The Fight : Lights Out (ps3+Move)

Okay, This game needs a thread !

I saw some people have got the game. I would request them to post impressions please, as reviewers seems to be saying the opposite of what I am hearing from users. Guess its time the reviewers are given legit vacations to destress so that they can enjoy games like gamers and not slog through them with a frown ;) !

Whats the verdict, people who have spent time with it. Is it fun? Is it a good workout game for some exercise while playing ? Is it worth the second Move controller ?

yes it's worth the 2nd Move Controller & it's the closest thing to 1:1 controls I have seen.

this game will give you a really good workout I only had it since Saturday but I've been playing it a lot beat the game & maxed out my skill points

made it to 108 rounds in Endurance Sparring none stop boxing for 1 hour the other night & last night I made it to 30 minutes in Target Practice Training.

best workout I have had in years I don't get sore like I did the 1st 2 days that I played my body is getting use to it.

I love this game!
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My answers are yes, yes and yes. :) The rest of the stuff you can find in various other threads here already, but I'll try to collect them later. But yeah, that video onQ posted says it all. I posted a lesser quality similar thing but where you see me and my TV at the same time so you also get a very real sense of the lag there is/isn't.
I very much like the look of the mechanics and would like to play something like this, but I hate the game styling and all that attitude. I'd want something like this in a fantasy RPG whacking goblins and trolls and stuff, but with this precision and control. The archery demo against the skeletons way-back-when was so promising!
it's the closest thing to 1:1 controls I have seen.

Ha ha, I place John Daly's ProStroke Golf higher than Sports Champions in terms of authenticiy of the feel/swing/stroke. It's a little unfair because SC has more sports and Golf seems easier to simulate. It would be amazing if Lights Out can top Golf. Everyone is waiting for an Adventure game with Gladiator and Lights Out combat.
The motion tracking in The Fight looks great. It's nice to see they got some shoulder tracking in there. My only complaint is the way you move your guy around, side to side and forward to back. It seems like the game allows for some free form blocking, where you could block high with one hand, and low with another. It's nice that you aren't forced into a particular blocking posture. Do you have to make sure to keep the wands pointing upright at all times? It seems like you have to keep your wrist bent to hold the wand up, if you have your hands up. That's a little uncomfortable, but not a big deal.

I'd like to see a vid where someone uses a lot of upper body movement for defense, to see if it really works in the game. So far every vid I've seen is just a flailing brawl, scoring the most punches the fastest. I like the way the tech works, but I'm not sure I like the game much. The mitts almost seems more fun than the fighting.

Not ready to jump on Move for this one, but if they come up with a real good boxing sim, and there's nothing for Kinect, my hand will be forced.
The motion tracking in The Fight looks great. It's nice to see they got some shoulder tracking in there. My only complaint is the way you move your guy around, side to side and forward to back. It seems like the game allows for some free form blocking, where you could block high with one hand, and low with another. It's nice that you aren't forced into a particular blocking posture. Do you have to make sure to keep the wands pointing upright at all times? It seems like you have to keep your wrist bent to hold the wand up, if you have your hands up. That's a little uncomfortable, but not a big deal.

I'd like to see a vid where someone uses a lot of upper body movement for defense, to see if it really works in the game. So far every vid I've seen is just a flailing brawl, scoring the most punches the fastest. I like the way the tech works, but I'm not sure I like the game much. The mitts almost seems more fun than the fighting.

Not ready to jump on Move for this one, but if they come up with a real good boxing sim, and there's nothing for Kinect, my hand will be forced.

to be honest moving around with the move controller seems like it could become a new standard for Move Games it works really good & I can see any type of game being played with 2 moves now that I seen how easy it is to move around in the fight with the Move Button.

RPG game with 2 moves can work having you use both controllers as your hands & press a button to go in the direction that you move the controller.

Football game

The Sims

Maybe I just need a better explanation of how moving around works. You hold down a button and tilt the controller in the direction you want to move? Do you have to tilt both controllers, or just one of the two? If it's based on tilt, I don't really like that, because if I'm holding my hands up to guard, I need to keep my wrist bent to hold the controller vertical, which is weird.
Maybe I just need a better explanation of how moving around works. You hold down a button and tilt the controller in the direction you want to move? Do you have to tilt both controllers, or just one of the two? If it's based on tilt, I don't really like that, because if I'm holding my hands up to guard, I need to keep my wrist bent to hold the controller vertical, which is weird.

Yes, tilt it in the direction you want to move. I can't remember if it calibrates to the position you are holding it when you press the button to move, but that would be the solution (I'm guessing it does as I never thought about it and many games do this, but I'm not 100% sure).

And yes, you can do it with either Move controller, don't have to use both at the same time.
Maybe I just need a better explanation of how moving around works. You hold down a button and tilt the controller in the direction you want to move? Do you have to tilt both controllers, or just one of the two? If it's based on tilt, I don't really like that, because if I'm holding my hands up to guard, I need to keep my wrist bent to hold the controller vertical, which is weird.

you only need to use 1 & you don't really have to use the movements if you're close enough to have to block anyway it has auto movement too & the controlling the player with the Move Button is so fast that you can hold your guard up & do a quick flick to move.

I don't see anyone that owns the game complaining about the controls only reviewers that didn't even take the time to get their player's skills up good enough to win a fight.
They should have found someone with real fight experience to demo this thing, to show how good it can be. Most of the videos I see look kind of terrible, but I imagine a good deal of that is the person controlling the game.
They should have found someone with real fight experience to demo this thing, to show how good it can be. Most of the videos I see look kind of terrible, but I imagine a good deal of that is the person controlling the game.

that might be do to the animation also, 1:1 controls with no delay isn't going to have the best animation.
that might be do to the animation also, 1:1 controls with no delay isn't going to have the best animation.

Shouldn't be a problem if the game tracks accurately, which it seems to do, and the person playing knows what they're doing.
I think the launch titles Move developers have done well technically.

For accurate and natural looking animation, I think we may need to improve third person view, 60fps DS3 games first. For motion games, they need to combine body tracking and controller input (especially for lower body movement) to map out the final presentation.
I think they should add Jump Rope to the training. using head tracking and the data that they get from the move controllers I think it will work really good.
I dont think it'd be that easy. Head tracking provides 2D positon of head, not distance back. The Moves will be moving back and forth to diffferent degrees, so won't show exactly where the feet are. The timing of skipping, especially at speed, is very precise so that you can't allow much leeway without missing all the accuracy needed to make a challenge of it. If the Eye could tell when the player's feet left the floor, it could probably determine if the rope would pass underneath or not.
I don't think there's any reason to make jump rope that complicated. When you jump rope, you're only jumping a half an inch, or an inch off the ground.
I dont think it'd be that easy. Head tracking provides 2D positon of head, not distance back. The Moves will be moving back and forth to diffferent degrees, so won't show exactly where the feet are. The timing of skipping, especially at speed, is very precise so that you can't allow much leeway without missing all the accuracy needed to make a challenge of it. If the Eye could tell when the player's feet left the floor, it could probably determine if the rope would pass underneath or not.

from the way that the move controllers can tell where your shoulders are by reading your hand position,hight , angle & rotation really you wouldn't even need the head tracking to make this work . & the headtracking being 2D shouldn't really matter when your hands are always just a little bit in front of you by your sides when you are jump roping unless you are really uncoordinated.