Exactly. Automatons with motion pathways are in in various ways, like those Mexicans. Add some 'terrible' arms and head to your minion and he becomes a monster to jump over. Provide rocks to chuck at them, and you have the elements of an old 2D platformer. Still, if that's all you want, seems to me LBP is a waste. Arcade titles or virtual console etc. provide that experience. The whole point to LBP is being creative and expressive. If you haven't any interest in using the in-game emotes, or building a thingum to navigate a hazard, then this likely isn't the game for you, even if it ships with top-class levels. Kinda like if you have no interest in levelling characters and collecting items and only want an action game, Final Fantasy XII isn't the best choice for you.
That said, it does seem to me they are expanding the game to provide a full, old-world 2D platform experience. The stuff shown so far seems much like the platformers I remember playing, needing timed jumps to avoid hazards and principally being about collecting items. The only thing clearly missing is some sort of shooting or weaponry. Well, as the sackboys can hold items, you could easily create a baseball bat for them to swing around!