The Rumor That Just Won't Die: MS To Announce HD-DVD for Xbox 360 at CES

xbdestroya said:
That agreement is actually even more relevent to Sony than it is to Microsoft, and might factor back into the 'Living Room' thread depending on what gets announced at CES. But it looks like Sony's keeping the 'Connect' name and looking to flesh it out with video rather than start a seperate service on that front.

Not sure i understand why its more relevant to either party?

It will be interesting to see how Sony plays the online video card becuase it sort of competes with their ideal reality of widespread BR adoption.
expletive said:
Not sure i understand why its more relevant to either party?

It will be interesting to see how Sony plays the online video card becuase it sort of competes with their ideal reality of widespread BR adoption.

I think it's possible to play both fronts. I will be tough, but maybe they are targeting different demographics.
expletive said:
Not sure i understand why its more relevant to either party?

It will be interesting to see how Sony plays the online video card becuase it sort of competes with their ideal reality of widespread BR adoption.

I'm *sure* Sony's ideal situation includes dominance in both digital distribution and physical. Not sure why a company's strategy has to be mutually exclusive. Afterall we see a lot of moves by MS these days with HD-DVD, yeah?

Stringer's pushing blu-ray, but his background is one that will immediately realize the relevence of iTunes and video distribution as well.

As for why it's more relevent for Sony, I guess just because I feel the partnership does more for them - or at least provides more insight into their strategy - than it does for Microsoft. I'm not saying Microsoft won't benefit from this, but nor is it reflective of *their* future strategy on the digital distribution front, save that it's Windows friendly.
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At the moment, MS has drawn a line in the sand against Blu-Ray so I don't see them waiting for Blu-Ray to win and adopting it.

I could see them adopt HD-DVD now in an effort to stop the Blu-Ray momentum though.

If they did this, it's an admission that DVD was wrong for the console. Only chance of recovering is to make it real cheap for the early adopters to transition to the HD-DVD SKU.

Which must have HDMI so it won't be a trivial upgrade.
wco81 said:
At the moment, MS has drawn a line in the sand against Blu-Ray so I don't see them waiting for Blu-Ray to win and adopting it.

I could see them adopt HD-DVD now in an effort to stop the Blu-Ray momentum though.

Why would they risk it? It would be beyond stupid. Much more wise to simply adopt the winning format. Unless they believe the addedd support for HD-DVD in 360 will be enough to give HD-DVD a win, and render the BR in PS3 a moneypit.

But I seriously doubt the amount of impact a HD drive in a game console can have on determining the winner of the HD format war. So it's a risky, unescessary gamble.
xbdestroya said:
As for why it's more relevent for Sony, I guess just because I feel the partnership does more for them - or at least provides more insight into their strategy - than it does for Microsoft. I'm not saying Microsoft won't benefit from this, but nor is it reflective of *their* future strategy on the digital distribution front, save that it's Windows friendly.

Yep youve made it clear you think it does more for Sony... :)

expletive said:
Yep youve made it clear you think it does more for Sony... :)


Because... it helps Sony flesh-out their digital distribution strategy? ;)

I mean I'm happy to retract if that'll shield me from more questions in the same vein. :p
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xbdestroya said:
Because... it helps Sony with their digital distribution strategy? ;)

I mean I'm happy to retract if that'll shield me from more questions in the same vein. :p

Well i guess i'm just not sure on waht youre saying their digital distribution strategy is? Is this published somewhere? And why is it better for Sony's strategy than Microsofts? It jsut seemed like you said the same thing twice, but didnt elaborate on why you think so.
expletive said:
Well i guess i'm just not sure on waht youre saying their digital distribution strategy is? Is this published somewhere? And why is it better for Sony's strategy than Microsofts? It jsut seemed like you said the same thing twice, but didnt elaborate on why you think so.

Well, I did. I said that it helped Sony with their digital distribution strategy. You're not accepting that answer, because you're not seeing where I might have derived that from.

I derived it from this:

Starz also announced the first in a series of planned agreements that will extend Vongo's reach as the premier broadband entertainment service for consumers. Initial partners include Sony CONNECT and Microsoft. Sony CONNECT will make Vongo a cornerstone of its new CONNECT Video service, to be launched later this year.

Now, I don't know if Vongo will be a big part of that or not, but it can be assumed that Sony at least finds some value in coupling Connect and Vongo, thus my claim that it 'helps' Sony. It's beneficial to Microsoft as well mind you, I just think the way it reads it's probably more relevent to Sony in the long-term. Or, maybe not, who knows?

(I'm going to go eat for a bit so it'll be a while before I'm able to respond to whatever questions you needle me with :) )
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I'll help xbdestroya out, its more important to Sony because they actually have content to distribute ;)

And both Sony and Microsoft have platforms to deliver it to.

1/2 MS
2/2 Sony

Its more relevant to Sony.

Dr Evil said:
No I think he means 8.5, since that's the amount dual layer dvd's can take. What makes you say it's only 7.4.
Because the Xbox360 is limited to 7GB (not sure where 7.4GB came from, its 7GB)? ;)
Microsoft revealed it at CEDEC along with other technical details.
Nicked said:
I'll help xbdestroya out, its more important to Sony because they actually have content to distribute ;)

And both Sony and Microsoft have platforms to deliver it to.

1/2 MS
2/2 Sony

Its more relevant to Sony.

LOL, thanks Nicked. :)

I should add that I could argue it actually being more beneficial to MS if I wanted to, because I feel there is a case for MS in there. It's just I honestly *do* feel it benefits Sony more, since it will factor directly into their distribution model. If someone *had* to choose one company over the other - MS or Sony - that the agreement was of greater relevence to, and they picked MS, I would totally respect that, just not agree with it myself.
I'm really starting to think (even more than I originally did) that the lack of native HD disc support on the 360 was a huge mistake. I see movies are being released on Blu-Ray now (with only a subset available on HD DVD). Shortly we should expect HD DVD to lose the format war (1 - 2 years) without some major change to the mementum for some unforseen reason. When mom and pop are looking to buy little johny a new game system this fall, why not pick up the latest and (perceived at least) greatest PS3 (keeps johny happy) and get yourself a fancy new BDROM player for those fancy new movies everyone's talking about (and actually look great to anyone that cares to compare). The price premium if any will be justified for the added BluRay support.

A massive software divide in quantity and quality are the 360s only long term hope at this point.

Of course these are just some ramblings from an unbiased old man (in video game years). ;)
I know this is probably a bit left field, but is there *any* chance that the XBOX 360 DVD drive is actually already HD-DVD?

MS really wanted the console out early and as I undertsand it HD-DVD software specs hadn't been finalised but the H/W had, could they be waiting to send a firmware update that enables it.

I know that sounds nuts, but it is the only way I can see MS including HD-DVD, if they go with v2 360 it will annoy early adopters, couldn't be used for games and may actually put people off buying cos BD is going to win and even if people don't think they want the HD movies they won't buy the Betamax version.

(Of course someone telling me the DVD drives in existing box's are known models will quash this pretty instantly)
bobthebub said:
I know this is probably a bit left field, but is there *any* chance that the XBOX 360 DVD drive is actually already HD-DVD?

MS really wanted the console out early and as I undertsand it HD-DVD software specs hadn't been finalised but the H/W had, could they be waiting to send a firmware update that enables it.

I know that sounds nuts, but it is the only way I can see MS including HD-DVD, if they go with v2 360 it will annoy early adopters, couldn't be used for games and may actually put people off buying cos BD is going to win and even if people don't think they want the HD movies they won't buy the Betamax version.

(Of course someone telling me the DVD drives in existing box's are known models will quash this pretty instantly)

Sorry, your hopes and dreams have been "quashed", as you put it.

First of all in the official specs it's stated to be a 12x dvd player. And secondly, it would have been touted at an HD-DVD player if indeed it was one. There is nothing MS could gain by hiding this would just hurt their sales and cause confusion.
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ROG27 said:
Sorry, your hopes and dreams have been "quashed", as you put it.

First of all in the official specs it's stated to be a 12x dvd player. And secondly, it would have been touted at an HD-DVD player if indeed it was one. There is nothing MS could gain by hiding this would just hurt their sales and cause confusion.

It's neither a hope nor a dream, I have no intention of buying a 360, it's just the only way I can conceive that MS could go HD, If (ok in an alternative universe) it was the case, they couldn't announce it as HD-DVD because the spec didn't exist, it would confuse buyers, but if they could have dropped an update disc that enabled it, the HD-DVD would arise from the dead with a large installed base well ahead of Blu-ray.

Right, i'll go back to my hole now (outburst most likely caused by lack of PS3 news recently)
For Micosoft to go through the expense and effort of releasing either some type of add on HD-DVD player for the current XBOX360 or making a totally new unit with a built in HD-DVD support at this point would be disastrous. I fully expect them to play lip service to the idea but in the end they won't come out with ANY HD-DVD solution. Doing so would fracture their installed base from a software point of view, and only offer a second rate solution to those who want to use it for movies. Few current XBOX360 owners would buy any add on as they could buy a dedicated BluRay player instead and have more movie choices. Future console purchasers would likely chose the PS3 over the 360 if movie playback is a big plus for them.
It wouldnt be disastrous. Theyve already set the expectations with multiple SKUs. Some people dont care about HD-DVD playback, and those people can pay less and buy a unit without it. I dont understand what the big deal is if they decide to come out with one.
expletive said:
I dont understand what the big deal is if they decide to come out with one.

Surely the big deal is as follows:-

1) If MS Launches HD-DVD add-on, it exposes expanded disc capacity and HD disc playback as desirable features to the minds of the general public. - MS won't sell many because it won't offer gameplay enhancements and HD-DVD will fail in the market because BD will have much larger installed base thru all PS3's having the functionality. MS doing this will enhance PS3's prospects.

2) If MS launches new version of 360 with HD-DVD, it probably won't be usable for Games, and will put off (some) potential 360 buyers who if they are going to buy a device that can play HD video will prefer to buy the one with Studio support -PS3

MS's best bet is to wait it out, if the PS3 and BD flop then they can add the functionality, doing it before that will actually hurt their prospects and cost them money. I don't see that as a viable possibility though.

The really interesting question is whether MS could put BD into 360's later down the line once it becomes dominant, I don't think Sony could stop them and there will be plenty people they could buy the hardware off other than Sony.
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