_xxx_ said:
I'm still waiting for someone hwo BOUGHT Photoshop or 3DSMax for home use. Just an example, insert any app which costs a few grands.
:Raises Hand:
I actually have PS, the Macromedia suite, and other tools for website development (a hobby I am now trying to make money at). I do not make much money, but I feel obligated to pay the hard working individuals who create software to reward them for the use of their product. Anything less is not fair. And this is not a cheap proposition: the two together is like $1,600.00. I could not get a student discount because I knew that I would attempt to make money using the products. $1,600 is about my take home from my previous job and a lot more than I make now. It is also more than an entire months worth of bills.
But you know what? It is the right thing to do.
I know a lot of software developers (lived in the Seattle area) and I have known a lot to lose their jobs. While not everyone who pirates software would have bought it, a significant portion would. Yet I am left paying THEIR bill because these companies are required to charge more to honest clients. Basically I pay for other people's free handout and it is wrong.
But the alternative is worse. When I see guys like ERP, DeanoC, and the other devs and hear about how HARD and LONG they work, they really deserve to be compensated for their time. It is a business and it is their livelyhood. It is the least I can do.
Sadly, the rampant piracy in the PC industry, imo, is one of the reasons we have huge publishers like EA. The small guys have no chance on their own.
In the end piracy is a belief that people should have something that they did not work for. It is rooted in selfishness. People absolve themselves of guilt by referencing a bad movie, game, song, etc... as an excuse to take the hard work that others are selling and entertain themselves for free.
As a creator of content, I have a right to say who can, and cannot, use it. I can give it away for free, I can sell it for little, or I can charge an arm and a leg for it. It is mine to do as I please. If someone is not happy about that they should choose a different product. I do create digital learning content and when people steal that it hurts my family. I spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours to create it and make a viable product. An language audio series is not different from a mucisian creating a song or a potter making a jar. Different formats, but still hard work. And when people use it without permission the creator suffers.
I know these views will recieve venomous responses of how stupid I am and "foul" and to those individuals nothing will change your mind, so please enjoy the media others worked hard to create so they could feed their families. Enjoying it is the least you can do.
In the end electronic media like movies, games, and music is not a necessity. It is not food, water, clothing, etc... You do not need it to live. I do without a lot of things because I cannot afford them. A lot of media I would like, media other hard working individuals create, is one of them. I cannot afford it but I respect their right to distribute it how they wish. And being without does not harm me in the least.