Take a guess what I've been smoking?

_xxx_ said:
And that CM stuff is bull***t. I don't get these people.

I'm smoking good old natural stuff, as does digi methinks. All under control and such ;)

It is a VERY addictive drug. Probably the most addictive, even worse than heroine. The problem is that CM has a "higher status", so it's used by clubbers and a lot of the gay guys who are into drugs. Normal people who get their life ruined by crystal, just cause it keeps you awake the whole weekend to go out clubbing and have lots of sex and clubbing again and on and on and on. The body obviously can't *really* handle that, even if you just cannot fall asleep. And in the long run it just fucks you up big time. Not even such a long run.

And before i get the unfunny jokes, no it's not from personal experience, i just know a lot of people.
Crystal meth also tends to be really bad for the ticker. I had a buddy who tried it when it was new to us back in the early 80s and he was WILD that night, then we couldn't find him later.

The police found him 3 days later in Iowa sleeping naked under a car. :?

He's fine now, but that was enough to keep me from trying that shit!

Nope, my only real burning anymore is burnage....I just happened across a very nice bit of burnage recently. :)