RussSchultz said:
All you people who say "sharing makes people buy more" should look at China and see exactly what a free for all does to the intellectual property market.
sharing doesn't make people buy more IP, but it also doesn't significantly hamper real creative growth IMO. I live in Shanghai, and the music and art scenes are quite exciting, and
pleasantly free from bullshit hype (and are a pale shade of what you'll find in Beijing). You still have 99% of morons who wander around like zombies, obsessed with pop radio and movies, but for the 1% of kids interested in giving back they have their outlets, and it is good.
This is the benefit
I perceive from elimination of Intellectual Property. The sad thing is that Shanghai is very capitalist, and advertising dominates the rest of the scene, much as it does in America. Mostly, it is American infomercial compainies advertising the same bullshit they do on infomercials in the US, only, sadly, without even a hint of a BBB to keep things clean. I have little sympathy for salesmen of all types, unless I
ask for them.
RussSchultz said:
My means has nothing to do with whether or not taking it without permission is theft.
This argument will never hold water with me. Your means will
always have
everything to do with property rights, because it is almost
always the rish who want more of them, and the poor who think their lives are hard enough already. You may feel empowered by God or yourself or whatever you worship to hold your belongings forever, but I assure you that we are all
permitted (as in
given that right by our neighbors and their neighbors) to exist as we do on this Earth. Never forget that.
That said, the arguments presented here for piracy of software not being theft, in particular, are dim. A friend of mine put it in great perspective awhile back. Especially with regards to Photoshop, 3DSMax, and Macromedia, what vehement pirates forget is that they are destroying legitimate competition. It's true that I wouldn't buy 3DSMax, but what about a donation to gmax? It's true that
you wouldn't buy Photoshop, but what about Paint Shop Pro? what about a donation to the gimp? Macromedia, well... I can't say there are alternatives to that. they were even more proprietary than Adobe. ^^;
I have pirated things before, but, I have made a habit (no it was not easy and I think if I hadn't FORCED myself I would have just stolen everything) of paying for anything I use. I've even registered my WinRAR. XD And even though it is quasi-legal here, I certainly haven't fooled myself into thinking it's
not stealing. 9_9;