What are the likely business decisions behind releasing such a great core game with so little content (only 3 mechs/ no customizations, few game modes, limitation in weapon customizations, poor delivery on story, no clan support, no private lobby support,etc)?
The game is still a must buy for XO fans but what instead of responding to criticism with justifications and defense, and the merits of doing this, what were the likely business decisions behind doing this?
Did EA not have enough faith in Respawn and not give them extra dev time to create more content? Yes yes yes all games have timelines and budgets, and Respawn is smaller, but so are the dev costs because of it. Couldn't EA see that the game has the potential to be game of the year with more content? Content vs BF4 & CoD is lacking despite those having tired, played out, exhausted gameplay/themes.
Maybe this was done to get gamers to buy more content?
Perhaps EA was concerned with Titanfall competitnig with other EA releases so required them to release in this March Window?
Perhaps despite getting awards after awards, being an unproven untested product EA execs who want to take minimal risk chose to limit how much they spend on Titanfall?
Could MS have been pressuring not to have the game delayed, because they wanted to use it as a tool to improve XO sales? Maybe being on a limited install base, and not on Half the consoles made EA frugal in their budget decisions (According to FamousMortimer EA apparently was not compensated enough to make up for the lost of PS4 sales (they were conviced XO would destroy PS4 at the time of the MS/EA deak) ?