TheReg on Borland ditching Delphi - ROTFLMAO!!!

Well, yes, it's bad enough as it is.

Then again, I really hope some company actually interested in continuing the best programming language and environment ever go on with it and do a good job. Because Borland is into management and consultancy since their Imprise stupidity, not into making great stuff. I hope they suffer.
I make a habit of never clicking the reg/inq links anymore, could someone please explain teh funney for me so I don't have to go there to find out myself? :)
Guden Oden said:
I make a habit of never clicking the reg/inq links anymore, could someone please explain teh funney for me so I don't have to go there to find out myself? :)

No. Go there and read it, it's just the way it was written - hilarious!

Oh well, here's some to get you going:


1. And it came to pass that the Sons of Kahn, who dwelt in the valley of the Scotts, fell yet again upon interesting times. And their fortune did wax and wane, only with not so much of the wax.
2. And they did bring forth a version of Delphi called '2005'. But the users of Delphi looked upon it with scorn, for it was a stinker. And they upgradeth not.
3. And the great and respected leader of the Sons of Kahn, one Daleful Er, spake unto his people saying: I have a great plan to fix our troubles.
4. And the Sons of Kahn spake unto their great and respected leader, saying: Art thou still here?
5. And so Daleful Er departed the valley of the Scotts, with his tail fitted in its groove.
6. Then the remaining Sons of Kahn sat down upon the Dell Yocam Memorial Sofa and parleyed amongst themselves, for they knew in their hearts that they did indeed need a great plan.
7. And then one amongst their number said unto the rest: Let's change our name to Inprise again. That worked brilliantly last time.
8. But the Sons of Kahn heedeth him not, for they perceiveth that the fellow taketh the pitheth.
Oh, man. . .Borland Delphi. It pains me to think my first thot was "yeah, back in the day, that was some serious mojo there."