Err no it's not. To disregard nV as a rather serious potential consumer in that marketplace is nonsense, but to think them as some kind of entrenched or even desirable option there is folly. NV has a pretty long trek ahead of it, before it can claim to compete with the heavy hitters there, irrespective of what Jen Hsun tells you about only them and Qualcomm existing.
Also, if the GPU is dead NV is pretty damn doomed at this point because Tegra+Tesla put together don't bring as much as consumer does for them, and Tegra sure as hell can't serve as a petri-dish for Tesla, so as to make that look nicer by taking part of the R&D burden. Luckily for NV, the GPU is pretty fine currently, and will continue to be fine for quite a while, even if the POS bottom gets phagocited by CPU+IGP matchings. Consumer is pretty damn important, let's not pick up internet memes about it's death too soon (not happenig soon, BTW).
I was talking about brand power specifically with consumers. It is my belief that in a couple of years time consumers will walk into Best Buy looking for a tablet then ask one of the employees "which one of these has Nvidia Tegra", not "which one of these has Qualcomm QSD875392". That is the brand power Nvidia are building with Tegra and that is what will push them ahead of the competition and into the same league as Qualcomm.
The proclamations of death may seem early, but I was talking about 5-7 years from now, not next year. With Windows 8 being very tablet friendly and the next gen of consoles getting 1080p proper I think the role of PC gaming (and therefore discrete GPUs) will be more limited than they are currently. We saw at the start of this console generation PC gaming was losing steam, and though it has got back on its feet towards the end of the generation, the new consoles will put it back down into the doldrums again.
Just remember, the Android/Win8 tablet market may start out as a bunch of geeks who know the difference between OMAP4470, MSM8960 and Tegra 3/Kal-El but the consumers of the future won't care. They will see the "Tegra Inside" sticker or whatever equivalent Nvidia come up with and just buy it based on that and the screen size. Whatever you may think about Nvidia and JHH, they never fail at marketing their products well.