scenes, the entire floor was burning and you have to prevent Nate from falling into it. Seeing patches of fire spaced apart is not so impactful.

The Alone in the Dark fire is much more interesting visually and from gameplay perspective.
What's realistic and what's not will depend from person to person when you compare two different games with different style, and the kind of fire and the lighting situation in both condition is completely different to draw a comparison.
LOL? Both are third person shooters. Both scenes are within a wooden structure on fire. Not only that, but the actual comparison is about the sprites, which in RE4 (and Capcom games after that) represent fire much better.

The RE4 fire does look more natural. The ones in the U3 video look more repetitive. I think people are surprised at the extent of the fire in the burning mansion though. The scale is on another level. Not to mention, other stuff is running in parallel (e.g., Nathan's dynamic blended animation, dynamic lighting from the deferred renderer). Some of us will eventually see this in 3D too.
On the dynamic lighting. How much of that level is actually realtime dynamic lights and how much is lightmapping?
Should be more than RE4 on Wii right ? We will find out when the game is released.

NaughtyDog has done excellent snow and water in previous games. From the trailer, we know U3 will feature sand and fire (plus improved water). I'd be surprised if they can't top what we saw in KZ2 a year ago. I see the burning mansion as the target they are after.
Not only that, but the actual comparison is about the sprites, which in RE4 (and Capcom games after that) represent fire much better.

...as do Far Cry 2, Alone In The Dark, etc, all have better fire. It just depends on what games you've played in the past, that will affect what you think of U3's fire, or any games effects in general. Past experiences really matter. Those that play a small subset of games on one console are likely to be more impressed, while others that play many games on all platforms are far less likely to be impressed. Just depends on your point of view, hence why some people report shock and awe and others meh at the same game videos.
That's certainly true, but I think for ND games. There is a sense of anticipation since they have done so well in past Uncharted games. It's natural to expect them to do more.

I don't think RE4 fire is better than U3. The scope is clearly very different.
is this seriously talking about the fire effects? seriously. whether FC2's, fire was better or not means nothing considering the whole game was rubbish by comparison. i'll take a good experience in a game over some good fire effects.
I don't think RE4 fire is better than U3. The scope is clearly very different.

Ah, I read RE4 and automatically assumed the newest one. I don't remember RE4's anymore, way too many games played since then, but RE5's are better and large in scope as well. I think Mafia 2 also has lots of whole room fire effects but we could go on and on as large scale fire effects have been done many times now. PS3 games have done it as well for those that venture outside of just console exclusive games, but naturally they are at 1/4 res to accommodate the hardware. ND'd blurs them a bit as well so they seem softer but you can still see halo's and other artifacts on the edges where they interact with the world like in U2. Again, how much you notice depends what you are used to and what you have played.

I'm more interested if they have finally found a way in U3 to seamlessly integrate 1/4 res effects like fire with the environment without edge artifacts, and with art that doesn't look all blurry. If the fire isn't truly dynamic like in Far Cry 2 then there are ways to cheat to minimize edge artifacts. But I wonder if the will try more hardcore steps like two pass fire, render most of it 1/4 res and render the intersecting edges at full res, stuff like that. Just looking at it currently as a fire effect it's no big deal, to me anyways. But if they solved the edge aliasing issue on PS3 then that would be neat.
is this seriously talking about the fire effects? seriously. whether FC2's, fire was better or not means nothing considering the whole game was rubbish by comparison. i'll take a good experience in a game over some good fire effects.

Any day ! But it would be nice for ND to integrate fire into gameplay, like Alone in the Dark, or like water in U1 and U2, and moving train in U2.

[1/4 res particle buffer rant]

I saw some of the higher res fire effect above but I don't think it matters much. In fact, the Flamelurker level in Demon's Souls has no/little environment fire but it's the most imposing "fire/heat" I have experienced in any game.

I like the dynamic fire in "Alone in the Dark" much better. FC2 probably has it too. Depends on how they are integrated into the experience I guess.
is this seriously talking about the fire effects? seriously. whether FC2's, fire was better or not means nothing considering the whole game was rubbish by comparison. i'll take a good experience in a game over some good fire effects.
RE4's fire sprites look far more realistic and the game certainly isn't rubbish at all :p
Yes, it's best to have great visual and gameplay at the same time.

The RE4 fire sprite indeed looks more natural, but it pales in terms of scale and scope compared to the settings in U3. Since the developers picked this scene as a showcase, I'm sure we will see more of this level in the coming months. I would love to see what they can do in the final game. ^_^
Is it just me or does this new Nathan Drake model look a bit different, and, actually, not as good as the one in UC2?
The game looks stunning, as usual in Uncharted games. Such graphics technology would be great to make free, crazy games where you can do unexpected things -which is common in Uncharted judging from the videos-.

I think with a setting like that I would be madly into freeform roleplaying. Man, that would be neat. One minute I'd be playing a magical orb from an ancient civilization who used to be a demigod but got accidentally transformed into a full of goodwill teenage mallgoth by a couple of talking cats who were actually space aliens and just trying to take over the kingdom. And then the next minute I would be playing a horde of giant really evil world-ending lizards.

But I won't continue before my story gets dumb. Structured games lacks the capacity for silliness of freeform roleplaying. Structure is not a problem with Uncharted games though --albeit most badly run structured games can get really slow.

I also think Nathan's looks different but not ostensibly, he just looks a bit older? We will see how the story plays out.