Team Fortress 2 Trailer

I'd consider the new look a bold move. It's appropriate, too. It emphasiszes the game's focus as a competitive platform, which I think suggests that overall design will be focused.

After all, all the lens flare, smoke, dof, bump mapping -everything- gets turned off by serious players. All those special effects are to enhance realism and suspension of disbelief. The serious fps'r trades them for clarity, resolution and fps 8 days a week.

In my opinion, the hi-contrast cartoony style is a very smart design choice and signals that the team really understands how (and by whom) the game will be appreciated.
It's all about storytelling from a more engaging perspective than purely first-person. :neutral:

If the game unfolded like the trailer, you would be an actor and a spectator in a production populated by other cast / audience members. This would make the entertainer and the entertained inseparable; both would digest the same narrative. And as a consequence, 'actors' will tend to have more information at their disposal while 'spectators' have a personal stake in the action.

If you were to expire (as Heavy did in the trailer), those who are nearby might be privy to the spectacle ... in real time ... via provocative cinematography. * So whether you're an adversary or an advocate, you'd know where Heavy died, how he died and, quite possibly, who (or what) killed him -- foreknowledge that could propel the game to a new level. :oops:

* [size=-2]Survivors would be able to eavesdrop on characters whose stage they practically share.[/size]

Or get you killed constantly.

How much FPS multiplayer games have you played? Such a setup as you purpose would simply never work. A break in the action would get you kill, be an annoyance after a little bit, and just plain not work.

You can not take the player from his view if he is still alive. That makes him very vulnerable and results in deaths which are simply not your fault.
It's all about storytelling from a more engaging perspective than purely first-person. :neutral:
Which is nice, but I rather doubt will strike upon a game like Team Fortress 2 in any way. It is, after all, a fast-paced, team-based, tactical FPS.

Single player...? I don't know what they may have planned, but I could certainly see them screwing around and having a bit of fun. ^_^ But that won't be what occupies 99% of the playtime.
Which is nice, but I rather doubt will strike upon a game like Team Fortress 2 in any way. It is, after all, a fast-paced, team-based, tactical FPS.

An interactive movie won't dilute the first-person experience. If anything it will unravel a more riveting story.

Adventure game narratives often rely on multiple perspectives, with eavesdropping being choreographed -- like an end boss getting ready for battle. But what I'm talking about is unscripted ... ;)
I'm just wondering how you plan on sticking interactive MOVIES into the multiplayer aspect in any way other than "intro" or "round winning" or "map switching" or "respawning." Can't hardly switch perspectives and stop action when everyone on the map is involved in a continuous run and gun.

Now if TF2 has some kind of co-op mode, that's something else entirely.
What you're saying is that sticking your nose in somebody else's business steals time, and a lack thereof may spell the difference between life and death ... or a successful/failed mission.

What I'm saying is that these moments are pertinent; and the information gleaned will more than offset any time lost. You see, backstory is served on moments of inactivity -- it helps the audience understand why things are happening the way they are. But players (who are involved in the story) can use this information to their advantage. The Engineer holed-up in that second story room not only knew who his pursuers were, but how they were hunting him -- a reality he could only surmise in the first-person.

True, capturing and coordinating scenes in real time sounds utterly esoteric. But I don't think it's impossible. ;)
Interesting art-style.

I hold my heart for the PS3 version though ... hopefully EA is starting to get the hang of the machine. What kind of games does the EA UK team have to its name?
Everything I learn about this game makes it seem more and more promising. And yeah, I love the Lupin-inspired character designs. Can't wait for this one, I hope they don't gimp the PC version, even if that means it's not playable vs X360. Better to have lots of customizable content on a PC game, IMO.
that was great. I often skip over these promo videos (esp if it's a product I already know I want) but that's well worth the short viewing time! :D
Being a Team Fortress fan for many years, i am very interested in this title, but i sure have some serious doubts. It's not that i fear change in general, or that Team Fortress Classic was the by far worst incarnation of the game, but some anounced things are just weird.

I mean, a medic giving any char 10 seconds indestructability? A good scout can doubtlessly bring the flag beyond the point of recoverability in that time. And healing from far away? Sounds quite exploitable - 3 medics healing a HWG from a save position (let alone making him indestructable) -> unbreachable? The concept of the missing frag grenade sounds somewhat ok though, it may strengthen the roles if balanced out.

And the graphics are pure candy, i can only hope Valve gives green light for mouse/keyboard, because otherwise i consider it unplayable and have to fall back to hoping my outdated PC will suffice.
And the graphics are pure candy, i can only hope Valve gives green light for mouse/keyboard, because otherwise i consider it unplayable and have to fall back to hoping my outdated PC will suffice.
On what, the PS3? Maybe...but definitely not the 360.
To add depth to the game characters i'd love to see more "interviews". You start the game up and you have a submenue with interviews for different characters. perhaps you can toggle in singleplayer (i'm just wildly guessing there will be an offline bot mode) to choose your character and the appropriate interview plays (skippable obviously) and the game can load in the background while you watch and then you play. Depending on how you do on the level you get a different interview at the end for your chosen character.

Obviously you can't tailor for any given event, so if every character has their own interview set piece to be interviewd in you can make like 3-4 variations on the interview for every character at the end of the game round. That to me would make the game much more cinematic. Otherwise you could just have a Menue with interviews, which would be simpler.

Looks to be a kick ass game, and i usually hate these kinds of games! The art style and humor sold it to me.
I think this is simply some of the best animation I've ever seen.
It's amazing really, because you never notice it. (At least I didn't, I was all wrapped up in the 'acting' :))

I love how the spy is still smoking at the end :)