Looks like a point-sampling of the road texture.
If I am looking at the same thing it's quite clearly an arrow board so it's a reflection of the other side of the road and it's various other markings etc.
Looks like a point-sampling of the road texture.
What is up with the reflection on the side of that lambo, its just plain odd.
English translation for Meristation's interview with Kazunori Yamauchi:
Interview reflects on KY's personal views, which is... different from run-of-the-mill game talk.
I just read the complete interview.
What the f*ck ! It sounds like these guys injected their life forces into GT5 and that little game called GTPSP. Reviewers and analysts be damned. Can't believe Sony pressuring these dedicated people for fall deadline.
If Sony is hard up for cash, they should can other useless projects. If Polyphony can deliver top quality products, the money will come back. $#*($)*#$#% exes don't know Kazunori's health is more important than an earlier release of GT5 ?
Forcing a deadline is a very very crude way to run a software project. If Sony is interested to deliver an early game, they'd need to scope GT5 down, delay/kill GTPSP. and get the message out there first.
Being overly ambitious and lacking direction seems to be a common problem within Sony. Delaying unfinished products or releasing them too early are both problematic things. It's annoying to see them repeat the same mistake over and over again. They should be able to deliver on quality if they dial their ambition back a bit.