Unfortunately it seems in this new video, the framerate has gone way down compared to before.
I think it`s just the video, the HS vid from that site is very choppy as well.
Unfortunately it seems in this new video, the framerate has gone way down compared to before.
"Each generation" still means only PS1->PS2.They have got form for dropping characters each generation. I was outraged when they dropped Crash, but Jak was much better..
Q: Is he the perfect hero?
Like most of the great heroes of cinema, Nathan is fallible and sometimes even clumsy. In a gunfight, he’s likely to blindly fire back over his shoulder as he dives for cover rather than calmly line up a long distance sniper shot. Throw him into a brawl and he has no fancy martial arts training to fall back on - but a wild haymaker might just do the trick.
Q: How do you create the various locations?
We decided to go down a route that brings emotion to photorealism – it is not about being overly exact but about creating an experience. We are not looking to the games industry for inspiration; we’re looking to film and to the very latest techniques being employed there. And we’ve revisited the creative process - for example, all characters and environments have been modelled from scratch rather than acquired through scanning – allowing total artistic freedom.
Shaders dictate the way light interacts with objects. For example, sub-surface lighting allows us to capture the light of a torch shining through the skin of a hand, or sunlight shining around and through the thin leaves on a tree. And we haven’t used tile-sets, so every element of the background environment is unique. We’ve layered different textures together to create truly individual objects.
And high-dynamic range lighting means, for example, that your character’s eye must adjust to different light – stare at the sun then stare into a dark area and you will have to wait for your pupils to dilate!
Q: We hear you also spent a significant amount of time on animation.
Yes - this is all about bringing characters to life and we have some of the best programmers and technicians on board working on movement and combat. We wanted Nathan to have realistic movement and believable weight and physics – we wanted him to feel like a 190-pound guy moving around. And we wanted him to move fluidly without popping from state to state or from one animation to the next.
But we also wanted him to feel very responsive to the player. The answer has been hard work with Nathan already having more than 1,200 unique animations to his name, with more being added daily. In comparison, Jak only had around 200!
no shit. this game is starting to look like Crysis jungle's level in DX9.0 mode. i wonder how much more ND would push it in the final game. they said somefin about using 30% of SPEs at current stage.