Suicide bombers in Mecca

kyleb, i dont know about you. but it scares the hell out of me when i read all those quotes above. Seriously if the main clerics advocate violence, its only time until these muslims come after us. I think many of them might feel if they stand up against the extremists then they would also would be targeted. Scary stuff.
THank god, they havent gotten hold of a biological weapon, yet. They will use it in a second, no regrets. Living in a big city, knows as the car capital of the world. I would hate to think our city could be targeted, but it could. I hope you live somewhere unknows where you dont have to think about this kinda stuff.

I think you should read the actual links as well as just the quotes, and look for a historians point of view of what is being written, by whom and what evidence and integrity is in the articles. In most of the links there are gigantic holes in the arguments and I have tried to fill those holes with a simple comment and nothing else - that is What is Islam Really?

Of course there are bad people in all faiths but trying to blame a religion for it is where some people are making a mistake. And yes I do firmly believe there is a fixed and intentional agenda to discredit Islam (not only the people but the faith) by the media and by certain people in power to serve a political end.

As a History student this reminds me of desenstisation and is the first steps in an effort of propaganda against not a people, not a race but an ideology and those that follow it.

To me it is as simple as finding the new bogeyman when the Iron Curtain fell.

And thanks for the links Sabastian, I read some of them with interest others I have seen before and no it wont change my crux of the argument against your views. I only ask for tolerance from your end, tolerance and a bit of understanding on not only how politics work but how people work and what they are about. At the end of the day you believe a few have hijacked an entire religion of 1 billion people and my view is this is not the case - but vigilance and efforts are needed on both ends to ensure that a new dark age is not at hand. This will benefit no one.
epicstruggle said:
kyleb, i dont know about you. but it scares the hell out of me when i read all those quotes above. Seriously if the main clerics advocate violence, its only time until these muslims come after us. I think many of them might feel if they stand up against the extremists then they would also would be targeted. Scary stuff.

Hey, calm down... The Catholic doesn't like gays and still you see no rampaging hordes of people on a killing spree. The pope says that condoms have little holes through which AIDS can be contracted, still loads of people use condoms. There's are difference between faith and church, a difference between praying and worshipping people and the mad f*** at the corner crying for a holy war...

Man it just feels good to be atheist... :LOL:
I think many of them might feel if they stand up against the extremists then they would also would be targeted. Scary stuff.

I stand up to the extremists on all sides and if that makes me a target, well somethings are worth dying for aren't they?

Sometimes if you look into the mirror you find that you have become what you despise and even then you still have a choice... it is a shame so few are willing to look at themselves and find faults and even fewer are willing to correct their error.
Tahir I dont think we are actually debating much, everyone knows a plurality of Muslims dont feel the way Al Qaeda does and are perfectly reasonable people. However the minority that they are, is also not as insignificant as apologists like to claim. The debate is over 1 or 2 percent really.

Moreover, I don't see massive 1 million man marches against the people who are Jihading. Indeed many of the ideas and critisicms of the west that fuels Al Qaeda are widely held beliefs (for instance, the role of Women in society).

Dismissing the cultural disconnect between the societies is somewhat foolish IMO. And it is somewhat shocking that there isn't sufficient levels of outrage against some of the behaviours shown in those links. Sure, the well educated people who tend to post on these bulletin boards are outraged, but where is that attitude in the grass root sectors in the impoverished streets. Surely thats where the large majority of the population abides and where change must come to be affected.
pax said:
Quite a bit wrong on the IRA there Hup. They most certainly targeted and killed civilians. They carried out attacks in England which is another country. They were associated with terror groups in other countries even as far as Colombia...

Just noticed this thread dont know if anyone is still following it, but as someone who actually lives in England i can say that although the IRA has killed English civilians they dont targeted them, most of these casualties have been people caught accidentally in blasts, the IRA are more interested causing structure economic damage. However IRA splinter groups have targeted civilians. You say their attacking another country but thats what the whole thing is about: Northern Ireland.