So, there's this fake valve interview running around, where the guy says they are running 93-95% on 360 and PS3's boundry is unknown. That one.
One of the things I was arguing on another forum to point out the article was fake, is this supposed Dev at one point says they are running HL2 physics on RSX.
So I mentioned this as a clue it's not a real dev. Because this isn't possible, I said.
But then I got to thinking..why not?
Shouldn't consoles be the ideal place for this sort of hackery?
We heard about physics on GPU in the PC space..why absolutely zero on consoles?
One of the things I was arguing on another forum to point out the article was fake, is this supposed Dev at one point says they are running HL2 physics on RSX.
So I mentioned this as a clue it's not a real dev. Because this isn't possible, I said.
But then I got to thinking..why not?
Shouldn't consoles be the ideal place for this sort of hackery?
We heard about physics on GPU in the PC space..why absolutely zero on consoles?