The new PS3 sales pitch: Better gaming, better technology, better value

TheChefO said:
Every one of them also saying that the available space will be used for fmv. Which fyi should be done by now. Honestly why are developers still think rendered cut scene this generation when we've seen mgs4, we've seen GOW. Is it necessary to prerender cutscenes anymore?

Uh-oh Chef-O, and you want to win over the Japanese market with that kind of thinking? ;)
zRifle1z said:
IMHO here is where Sony may have a real problem. I think we can all agree both consoles have compariable graphics. They will both have great games. What I'm suggesting is who will need the longer life cycle for this gen, and who can afford to shorten the life cycle? Which company will be able to move quicker into the next cycle creating as little change as possible for devs, providing more power, services and publisher/developer revenue streams?

p.s. apologize if off topic.

Sure, that's a good point of discussion. I've thought about it a lot myself, and I'm sort of of the mind that MS may be willing from here on out to accelerate the console generations in order to keep pressure on Sony. At the same time though, I just expect PS4 to be 'more Cell' plus whatever new NVidia adaptation, so I actually think that should Sony be forced to 'move,' they would be able to do so quickly. And since development would be very similar to development on PS3 - simply with more - I think that they would do very well for themselves in that respect.

But when someone will push the button on the next gen, I mean that's anyone's guess.
xbdestroya said:
Uh-oh Chef-O, and you want to win over the Japanese market with that kind of thinking? ;)


Titanio - I didn't mean to imply that the discussion at this point was biased merely that I'm not trying to add any. Regarding cost of 3rd party dev. - If you look at the statements from Kojima regarding next gen he summed it up equating each to a dinner ps3 was a special dinner to be had once a year 360 once a month Wii once a day. I think there was more to this analogy than taste and I'm sure Sony Did not twist their arm and tell them that they had to spend a certain amount - merely that Sony had higher expectation from them which isnt a bad thing (in fact I wish ms did more of this from their devs) just reflective of dev cost thats all.
While watching the Eight Day (a London Studio game) demonstration from the E3 conference, there seemed to be very quick transitions from prerendered (I take they were prerendered) cgi to gameplay graphics.
For example during the parked cars shootout when the other guy passes a clip to you it is seamless, and there does seem to be a slight difference in graphics quality (slight because the videos I've seen are not HD, or even SD. In real life the difference could be bigger).

Is this something the Blu-ray makes possible, the quick seamless transitions from prerendered cgi to realtime? I don't think such would be possible with DVD, at least I don't remember seeing anything like that this gen.
The other possibility is the video was just edited and the pauses were cut, or another much less likely explanation that it was all realtime (please let's not start arguing about that in this thread even though I brought it up, ok ;) )
TheChefO said:
Every one of them also saying that the available space will be used for fmv. Which fyi should be done by now. Honestly why are developers still think rendered cut scene this generation when we've seen mgs4, we've seen GOW. Is it necessary to prerender cutscenes anymore?

Not every one of them. Just the last two, who ironically are the ones that Microsoft hoped to win the Japanese war with. The others think they'll need it for game data. Still waiting for quotes from you from the opposing camp.

@Rabid: we don't know that there's any gameplay at all, for sure, do we? But I do believe such seamless integration should be fairly easy now with such integrated pipelines, certainly on the PS3 architecture - the output of the Cell decoding routine can be easily blended with 3D graphics i think (I'm not quite as familiar with how the 360 works, but working on it). Hey, who knows one day a developer will integrate pre-rendered or prerecorded with 3D graphics and achieve something really special with that. You'd just need some clever use of the alpha channel, wouldn't you, and carefully match that up with the video? Maybe it's the texture of the fugure :D
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Arwin said:
Not every one of them. Just the last two, who ironically are the ones that Microsoft hoped to win the Japanese war with. The others think they'll need it for game data.

they have over 9gb of game data planned?? Do you have a link?
Arwin said:

"The volume of data in Enchant Arms won't fit into a single DVD. It's an RPG, so we're thinking it would be inevitable that we release it on two discs," says Takeuchi. "But to be honest, that's even looking grim."

I cant get to the second link (blocked on my end) but are you sure in the quote hes refering to "in game assets" not cut scenes as a cut scene some still consider "game data"

However after hearing that oblivion is ~4gb I can't say I'm buying the Takeuchi quote.
Powderkeg said:
You do know that game has been out for months now, right?

And it's only on 1 disk.

ahh ... anyone know what they did to perform this miracle? or was this prerelease hype about how big their rpg is?
Arwin said:
So stop the $200 trolling already.
How is stating a price difference trolling?

Titanio said:
Blu-ray is not expensive in absolute terms. It's "slightly" more expensive than a dual layer DVD.
I don't think so. Production costs of the discs--as far as I can tell--are 3-4 times the cost of an HD-DVD and HD-DVD is "slightly" more expensive than dual layer DVD.

But, I don't believe it matters. I thought the console manufacturer produces the disc at a fixed cost to the publisher, in which case Sony would be subsidizing the inital high cost of disc manufacturing (which is what they are doing for some movie studios, according to some information from the avs forums). If not, then I wouldn't be surprised if Sony gives them a price break regardless, at least until production costs go down.

As well, I still believe there's a strong possibility that the inital games will be on BD-9.
Sis said:
How is stating a price difference trolling?

I don't think so. Production costs of the discs--as far as I can tell--are 3-4 times the cost of an HD-DVD and HD-DVD is "slightly" more expensive than dual layer DVD.

But, I don't believe it matters. I thought the console manufacturer produces the disc at a fixed cost to the publisher, in which case Sony would be subsidizing the inital high cost of disc manufacturing (which is what they are doing for some movie studios, according to some information from the avs forums). If not, then I wouldn't be surprised if Sony gives them a price break regardless, at least until production costs go down.

As well, I still believe there's a strong possibility that the inital games will be on BD-9.

BD9? as in 9gb? What are the official formats? I thought the smallest br disc was 25gb?
TheChefO said:
I cant get to the second link (blocked on my end) but are you sure in the quote hes refering to "in game assets" not cut scenes as a cut scene some still consider "game data"

However after hearing that oblivion is ~4gb I can't say I'm buying the Takeuchi quote.

You've misread me - I said that the last two DID use FMV as an argument. The others didn't. I didn't take the Enchant Arms all that seriously. At this point in time, and with the timespan they had, I didn't consider it all that likely they would really need it, and FMV is expendable at this level. Of course they cann manage. The question is, at what cost? I have said before, sometimes having restrictions forces you to do a better job.

The original Xbox already had a similar problem against the PS2 in that there was no DVD playback by default, so unlike in PS2 games, the Xbox versions couldn't use it for in-game cutscenes. N64 games were limited in that also. Were they worse off? Sometimes.

For the 360, it should take a little while before it starts to count - certainly for FMV you can do a lot with decent encoding. But, as I've said before, extra capabilities can and will be used. The option to be able to use 54gb is and will be an advantage. And several reputable developers have indicated as much. They may be proven wrong, but we will see. Oblivion could use procedural synthesis, but recreating other types of landscapes won't work nearly as well, especially existing locations, cities like London and such. And if you do use that technology, it still costs processor power.

We'll see what happens.
TheChefO said:
BD9? as in 9gb? What are the official formats? I thought the smallest br disc was 25gb?

BD9 is TimeWarner's disgusting red-laser based graft-on to the BD spec.
Arwin said:
You've misread me - I said that the last two DID use FMV as an argument. The others didn't. I didn't take the Enchant Arms all that seriously. At this point in time, and with the timespan they had, I didn't consider it all that likely they would really need it, and FMV is expendable at this level. Of course they cann manage. The question is, at what cost? I have said before, sometimes having restrictions forces you to do a better job.

The original Xbox already had a similar problem against the PS2 in that there was no DVD playback by default, so unlike in PS2 games, the Xbox versions couldn't use it for in-game cutscenes. N64 games were limited in that also. Were they worse off? Sometimes.

For the 360, it should take a little while before it starts to count - certainly for FMV you can do a lot with decent encoding. But, as I've said before, extra capabilities can and will be used. The option to be able to use 54gb is and will be an advantage. And several reputable developers have indicated as much. They may be proven wrong, but we will see. Oblivion could use procedural synthesis, but recreating other types of landscapes won't work nearly as well, especially existing locations, cities like London and such. And if you do use that technology, it still costs processor power.

We'll see what happens.

True - perhaps nAo can give us some insight into how large his project is projected to be?
xbdestroya said:
BD9 is TimeWarner's disgusting red-laser based graft-on to the BD spec.

So the purpose is to ?? Is it similar to the three layer hd-dvd with one layer dedicated to standard dvd media (backwards compatible) on BR?
xbdestroya said:
BD9 is TimeWarner's disgusting red-laser based graft-on to the BD spec.
But you can manufacture these discs on standard DVD lines, right? This would allow Sony to declare that all games are on Blu-ray without having to give up production capacity to these games this Christmas.

This makes even more sense if the inital games don't need more than 8 gigs, which they likely won't.
TheChefO said:
So the purpose is to ?? Is it similar to the three layer hd-dvd with one layer dedicated to standard dvd media (backwards compatible) on BR?
It's just a regular dual layer DVD, I believe. I think the idea is that it's cost effective but with the added Blu-ray copy protection, such as AACS. You wouldn't use it for content that needed more than that kind of space, like say short films or some games.