After playing 73 hours so far, I still like it.
1. The UI is really getting on my nerves, especially when the selected items jump up and down (when putting a stack in a container, for example, it tends to highlight the previous item half the time), and the really opaque perk screen. Using the mouse tends to select a different option that the one you click. And where is my "store all" button?
2. Dungeons tend to be more like a linear crawl, than having the layout resemble the architecture. With a "convenient" way out at the end. And if you don't have the quest or do it in a different order, it tends to break.
3. Talking about quests: except for the drinking quest, they're all pretty much fed-ex or kill.
4. Magic is very disappointing, as it's not only quite limited in scope, but very underpowered as well. Scale the enemies, but don't scale your destruction magic accordingly? Even with a mod that increases the damage and multiple enchantments that reduce the mana for destruction spells to zero, it takes a long time to kill even a single enemy.
5. There's no way to increase most of your skills to the point you become really powerful and/or take a clever, alternative approach to things. You don't have enough perks for the first, and they reduced or removed all the abilities and spells for the second.
6. What is up with the short durations of all the potions?
7. Quests are very linear, you never (?) get the option to take a different approach.
8. Visual bugs galore, the last is that my main menu has gotten a solid green background when inside or in a city.
9. The map is cool (especially if you increase the zoom levels and disable the clouds), but it has a problem with showing locations close to the borders.
I can't wait until the CS gets released, and I can fix it myself. Or if TessSnip gets upgraded and the Script Extender guys release a script compiler...