The Full TEKKEN 6 trailer.

Wow i was gonna say the same thing...

I mean, this is a heated discussion about game characters... Not even games, i would understand if it was yet another "Halo3 vs Anything" thread, but a "Lee vs Chun Li" discussion just strikes me as really odd... How can someone write so much about game characters?

Its not my fault. I merely pointed out some things I believed needed improvements in Tekken4 and he went out to discuss how better Lee was than anyone else.

I didnt even make comparisons between Lee and other characters. :???:
Part in bold: Oh you perhaps MISSED one of my posts saying that LEE had some of the easiest juggling combos and was the most flexible?

The point of the discussion didnt start by trying to prove Lee was bad. I pointed out existent weaknesses. Lee and Nina were just examples I decided to mention and yes they did have weaknesses. ALL characters had issues and I was trying to explain why 4 didnt work out so well for many.
But NOOOOO!You assumed that the point of my post was to prove that Lee and Nina were bad, and you kept trying to prove that they were the best characters, which no matter how true this is still doesnt change the fact that the game had issues and they needed improvements just like every other character. Its expected for some to end up in a top 5 list anyways. Even if they have weaknesses.

Thats why no matter how much you tried to convince me this, I insisted on my initial post, because we were talking about 2 different directions.

You derailed the initial discussion into something else, you begun with an "offensive" attitude and you carried me away.

Lol, wait, so now your going to tell me, that I kept this going. Firstly, to even "complain" about Lee and Nina having weaknesses in Tekken4 is an idiotic issue. If you wanted to complain about a character who had weaknesses in Tekken4, it's obviously Lei, or Kuma, a character you even stated who is horrible. When you say to someone like me, that Lee has "weaknesses" and are predictable, and "easy" to counter...seriously dude, your basically saying that Lee is easy to beat. Don't try to switch it and make it something else.

I didnt say that LEE was overshadowed.

his improved effectiveness is shadowed and mostly negatively felt by those that were extremely used with 4's Lee since in 4 other characters missed the easiness and flexibility Lee had which created imbalance issues.

Does that ring a bell?

I said his NEW and EXTRA effectiveness was overshadowed by some overpowered and improved characters! And dont forget that unlike T4, T5 has more than twice the characters, all altered in some areas, and it gives far too many choices and variability to players to choose between characters' effectiveness during battle. So players are even more fragmented than they were in 4 and its bound for some characters to take less "improvements" than others (imporvements is on " " simply because some effectiveness other characters got is due to imbalance issues again).

What "new and extra effectiveness?" seriously, post on here what great "new effectiveness" that Lee has now that his Tekken4 character part did not only have, but 10x more than his Tekken5 counterpart. You completely missed the entire point that I stated, that Lee was "toned down", meaning he became a far more worse character than he was in Tekken4 going into Tekken5, which is the mere reason why Lee is no longer as effective. Everything that he could greatly abuse in T4 is either slowed down, has poor recovery, has horrible frame disadvantages on block while a few things stayed the same...this is the reason why Lee is no longer as good in Tekken5.

Roster's mean nothing, how great is Baek? How great is Gan-ryu? How great is Wang? How great is Asuka? It all depends upon who Namco decides to nerf comming from the previous game and who Namco decides to leave the way they are, or who they decide to tone up...the simple answer is, Lee was toned down in Tekken5, reasons why Lee is no longer the powerhouse that he is in Tekken5 period.

So no, neither Lee or Jin are overshadowed. As for Jin what Namco did was to make him a fairer adversary. He is just not the "GOD" he was in 4. Unlike 4 some moves dont give him a frame adandage and some of his initial commands that were done without much risk involved can nw end up Jin stuned like his 2,1,4,4 when blocked. But at the same time there are a few new tactics added that make him very effective. He still has some of the most powerful combos and wall hits which make him a very hard opponent.
example: his f+4 if counters the opponent he will fall on the ground on the spot, giving an opportunity to use f,f+4 then f+4 again (pretty painful when he rises) and LS which gives an opportunity to reduce even further the health of your enemy even if he blocks. Also his d/b+2,2 if used as a counter and then d/b+2,2,3 does lots of damage easily just like that. Even an amateur can do this. If you manage a juggling combo which will send him on a wall gives a superb opportunity for a 1,3,2,4 and LS and since he is on the ground cornered on a wall gives even further opportunities to damage your opponent. Also his u+4 unlike in 4 can now hit a ducking opponent which also gives an extra fast launcher opportunity.

Please, do not tell me how to play Jin, as I've clearly stated, that I am a Jin player. By the looks of your post, you have no idea, how "hard" it is to use Jin in Tekken5. He is no longer powerful, and he is far from having some of the most powerful combos, some of his most powerful juggles only deal around 74%, and that one is Cd+1, EWHF, 1, d/b+2,2,3 do you know how hard it is to do that even remotely consistantly at high levels of play...reasons why no one does it. Everysingle one of Jin's launchers is "high risk", on block, they can pratically all be punished, cd+1(So slow and easily ssed), ws+2(can be punished on block), u/f+4(can be punished on block), d+3+4(can be punished on block)...they are all a gamble...there is nothing in Jin's launchers where it does not have some sort of high risk.

F+4 is only for punishing, that move can be easily ssed and punished because of how slow it is. d/b+2,2 used out of nowhere is stupid, sure, it can cause a ch, but it leaves Jin wide open when blocked, and is easily punished, infact d/b+2,2 is rarely used if at all as a "punisher" or offensive game, why use that, when you can resort to cd+1 as a punisher or a ws+2, or a u/f+4 which are launchers and can lead to more damage, f+4 would be a better choice than using b/b+2,2.

So no Jin wasnt nerfed out. Nacmo took away some of his advandages that made him an unfair adversary but added new destructive tactics.

You are a complete joke, Jin was completely nerfed going into Tekken5. Ever noticed how his d+4 can be easily punished now, and how it can no longer be used as a juggle ender unless you have your opponent up against the wall. Ever noticed how his LS now hits HIGH on it's second hit, so if you do b/f+2,1 it can be ducked and punished? Ever noticed how he no longer has JFLS? Ever noticed how his Parry is no longer 20-frames, but is now dropped to only 10, and most of time Jin cannot even punish after the parry in Tekken5, yet in Tekken4, 90% of the time he could punish you after a parry.

Jin can no longer deal out 100% damage combos, Jin can no longer bulldog effectively, Jin doesn't even have a wavedash game mixup anymore(he didn't have it in T4 either, but this didn't hinder him, but in Tekken5 it does greatly). All of his launchers are high-risk, even his poking game got toned down slightly...this is the absolute worst Jin from any version, it goes something like this T4Jin>TTTJin>T3Jin>>>>>>>>T5Jin.

Wow...if this was not a "nerf" then I don't know what is...dude, you don't know how hard it is to win with Jin period in Tekken5, and how much effort it takes to even win with Jin, ALL of his launchers which leads to juggles comes with a high risk factor, so it's never guaranteed unlike other characters like Nina who has an extremely effective yet safe launcher in DC. All of Jin's most abusive attacks have huge frame disadvantages in Tekken5 or modified so they can no longer be abusable (exceptions are things like 1,2's are still solid, 2,1's no longer as good as T4 are still good, and 2,4 on ch is still good as well), Jin is not a "powerful" character in Tekken5, he is only average.

Namco nerfed him, they didn't not "upgrade" him as you claim.

I fail to understand where does this "conclusion" in bold stick.

Because you can't seem to read, comprehend that characters get toned down going from game to game:rolleyes: .

I explained why there are less Lee players. I also explained why Lee was such a popular and effective character in 4. I am bored of repeating myself.

So you'll agree with me then, that Tekken4 Lee was popular because he was strong, had abusive attacks, and reasons why he was popular in T4, and the reason why in Tekken5 Lee is no longer as popular is due to him being toned down, and not being as good as he once was. This has happened to every character from Tekken4 who was good, look at how many Jin players there where during Tekken4, and look at how many there are now, look at how many Ling players there where, and look at them now. Infact, look at how many Steve players there where in Tekken5 5.0, and then look at it now in 5.1 and DR.

Only the players who where faithful to that character still play them. My reason is the reason why character's such as those become not as popular, because they are no longer as strong as they once where due to them being modified/toned down. Yes, there are alot of players who just want to play who's the best so they can win alot, but thats how it goes.

I agree on those but I ll add another question (although I ll say that some other characters had even more powerful and destructive juggles and wall attacks). Lee was very easy to use and his juggles were probably the easiest to perform as I already said
Does it change the fact that Lee had unneeded weaknesses due to T4 needing improvements on the characters' mechanics? NO!

How many characters can you say that has a consistant (<--- remember to read that) "juggle and wall combo" that is comparable to Lee in T4 (Other than Jin)...*will be waiting for you to post*. Also, what in the world are you talking about the character mechanic's...please "explain" to me what your trying to imply since obviously I have "not as much experience" as you in Tekken4. Lee was great in Tekken4, because of everything I've listed before, and he was consistant in everything he did, with all of his easy, abuseable tatics that are tough as nails to counter up against, it made him one of the best, plain and simple...wait a minute...isn't that what usually makes a character Top Tier? Omgosh, it does!

Ahm... I implyied none of these as "imbalance issues". So I dont understand your bubbling (prbably for the billionth time). Trying to force impressions and words in my mouth again? If thats what you are doing its pretty pathetic.

I don't know who's the pathetic one...comming from a person who tell's me Lee was "easy" and "predictable" to counter in Tekken4, and that Jin didn't get nerfed in Tekken5.

Ofcourse its freaking easy. You think I was trying to proove how GREAT I am? Stop judging me based on yourself. This was just an example of how easy Lee can cause damage. That combo is super easy and even an amateur can perform it.

Read here from your last post again --->>>> Anyways. Because I am not a man of WORDS and BUBBLING and BRAGING but a man of action here is a video of Lee doing 95 damage in Tekken5 performed by me. Just to show how destructive Lee is in 5.

This sounds to me like bragging am I right, this sounds almost like of way of saying "See how good my Lee is, how much damage he can do, and how wrong you are Bub!" That post screams that, and I came on to tell you why this does not make Lee powerful in anyway, nor does it make you have more merit into making Lee any better than the way he is in Tekken5.

Even if it starts with a tiger knee or a simple d/f+2 it does 81 damage.

With all of the toned down's he recieved going into Tekken5, it doesn't mean anything if the mixup's you have in your arsenal are limited to bring out that damage output...and you also "need" the wall in order for that much damage to take affect. Steve can do 84% w/out a wall, Bryan can do 80%+ w/out a wall...Lee is not so special Nesh, everyone can do big damage in Tekken5, not just Lee...get over it, it's just that other characters can do as much damage as Lee, but are 10x better than him. Lee is still Middle Tier.

And yes others can do extremely destructive juggling and wall combos as well.
Point me where I stated otherwise.
So? And under this logic your complain that others can do so much damage doesnt prove anything either.

My point was to explain to you, that your statement where you said that Tekken5 Lee was an "improvement" over Tekken4 Lee, which was completely false. You stated earlier in your first few post that T5Lee did more damage...but I told you that the reason Lee "seems" to do more damage is because the lifebars in Tekken5 are shorter...not because Lee got "stronger". I stated the other characters because from your comment bolded a sentence above, you made it sound like as though, "only" Lee could do that, which is why I stated that other characters can do the same, but are more effective, simple answer explained.

And I already said that the fact that I dont "know" (notice the "") "abbreviations" doesnt mean I dont use these. Its been a long time since I got into depth with these "abbreviations/definitions" so either I forgot them or I just dont know the names.

Anyone, and I will say this again, Anyone who has played Tekken4 on a high level, who know's the game will know simple abbreviations like "JF" which where some of the most powerful tool's in Tekken4, how could you not know what JF meant if you played during Tekken4's lifetime. Much like how in Street Fighter A2, they have abbreviations for CCing, and for A3 VCing, or for CvS2, RCing...if you don't know those types of abbreviations and then claim to know the game...that just means your pulling everything from out of yourself...I have never met a good Tekken4 player who did not know the abbreviations for things like "JF" in Tekken4.

For example I use Ewgf with Jin, Kazuya, Devil Jin and Heihachi but I didnt remember how that was called.

:???: :LOL: ...that's like saying that I play with Ryu and Ken, but I do this flying uppercut move and don't know what it's called. If you know the game "as well" as you can you honestly not know what you are doing?

Or I use Jin's counterpart of his thrusting uppercut and roundhouse punch just like an EWGF wich gives a higher advandage of frame and range. The last especially after purrying.

Jin's what?! Are you talking about the Ecd+2 which is EWHF? Where it only hit's high, and doesn't launch but it only knocks you away on hit...then yes, it's called the Electric Wind Heaven's Fist, just so you know...;) . Also, EWHF giving out more range and frame advantage than EWGF?...LMAO again you have some nerve to argue against me, when you don't know what you are talking about, EWGF and EWHF travel the same distance, and are 11 frames, not only that, but both EWGF and EWHF on block give you a +5 frame advantage.

Off of a parry, it's nearly impossible to punish with an EWHF because you have to input the command and it also takes 11 frames for it to animate as usually try to punish with a 2,4 because after that, your guaranteed a automatic d+4 (5.0 version), it's faster, does solid damage, and is way more consistant.

Does this mean I am not using it or I dont know about it? NO!

Of course, anyone can use it, however a person who know's a fighting game well, will also know what the attacks they are using, what it does, and what they are called. You can't argue against me, because you just told me before that Jin's EWHF has more frame advantage and range then EWGF...this again just means, you know don't really know the game of Tekken very at all.

Talking to you is like talking with someone who claims he is better at football just because he has attended more football matches and knows more names and the history of each team than an uneducated kid who plays fottbal everyday in brazil that knows nothing about these but could be a born talent.

Prove me wrong then, go to more tournaments, become more competetive, play more, be more active in the fighting game community. However when you've only gone to TWO tournaments, when you don't even know what simple abbreviations that even an intermediate Tekken player knows, and when you claim that Tekken4 Lee is NOT as good as Tekken5 Lee...then obviously you don't know the game as well as you claim you do. Do you get my point, do I hate you, no, however I can't stand the fact that you claim you know what your talking about, when you don't even know some of the simple aspects of the game.

I only hope you dont happen to be one of those that claim DOA is better than Tekken because they have been present in many EVO tournaments too.

Umm...DOA has only been presented in ONE Evolution tournament, and that was this years Evo2k6. Tekken has been around in Evolution for awhile, and any smart, good, knowledge well based player will know that DoA doesn't even have a finger on Tekken.

Look honey, good for you if you attended so many tournaments and believe that good players are only in the US, Japan and Korea. Atleast I participated in 2. I know you have this urge to show off how much of a great Tekken player you are but I dont care. Your attitude is childish at best.

Please don't call me honey, and I don't know who's more childish, the one who "claims" he knows more, or the one who has seen, watched, played against and experienced more? Why don't you ask yourself that question before you throw into my lane.

You are only hoping that you will prove me inexperienced. I am not going to continue discussing on fragmented and misintepreted posts, bubbling and braging because quality of this discussion have fallen vertically.

The quality here has only risen, because now, people will realize that Tekken4 Lee was infact, good, but not easy and predictable and easy to counter. They will know that there is such things as characters being toned, changed, modified going into the next installment, wether they are good/bad comming from the previous games. They will know that fighting games are not balanced, and that there are characters with just way more priority than others, and that their will always be mismatches, some characters have to work more for their wins than others. It has only improved the knowledge of players, not shortened it.

All these nonsense "I know you wont go to zaibatsu" "you will say this" because "you will do this" just show how pointless it is dicussing with you because you arent discussing objectively. You discuss only under the ASSUMPTION that I dont have knowledge which on the process makes you misinterpet everything especially my first post (which is ofcourse why my first post started from "white" and ended up as "black" thanks to you just because you know that "white" and "black" are both made up of all the "colors").

You don't know much, at all period. How can you say you know alot, when you don't even know even know the simple abbreviations. When you don't even know that certain characters where toned down from Tekken4 going into Tekken5. When you make claims that EWHF has more priority and range than EWGF. When you didn't even know what EWGF meant?

I only look like I'm a "hot shot" is because you keep posting up things that aren't right, and don't add up. It's obvious that you don't know the game more than me, you haven't played at what I've seen and experienced, therefore why do you even continue to debate against me? Basically it's come down to you telling me that I'm blah blah this, and blah blah that. Who's calling who out? Everything that I've posted is mainly geared towards the very debate of why Lee was great in Tekken4, and why you are not correct when you say he isn't.

Yet from what I've gathered, you have almost 0 knowledge of Tekken4 because you go out of yourself to say that Lee and Nina have alot of weaknesses in that particular game. Any good Tekken4 player will know that Lee and Nina did not have enough weaknesses in Tekken4 at all, reasons to why they are considered at the top of the pie in Tekken4.

Lee's toughest matchup's in Tekken4 are as followed, Nina, Jin, then Ling, in these matches, he has to work his face off to even get a win. Other than that, everyone else, he can fight well, or even better against.

Still don't believe me...just look at these threads made for Tekken 4 Tier's, 98% of them will have Lee up in the Top 5...

Infact, just do a search in the Tekken4 Forum and type in Tiers for your search name, it will point out what I'm saying to you really quickly
Guys, take it to PM, start a different thread that is SPECIFICALLY to talk about gameplay, or--again--chill out.

As much as we are apt to delve into games and run on tangents, a line-by-line technical analysis (sprinkled with some eCock-comparison, it seems) is thoroughily distracting and pointless to anyone coming into a thread thinking "ooh, a trailer?"

I'd request a mod break out the conversation into its' own thread where it could be paid-attention-to or ignored at one's leisure and leave this one still usable when they finally DO start releasing more Tekken 6 footage. (But I also don't want to make more work for anyone... ;) )
Guys, take it to PM, start a different thread that is SPECIFICALLY to talk about gameplay, or--again--chill out.
They've already been asked for as much, and just ignore us. Bub has absolutely no contribution to make in that regard - he's ignored every comment (and neg rep) to focus solely on Tekken and Lee. At least Nesh acknowledges the existence of the rest of the forum-goers. Bub hasn't even said 'sorry' or 'I don't care'! Is that a constructive forum member? Nope. To me he just comes across as a blow-hard, no matter how right or wrong his opinons.

I second a motion to clean up this thread, so I don't keep coming in looking for new Tekken6 news only to see Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee at it for a short-book's worth of comments. Either that or Nesh lets it go, because Bub isn't going to.
Geeezzz longest post ever.

I'm surprised Namco hasn't put out some mock screen grabs or something.

The whole 1080p thing has me worried, it can't be that Namco don't know how to grasp shaders and what not as Trust Bell is looking pretty awesome.

Saying that neither of the Gundam games are looking much good, and the PS3 one sure doesn't come close to the E305 trailer.

Hmmm seems Namco overesitimated themselves.

Edit:- I just remembered Trust Bell isn't dev'd by Namco is it.. d'uh
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Geeezzz longest post ever.

I'm surprised Namco hasn't put out some mock screen grabs or something.

The whole 1080p thing has me worried, it can't be that Namco don't know how to grasp shaders and what not as Trust Bell is looking pretty awesome.

Saying that neither of the Gundam games are looking much good, and the PS3 one sure doesn't come close to the E305 trailer.

Hmmm seems Namco overesitimated themselves.

Edit:- I just remembered Trust Bell isn't dev'd by Namco is it.. d'uh

Namco has probably only started on, or at least, recently working on Tekken6, considering they went through three modifications for trying to fix Tekken5, so it wasn't a broken mess. I highly doubt we'll be seeing any new features, pictures or what not until either later this fall, or else early first quarter next year.

Also, everything that I've stated has pertained to "Tekken", and considering this is a Tekken related thread, I don't see anything wrong with it. If I was bashing about someone's sister, brother or something, then of course, or talking about something completely not related to the topic, then by all means, okay.

However, I apologize if I've interrupted anyone into comming into this topic, I'd be more than happy to take it to pm's;) .
Also, everything that I've stated has pertained to "Tekken", and considering this is a Tekken related thread, I don't see anything wrong with it. If I was bashing about someone's sister, brother or something, then of course, or talking about something completely not related to the topic, then by all means, okay.
Ahhhh, well. You need to recalibrate your ontopicometer then. Posting about Teken 4 gameplay in a thread about Tekken 6 vids is as wrong as posting FFVIII gameplay in a FFXII review thread, or Halo1 gameplay techniques in a thread about Halo3, or SuperMario gameplay in a thread reviewing pics from Mario Galaxies. The topic is particularly about one iteration of a franchise and not the whole franchise! ;) An occassional reference to compare to an older title or such is fine and expected, but when you're deviating too far, normally some people post as much and then's the hint to get bakck on track.
Lol, wait, so now your going to tell me, that I kept this going. Firstly, to even "complain" about Lee and Nina having weaknesses in Tekken4 is an idiotic issue. If you wanted to complain about a character who had weaknesses in Tekken4, it's obviously Lei, or Kuma, a character you even stated who is horrible. When you say to someone like me, that Lee has "weaknesses" and are predictable, and "easy" to counter...seriously dude, your basically saying that Lee is easy to beat. Don't try to switch it and make it something else.

No. This is how the discussion changed after you derailed my initial point. But you keep going on that. "Well continue.

You also confuse absolute with relative. Weaknesses doesnt necessarilly imply easier to beat than others. Judging a character in "absolute value" he has weaknesses. BUT Relatively to others he had an advandage.

I doubt you will understand the difference. Well, thats why you changed everything into a character comparison in the first place anyways.
his improved effectiveness is shadowed and mostly negatively felt by those that were extremely used with 4's Lee since in 4 other characters missed the easiness and flexibility Lee had which created imbalance issues.

Does that ring a bell?

1)that "his improved effectiveness is shadowed" and not Lee himself

2)That history repeats itself. Dedicated fans of one character complain when changes are made on him on the next installment. Why? Because they are forced to change their previously effective technique which might have taken them months to master.

Just as masters and hardcore fans complained about many of their favourite characters with the introduction of 4. Its laughable if you think about it especially when the claim "Tekken4 is 70% luck and 30% skill" emerged then.
What "new and extra effectiveness?" seriously, post on here what great "new effectiveness" that Lee has now that his Tekken4 character part did not only have, but 10x more than his Tekken5 counterpart. You completely missed the entire point that I stated, that Lee was "toned down", meaning he became a far more worse character than he was in Tekken4 going into Tekken5, which is the mere reason why Lee is no longer as effective. Everything that he could greatly abuse in T4 is either slowed down, has poor recovery, has horrible frame disadvantages on block while a few things stayed the same...this is the reason why Lee is no longer as good in Tekken5.

I ll post at the end what changed with lee so it doesnt get mixed with all your bubbling
Roster's mean nothing, how great is Baek? How great is Gan-ryu? How great is Wang? How great is Asuka? It all depends upon who Namco decides to nerf comming from the previous game and who Namco decides to leave the way they are, or who they decide to tone up...the simple answer is, Lee was toned down in Tekken5, reasons why Lee is no longer the powerhouse that he is in Tekken5 period.
Read this again:
"2)That history repeats itself. Dedicated fans of one character complain when changes are made on him on the next installment. Why? Because they are forced to change their previously effective technique which might have taken them months to master."

You are one of hem

Please, do not tell me how to play Jin, as I've clearly stated, that I am a Jin player. By the looks of your post, you have no idea, how "hard" it is to use Jin in Tekken5. He is no longer powerful, and he is far from having some of the most powerful combos, some of his most powerful juggles only deal around 74%, and that one is Cd+1, EWHF, 1, d/b+2,2,3 do you know how hard it is to do that even remotely consistantly at high levels of play...reasons why no one does it. Everysingle one of Jin's launchers is "high risk", on block, they can pratically all be punished, cd+1(So slow and easily ssed), ws+2(can be punished on block), u/f+4(can be punished on block), d+3+4(can be punished on block)...they are all a gamble...there is nothing in Jin's launchers where it does not have some sort of high risk.

F+4 is only for punishing, that move can be easily ssed and punished because of how slow it is. d/b+2,2 used out of nowhere is stupid, sure, it can cause a ch, but it leaves Jin wide open when blocked, and is easily punished, infact d/b+2,2 is rarely used if at all as a "punisher" or offensive game, why use that, when you can resort to cd+1 as a punisher or a ws+2, or a u/f+4 which are launchers and can lead to more damage, f+4 would be a better choice than using b/b+2,2.

You are a complete joke, Jin was completely nerfed going into Tekken5. Ever noticed how his d+4 can be easily punished now, and how it can no longer be used as a juggle ender unless you have your opponent up against the wall. Ever noticed how his LS now hits HIGH on it's second hit, so if you do b/f+2,1 it can be ducked and punished? Ever noticed how he no longer has JFLS? Ever noticed how his Parry is no longer 20-frames, but is now dropped to only 10, and most of time Jin cannot even punish after the parry in Tekken5, yet in Tekken4, 90% of the time he could punish you after a parry.

Jin can no longer deal out 100% damage combos, Jin can no longer bulldog effectively, Jin doesn't even have a wavedash game mixup anymore(he didn't have it in T4 either, but this didn't hinder him, but in Tekken5 it does greatly). All of his launchers are high-risk, even his poking game got toned down slightly...this is the absolute worst Jin from any version, it goes something like this T4Jin>TTTJin>T3Jin>>>>>>>>T5Jin.

Wow...if this was not a "nerf" then I don't know what is...dude, you don't know how hard it is to win with Jin period in Tekken5, and how much effort it takes to even win with Jin, ALL of his launchers which leads to juggles comes with a high risk factor, so it's never guaranteed unlike other characters like Nina who has an extremely effective yet safe launcher in DC. All of Jin's most abusive attacks have huge frame disadvantages in Tekken5 or modified so they can no longer be abusable (exceptions are things like 1,2's are still solid, 2,1's no longer as good as T4 are still good, and 2,4 on ch is still good as well), Jin is not a "powerful" character in Tekken5, he is only average.

Namco nerfed him, they didn't not "upgrade" him as you claim.

I am a Jin player as well. Point?

Your complains show two things

1)You suck at Tekken5's Jin and you have no clue how to use him effectively

"2)That history repeats itself. Dedicated fans of one character complain when changes are made on him on the next installment. Why? Because they are forced to change their previously effective technique which might have taken them months to master."
Just in case you didnt get it.

He is no longer indistructible and Namco did GREAT for making him like that.

One thing I hate about when using a character it is when he is SO good when mastered he is indestructible (as in the case of Jin in 4) which takes away the sense of achievementbecause other characters have no chance at winning against mine. So hell yeah. I love Jin even more in 5.

Some though cant take the increasing possibility of losing. Just like you. You want a "God" Jin. I want a Jin that is not.

So what if Namco took all these things away?
You just prove that Namco made Jin a fairer adversary. GREAT THING.

Which leades to this part:
Because you can't seem to read, comprehend that characters get toned down going from game to game:rolleyes: .

You have comprehention problems because I didnt state that he was upgraded. On the contrary here's a direct quote of what I said:
"As for Jin what Namco did was to make him a fairer adversary. He is just not the "GOD" he was in 4. Unlike 4 some moves dont give him a frame adandage and some of his initial commands that were done without much risk involved can nw end up Jin stuned like his 2,1,4,4 when blocked"

So you'll agree with me then, that Tekken4 Lee was popular because he was strong, had abusive attacks, and reasons why he was popular in T4, and the reason why in Tekken5 Lee is no longer as popular is due to him being toned down, and not being as good as he once was. This has happened to every character from Tekken4 who was good, look at how many Jin players there where during Tekken4, and look at how many there are now, look at how many Ling players there where, and look at them now. Infact, look at how many Steve players there where in Tekken5 5.0, and then look at it now in 5.1 and DR.

Only the players who where faithful to that character still play them. My reason is the reason why character's such as those become not as popular, because they are no longer as strong as they once where due to them being modified/toned down. Yes, there are alot of players who just want to play who's the best so they can win alot, but thats how it goes.

Half of this part is explained on the above quotes. About Lee just wait and I ll explain you what changed

Oh I also forgot this:

"2)That history repeats itself. Dedicated fans of one character complain when changes are made on him on the next installment. Why? Because they are forced to change their previously effective technique which might have taken them months to master."
How many characters can you say that has a consistant (<--- remember to read that) "juggle and wall combo" that is comparable to Lee in T4 (Other than Jin)...*will be waiting for you to post*. Also, what in the world are you talking about the character mechanic's...please "explain" to me what your trying to imply since obviously I have "not as much experience" as you in Tekken4. Lee was great in Tekken4, because of everything I've listed before, and he was consistant in everything he did, with all of his easy, abuseable tatics that are tough as nails to counter up against, it made him one of the best, plain and simple...wait a minute...isn't that what usually makes a character Top Tier? Omgosh, it does!

Steve and Paul. Tekkenzaibatsu's juggling videos are proof. About the "mechanics" just wait

I don't know who's the pathetic one...comming from a person who tell's me Lee was "easy" and "predictable" to counter in Tekken4, and that Jin didn't get nerfed in Tekken5.

Read other parts of this post
Read here from your last post again --->>>> Anyways. Because I am not a man of WORDS and BUBBLING and BRAGING but a man of action here is a video of Lee doing 95 damage in Tekken5 performed by me. Just to show how destructive Lee is in 5.

This sounds to me like bragging am I right, this sounds almost like of way of saying "See how good my Lee is, how much damage he can do, and how wrong you are Bub!" That post screams that, and I came on to tell you why this does not make Lee powerful in anyway, nor does it make you have more merit into making Lee any better than the way he is in Tekken5.
He is NOT my Lee. Its Everyone's Lee. Because you used your "knowledge" of command input and names to brag off your experience, you assumed that me demonstrating Lee with a stupid combo that even a 12 year old can do was an effort to brag as well. Well no.
With all of the toned down's he recieved going into Tekken5, it doesn't mean anything if the mixup's you have in your arsenal are limited to bring out that damage output...and you also "need" the wall in order for that much damage to take affect. Steve can do 84% w/out a wall, Bryan can do 80%+ w/out a wall...Lee is not so special Nesh, everyone can do big damage in Tekken5, not just Lee...get over it, it's just that other characters can do as much damage as Lee, but are 10x better than him. Lee is still Middle Tier.

My point was to explain to you, that your statement where you said that Tekken5 Lee was an "improvement" over Tekken4 Lee, which was completely false. You stated earlier in your first few post that T5Lee did more damage...but I told you that the reason Lee "seems" to do more damage is because the lifebars in Tekken5 are shorter...not because Lee got "stronger". I stated the other characters because from your comment bolded a sentence above, you made it sound like as though, "only" Lee could do that, which is why I stated that other characters can do the same, but are more effective, simple answer explained.

Again assumptions.
Anyone, and I will say this again, Anyone who has played Tekken4 on a high level, who know's the game will know simple abbreviations like "JF" which where some of the most powerful tool's in Tekken4, how could you not know what JF meant if you played during Tekken4's lifetime. Much like how in Street Fighter A2, they have abbreviations for CCing, and for A3 VCing, or for CvS2, RCing...if you don't know those types of abbreviations and then claim to know the game...that just means your pulling everything from out of yourself...I have never met a good Tekken4 player who did not know the abbreviations for things like "JF" in Tekken4.

:???: :LOL: ...that's like saying that I play with Ryu and Ken, but I do this flying uppercut move and don't know what it's called. If you know the game "as well" as you can you honestly not know what you are doing?

Jesus here we go again. Thats what you WANT to believe. If you have experience with Tekken for years you get practical understanding and experience of some things after trial and error and info sharing with others, you are just as practical. You dont need for example tekkenzaibatsu to know that some moves need precission timing. I am also not the kind of person who will spend hours trying to memorize names. But I download videos of juggling combos, tournaments and explainations instead which I find more practical.

The first people who started the abreviations from the beginning begun with trial and error, sharing and practical experience as well.
Jin's what?! Are you talking about the Ecd+2 which is EWHF? Where it only hit's high, and doesn't launch but it only knocks you away on hit...then yes, it's called the Electric Wind Heaven's Fist, just so you know...;) . Also, EWHF giving out more range and frame advantage than EWGF?...LMAO again you have some nerve to argue against me, when you don't know what you are talking about, EWGF and EWHF travel the same distance, and are 11 frames, not only that, but both EWGF and EWHF on block give you a +5 frame advantage.

Off of a parry, it's nearly impossible to punish with an EWHF because you have to input the command and it also takes 11 frames for it to animate as usually try to punish with a 2,4 because after that, your guaranteed a automatic d+4 (5.0 version), it's faster, does solid damage, and is way more consistant.

Of course, anyone can use it, however a person who know's a fighting game well, will also know what the attacks they are using, what it does, and what they are called. You can't argue against me, because you just told me before that Jin's EWHF has more frame advantage and range then EWGF...this again just means, you know don't really know the game of Tekken very at all.

WTF? I didnt compare the EWHF with EWGF! I only ment that the EWHF offers a higher advandage over WHF!! NOT EWGF!! Nothing more nothing less. You are proving me once again that you misinterpret my posts because you arent discussing objectively, but rather discussing under the idiotic assumption that I dont know.

Prove me wrong then, go to more tournaments, become more competetive, play more, be more active in the fighting game community. However when you've only gone to TWO tournaments, when you don't even know what simple abbreviations that even an intermediate Tekken player knows, and when you claim that Tekken4 Lee is NOT as good as Tekken5 Lee...then obviously you don't know the game as well as you claim you do. Do you get my point, do I hate you, no, however I can't stand the fact that you claim you know what your talking about, when you don't even know some of the simple aspects of the game.

Umm...DOA has only been presented in ONE Evolution tournament, and that was this years Evo2k6. Tekken has been around in Evolution for awhile, and any smart, good, knowledge well based player will know that DoA doesn't even have a finger on Tekken.

Please don't call me honey, and I don't know who's more childish, the one who "claims" he knows more, or the one who has seen, watched, played against and experienced more? Why don't you ask yourself that question before you throw into my lane.

The quality here has only risen, because now, people will realize that Tekken4 Lee was infact, good, but not easy and predictable and easy to counter. They will know that there is such things as characters being toned, changed, modified going into the next installment, wether they are good/bad comming from the previous games. They will know that fighting games are not balanced, and that there are characters with just way more priority than others, and that their will always be mismatches, some characters have to work more for their wins than others. It has only improved the knowledge of players, not shortened it.

You don't know much, at all period. How can you say you know alot, when you don't even know even know the simple abbreviations. When you don't even know that certain characters where toned down from Tekken4 going into Tekken5. When you make claims that EWHF has more priority and range than EWGF. When you didn't even know what EWGF meant?

I only look like I'm a "hot shot" is because you keep posting up things that aren't right, and don't add up. It's obvious that you don't know the game more than me, you haven't played at what I've seen and experienced, therefore why do you even continue to debate against me? Basically it's come down to you telling me that I'm blah blah this, and blah blah that. Who's calling who out? Everything that I've posted is mainly geared towards the very debate of why Lee was great in Tekken4, and why you are not correct when you say he isn't.

Yet from what I've gathered, you have almost 0 knowledge of Tekken4 because you go out of yourself to say that Lee and Nina have alot of weaknesses in that particular game. Any good Tekken4 player will know that Lee and Nina did not have enough weaknesses in Tekken4 at all, reasons to why they are considered at the top of the pie in Tekken4.

Lee's toughest matchup's in Tekken4 are as followed, Nina, Jin, then Ling, in these matches, he has to work his face off to even get a win. Other than that, everyone else, he can fight well, or even better against.

Still don't believe me...just look at these threads made for Tekken 4 Tier's, 98% of them will have Lee up in the Top 5...

Infact, just do a search in the Tekken4 Forum and type in Tiers for your search name, it will point out what I'm saying to you really quickly

All this is just bubbling once again which were answered tons of times. And since I am bored of huge chopped posts I ll continue on more important things

Now about Lee.

Lee changed a lot compared to 4, especially on juggling combos and wall combos some things that were previously effective now are a bad idea. His 4,4,4,4 which you like talking about so much does relatively less damage not only compared to Lee's other moves in 5, but too less compared to commands other character's have under their disposal especially on wall combos on which 4,4,4,4s seemed practical in 4. Also something that many times players could exploit in 4 was the ability to sidestep more effectively than in 5 away from many moves which gave opportunities to launch the opponent on air for a juggle.
Also many might have already noticed that the most favourable stage in 4 used by most hardcore fans and in tournaments was the Arena -this specific stage enabled Lee an infinite juggle wall combo or if that failed an extensive juggle wall combo. Not only offers Lee many chances to use his wall hits but in case he is far from a wall, his extensive, long range juggling can get the opponent on a wall finally and start a wall hit there. Not only that but many of the previous juggling combos simply DO NOT WORK in 5. Some hits will miss the target and the combo will fail.
To make things worse unlike 4 now stages are more open leveled (walls far off, absence of uneven surfaces). Forget the many chances you got in 4 to use wall hits in almost every chance given possible.

So whats there for Lee? Just like in 4 he still has the easiest juggles in the game. Error isnt something often with Lee's juggling. Namco also added many middle attacks, which were absent in 4. His u/f+3+4 isnt a high hit anymore. You can get an opponent while ducking or raising. In 4 this move was too limited compared to 5 because it was easily avoided, thus almost a useless move except on special occasions. Also another move which was 99% worthless in 4 was 4,3,4. If you wanted your ass kicked this was a BRILLIANT idea. Try it. You will enjoy a beautiful uppercut and a gorgeous juggling.....inflicted against you.
In 5 they have changed this move from 3 high kicks into 2 high and a summersault. This was also so effective on walls, and it gave such a huge advandage to Lee that Namco made alterations to it in DR so the last hit wouldnt hit the opponent in case of a wall hit.
And dont forget that changes in DR like this one were made to correct imbalance issues in 5 experienced players complained about. Either Namco was dumb for "toning down" Lee even more in DR, or they did it after they got feedback from masters. So there goes the claim that Lee wasnt "good" in 5.
Namco also got rid of 1+3:3:3 and replaced it with f+3,3,3,3,4. The first was either not used at all, or too abused by those fe players that got JF perfectly (there you go I now use abreviations. I suddenly turned into a master :rolleyes: ) which gave a chance for a juggling combo as well. So they deleted it. The replacing move has an advandage in 5 in that, it starts with a middle attack (so ducking want let you get away with it) which if proves succesful on the first hit, the next hits will be guaranteed (so ok Lee lost 1,2,4:4, you now have another move with guaranteed hits). It doesnt involve much risk either if blocked. Lee also gained another pressure strategy thanks to the change made in 4,3,4. In the mist step attacks if you are aware of your opponent's state you will sometimes find very useful to add presure with d+4,4,u+3 or/and d+4,4,3,4.

There are more things to mention which I currently cant recall at the moment.

I am not expecting you to agree, but I dont give a damn really. It is almost always the same story with each installment. Fanatics of characters that were unfairly powerful and effective compared to others in one installment always complain about balancing changes in the next that make him a fairer opponent. They see these changes as a "toning down that make that particular character suck".

Well just learn and adapt with the changes instead of complaining that your character is no longer a "GOD".

It will be very amusing when Namco introduces new needed changes in Tekken6 characters' juggling combos and damages for balance issues.
Players complaining that Steve/Feng (I think they were the two finalists in EVO2006 right?) are unfairly effective and powerful compared to 5's Jin, will be very glad to hear that in 6 Feng/Steve will be fairer opponents, while dedicated Feng/Steve players will start swearing in forum boards that they were toned down. :LOL:
Just as currently many players are happy with 5's Bryan while some Jin players are pissed with both 5's Bryan and Jin. Ironic isnt it?

Exactly what you are doing here. So much for beng a hot shot eh?
More like someone who wants as many unfair winnings as possible to brag off how great he is.
Well that alone puts me above you since I want as much challenge as possible.

Anyways. Since the matter brought it, here are 2 tips from personal experimentation for other Jin players who are still learning him (bub not included because he is TOO perfect with Jin already).

1)For those that find it hard to purry and perform an EWHF directly after. By setingt R1 as RP+RK I noticed that if you perform Jin's f,d~d/f,+R1 Jin will perform his EWHF(or WHF) despite that R1 is set as 2+4 instead of just 2. So you can use R1 for purrying and his wind hookfist which makes life easier than using 2+4 and 2 as different input commands.

2)Some still practicing with Jin might have noticed Jin's b+1+2. Some are also familiar with Jin's b+1+2*,d,u,b,f but either dont know what is used for or those that know find it too risky.
Try it after Jin's juggling, assuming you have risen your opponent in the air, perform 1 then b,f+2,1 then d/b+2,2,3 (note1:dont use 1 in case you think you arent close enough otherwise the last 3 hit wont get the opponent, note2: 1 can be chosen to be used second too). You can also use this juggle which is easier: b,f+2,1 then b,f+2,1>2
After the last hit your opponent will be swept away. Even the better if he hits a wall. You now have the time to perform b+1+2*,d,u,b,f without risk. But almost NEVER do this while your opponent is near.
This transforms your Wind Hookfist and your Devil Hell Trip for some seconds. Your Devil Hell Trip if blocked wont leave Jin stunned. Instead it will perform fully the move as if it wasnt blocked. Your Wind Hookfist will also be faster, reminiscent of the one present in T4 (frame advandage and EWHF proberties). It also adds pressure if blocked. You will know you succeeded if your hands emit a white light when you perform your DHT or WHF.

edit: PS: Hey Bub I know by the time you are reading this sentence you migh have wasted half an hour chopping my post and writting more jibberish.

edit2: Oh and also, dont post here. PM me instead. We fucked up the thread
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Jeez, wow at your posts. Anyway I was just trying to rememeber, back in the days of Tekken2/3/Tag I used to play as this guy, Can't rememeber his name, Lei/Lee or something. He's the chinese cop who turned into a full blown martial arts guy...Think it was Lei.

He was such a kick ass character, not everyone played as him, they preferred Paul and Jin and stuff.
Yep thats Lei alright. Indeed I rememer that most people went for Paul (Atleast in my area) back in these days too. Actually too many went for him, it was like a Pual addiction. I was really pissed for quite a while because I wasnt used to the stick and so I was pretty doomed against him at the arcades :LOL:
Yep thats Lei alright. Indeed I rememer that most people went for Paul (Atleast in my area) back in these days too. Actually too many went for him, it was like a Pual addiction. I was really pissed for quite a while because I wasnt used to the stick and so I was pretty doomed against him at the arcades :LOL:

Pfft... Paul was crap. Total middle tier. You could do a lk+lk+rp>kp<u*rk^3-booboo on him and deal 1290% damage with Jin. I mean, everyone knows that.

This is terror! If this goes on much longer, some president will get involved and bring war to you!
I loved Lei's Ti Chi style (please, no Martial Arts guys tell me how I'm wrong and it's obviously Kwon Po Ko when you look at his mongoose stance and see that he's standing on the left leg instead of the right one...) but in amateur games, he was whipped. I played numerous Tekken against friends and I put in a little effort to try and learn moves. I was good with Anna in her Zebra suit using counter-attacks for example (good in 'I could stop my frined's attacks' kinda way). On the whole though, one friend played (Martial) Law and the other player Baek and they'd just tap buttons and see what happens. Baek got up huge kicking combos that wasted you, and Law did multiple Rainbow Kicks from which there (seemed to be) was no recovery.

I'm not sure who these games are targetted at. Rank amateurs or Seasoned die-hard pro's? The two requirements must be very different. In the development of a sequel surely Namco are targetting the masses? I expect much of the same. There's those who'll just mash buttons randomly and every once in a while go 'ooo, look what I just did!'; those like me who stop and look at the combo lists, try a few, stop again, try a few more, and generally forget them and keep ending up with Yoshimtsu hopping around on his sword half the time no matter what move I was trying to pull off; and those who actually know what's meant by 1,2,4:4 br+tl < u*rk^3-booboo. The game balance will probably be the same, which I think I wouldn't bother with. To a rank amateur, these games seem far too samey. They need a game where people can play with negligable skill and still get enjoyment, and yet be different somehow to all the other Tekkens, but I've no idea how they'd do that unless they go with some manic DS3 controller waving.
IMHO, fighting games are not so much "aimed" at multiple levels as "absorbed" at them. There's a modicum of skill needed for any of them that goes above most other video games, but the games seem to be aimed at middle-road enthusiasts, and contoured for different tastes. VF for the more technical types, Tekken for more all-around players, SF for SF fans and more classical flava ;), Soul Calibur for weapons enthsiasts, DOA for boobie enthusiasts... :p

Point is, every iteration of these games gets chewed up and spit out by the tournament players differently, and they pretty much take them for what they will. Characters hop between "tiers" with rampant abandon, subtle tweaks take on extremely larger meaning, ANY system bug gets abused to the fullest degree... Meanwhile, that audience is extremely tiny in comparison, typically very fickle, and will do what it wants (since they don't feel compelled to continuously upgrade or switch systems--just play what's new and then if it doesn't pass muster, re-emphasize the older and "better" games they've been playing forever anyway.) If ONE mistake can seriously hurt a title on the tournament circuit, it doesn't make much sense to design with that sensibility in mind, as it doesn't matter how much you obsess over your title; ANYthing can hurt it.

They are concerned with retaining their fans, sure, but they're similarly concerned with expanding their audience and drawing in new players, because any insular audience is a stagnating one. Basically every change we see is toward those ends. And while companies will backstep from "misses" they have along the way, that will still always be their design goal.

Personally, I like playing fighting games. A LOT of them. But the moment I start spending half-an-hour in practice mode trying to perfect an air combo or give one rat's ass about "frame advantage..." I like to play with friends and concentrate simply on "having fun." Obsession doesn't sit well with me. :???:
rofl... are you guys really fighting about this?

Well I cant believe I am fighting over this either. Probably my description of what I disliked on some characters went a bit far with my reply on his reply ( :mrgreen: )-I got carried away due to his post- but some take a statement more seriously and literally. I never considered Lee one of the least good characters, on the contrary he was one of my fav in 4, but I am ready to spill out bitter words about any character even if thats my fav or belongs on the top most fav worldwide.

You will often see dedicated fans get pissed at changes, sometimes asking for the
"old" back. Especially old timers that grew up with a specific character and mastered some strategies, wont even consider something that may go against their fav character and experience.
If they cant get a win with their old experience due to changes in the next/new installment you will often hear the excuse "thats because Namco ruined him and changed this or that" since they take that personally. TOO PERSONALLY!

I mean...some people take losing so seriously they cant even sleep at nights, or so pissed they start accusing the changes. Problem is in each installment there will always be people complaining. There are always changes on characters, expecially from feedback and complains. Some want things to remain the same since they are so good with them, others (and usually players of characters they believe need some work) ask for these changes and many times they are excused.

With Tekken4 for example almost none of the previous techniques had the desired result (ofcourse Namco should have made a few more tweaks on 4 to fix some issues since it was the first effort to make it a true 3D fighting). When it was first introduced some hardcore fans got their asses kicked by amatuers. They went to blame this on the game. The popular belief back then was "4 is 30% skill 70% luck". A year later T4 masters could beat any amateurs ass. Then 5 came and they had to go back to the drawing board. You can see this at the 5 tekkenzibatsu forums too.

If you think this discussion was crazy, go to Tekkenzaibatsu forums. You will see a 7 page thread of disagreements why Kazuya sucks and why he doesnt in 5 :LOL:

edit: Something I d like to add after reading up all the discussion again. I have to admit that some of my claims on T4's Lee were far fetched sounding. Its true that Lee was a great character in 4 not that I wanted to state otherwise but wrongly gave the opposite impression.

To clear things up what I didnt like in Lee in 4 is what I didnt like in almost every character in 4. This wasnt directed towards Lee or characters specifically, but towards the whole game. Specifically I believe that Namco should have made more tweaks on the gameplay layout of 4, because the characters' controls and movelist evolved on four Tekkens that had a semi-3d and not a true 3D gameplay layout. Moves evolved mostly on a limited 2D-like axis. They didnt feel perfectly adapted on the new 3D gameplay. That said I liked 4's emphasis on ground fights and varied possibilities (sometimes they felt slightly random though) due to uneven stages but at the same time 4 was the Tekken that could have won the best fighting crown but lost it due to gameplay, design and imbalance issues (more specifically players discovered either infinite combos or too powerful wall attacks with some specifc characters that others didnt have a corresponding alternative) but as I always reply to people who disliked 4, it was the first Tekken to get a 3D overall after so many years, it was expected it wouldnt be perfect but it was a fresh experience.

The thing went out of control because bub got the impression I was refering to Lee himself which carried me away and ended me up in a dispute.

I also admit the possibility I may need more work with 4's Lee. Despite that I never tolerate someone who, instead of sharing and proposing or more importantly ask if I tried a few strategies, deals with me like a second class person/player from just one statement he disagrees on. BECAUSE I AM NOT! I am always open for different and even opposite opinions if the other person has the appropriate attitude. Otherwise if the appropriate attitude is absent dont expect my best self out of me.
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