The Full TEKKEN 6 trailer.

Bad_Boy said:
Is it Microsofts fault that frame city killer looked like ass? I'm not sure I get what your saying.

No but Namco didn't show target renders for FCK either.

I think this game could look pretty impressive, if they put more detail into the "arena" and not the town around the arena, and only had 2 people fighting. So basically what I am saying, I expect the final game to look alot better than this, I just hope they get the shading/skin/lighting right.

Did you watch the full trailer? The wer fighting *inside* of a building. The stuff outside didn't need to be rendered.
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There's a lot of wrong in the lighting, models, art and animation in that trailer. I'm quite surprised Namco's Tekken team couldn't come up with much much better as the Tekkens have been the graphical flagships of launch games.
Maybe the high resolution, shaders etc. has caught them by surprise, for example it takes now more than just some leet texture colouring skills to make a good looking skin.

And don't tell me it looks so bad because of the platform, because that's complete BS and everybody knows it. I mean it has it all technically, but it all has been done so wrong!
Namco, please, put this in the trash and start over.
According to this Bandai Namco developer interview, the Tekken 6 demo at E3 was realtime 1920x1080p full HD @ 60fps just like Gran Turismo HD. They say the target of the trailer is just that, a realtime full HD demo running at 60fps. They expect it'll look better in the release version with effects not implemented in the E3 demo.
So that's to say the E3 '06 demo of Tekken was PS2 assets at highres, like GT4 at 1080p, and the real game will look like Tekken from E3 '05, same as GT5 should look like the Gt5 assets from E3 '05?

If so, they did a really poor job of communicating that fact and totally blowed their PR! Why bother?! :oops:
Shifty Geezer said:
So that's to say the E3 '06 demo of Tekken was PS2 assets at highres, like GT4 at 1080p, and the real game will look like Tekken from E3 '05, same as GT5 should look like the Gt5 assets from E3 '05?

If so, they did a really poor job of communicating that fact and totally blowed their PR! Why bother?! :oops:

Yeah I cant help but why bother showing this... It makes no sense. :/
one said:
According to this Bandai Namco developer interview, the Tekken 6 demo at E3 was realtime 1920x1080p full HD @ 60fps just like Gran Turismo HD. They say the target of the trailer is just that, a realtime full HD demo running at 60fps. They expect it'll look better in the release version with effects not implemented in the E3 demo.
Makes me feel a little better, sounds like they have a bit of headroom. (they still have 6 months, if this is indeed a launch title) I would be happy if they get the lighting/textures down before launch. Maybe add some online play in there as well since VF5 wont feature online.

thanks for the update, one.
I can't understand what's the point? GT4 hd and this Tekken 6 hd, both looks like crap!
Are they doing this because they need to proof that 1080p for games is not just a pipe dream? Showing PS2-games in 1080p doesn't really qualify, GT4 even had to cut effects, I think these two games actually prove that we won't see any high quality 1080p games on PS3, that however is not a problem, for me 720p is sufficient.
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Bad_Boy said:
Makes me feel a little better, sounds like they have a bit of headroom. (they still have 6 months, if this is indeed a launch title) I would be happy if they get the lighting/textures down before launch. Maybe add some online play in there as well since VF5 wont feature online.

thanks for the update, one.

It's a 2007 title, they should have much time to revamp everything from this horrendous trailer.
Black Dragon37 said:
Doesn't anyone remember the TTT trailer and its aftermath? :???:
I do remember.
The Tekken TAG Tournament trailer was mostly closeups of the characters doing various moves, and was later indeed found in the final game although with slightly different art, but the quality certainly was there.
In the EU (and US?) versions that is, the Japan version was a jaggy mess although using same art.
At least the EU TTT is still one of the best PS2 image quality wise.

This has nothing to do with PS3 Tekken, though the trailer still looks as ugly artwise as when I saw it earlier :)
TekkenMaster said:
Yeah it'll be nice if one can translate the third page regarding tekken 6.

From Babelfish I gather the following:

- last year's trailer was target render, this now is in realtime, without any optimisations (everything is rendered, visible or not), and we are still very much learning how to use the Playstation 3, as it is very difficult. Also, you only saw Jin's chest, full screen, so that it could show more detail than you can see in the full game environment.
- 60fps at full HD, which they intend to maintain in the final game
- they will support the new PS3 controller, and have a number of ideas on that, like shaking the controller to escape from a grapple
- release date unknown (it's done when it's done)
- asked if this will be arcade then playstation 3, or directly released on playstation 3. I think he says he doesn't know yet but they are taking into account what the fans want ...
One word for this Tekken trailer: FLAT.

The lighting is absolutely and totally flat. It has self-shadowing, but somehow the game still looks so flat that it could be mistaken for a PS2 game if it weren't for the high polygon counts. Heck, some PS2 games had better lighting that that! They better give this game a nice face-lift, like the earlier Tekken demos on PS2 improved till they looked like TTT (huge difference), or i'll really worry about Namco. Tekken is after all their biggest game on Playstation.