I hope you read my post better than your reply showed. I did try to imply that there MIGHT be people who COULD become terrorists. Now how easy/hard that would be is anyones guess. To some a slight insult/injury is enough to push over the edge. Other would never advocate violence.Natoma said:epicstruggle said:The other problem is that there are a potential 1 billion terrorist.
That sentence in a nutshell explains what i'm trying to get across. The idea that every muslim on the planet is a potential terrorist is simply abhorrent to me, and I'm not even a muslim!
You may not truly believe that, but there are many who do epic, and that is a problem.
Now as for the stats on how many people terrorists have killed. Most of the terrorists are not the ones who do the suicide runs. They are part of the infrastructure that command the "foot soldiers". If the corrolation of deaths to # of terrorists in the world were as cut and dry and you say, we'd have tens of thousands of deaths every year from terrorism. When in fact deaths from terrorism are very low. Spectacular events such as 9/11 are thankfully very rare, which is why they have such an impact.
So how do you tell the truth to the populace over there? Dont count on the schools or govermnent, or the clerics.Natoma said:I thought it was well known that Al-Jazeera is obscenely biased? This isn't news DC.
Ill grant you that foxnews is biased, but on a scale of bias, AJ is in a whole other category. I hope you can see that. Plus we do have many, many more choices in media outlets, whereas AJ is the only source of news for them.pax said:AJ is the foxnews of the middle east... Its certainly a common liberal mantra ...
epicstruggle said:I hope you read my post better than your reply showed. I did try to imply that there MIGHT be people who COULD become terrorists. Now how easy/hard that would be is anyones guess. To some a slight insult/injury is enough to push over the edge. Other would never advocate violence.
epicstruggle said:The other problem is that there are a potential 1 billion terrorist.
epicstruggle said:However you do bring a good point that many believe that every muslim is evil. In all fairness there are muslims who believe that anyone not a muslim is also evil. The difference right now is that only muslims are going out of their country(immideate area) to conduct terror attacks (violence). I dont see hindus going over to indonesia to kill muslims. I dont see protestants going to brazil to kill cathlolics. But I do see muslims going to indonesia, US, England, and other countries to conduct violent acts.
epicstruggle said:It seems to me that the fight between moderate and extremist muslims is not being won by the majority(moderates), but by the vastly small minority(extremists).
epicstruggle said:Ill grant you that foxnews is biased, but on a scale of bias, AJ is in a whole other category. I hope you can see that. Plus we do have many, many more choices in media outlets, whereas AJ is the only source of news for them.pax said:AJ is the foxnews of the middle east... Its certainly a common liberal mantra ...
epicstruggle said:So how do you tell the truth to the populace over there? Dont count on the schools or govermnent, or the clerics.Natoma said:I thought it was well known that Al-Jazeera is obscenely biased? This isn't news DC.
Sabastian said:It isn't an attack, it is an observation. On the matter of Catholics... I don't think that there is any question they denounce the acts of terrorism but it isn't Catholics that have declared a Jihad against anyone.
Did you forget the IRA and now the Real IRA all of a sudden people? When will these double standards stop? Never obviously.
It's not important what I think as an individual but people need to wake up a little and realise they are blaming and pointing the finger in the wrong direction. When someone comes up and blames terrorism on Muslim nations but doesnt look at what he is doing in his own backyard then I have no way to change these narrowminded beliefs. I am a Muslim but I feel in no way responsible for ANY terrorist act. Nor should any Catholic (like pascal) for the atrocities commited by the IRA. Since a lot of you have a problem with doing that at the moment I will continue my struggle to try and educate where I can.
Natoma said:epicstruggle said:However you do bring a good point that many believe that every muslim is evil. In all fairness there are muslims who believe that anyone not a muslim is also evil. The difference right now is that only muslims are going out of their country(immideate area) to conduct terror attacks (violence). I dont see hindus going over to indonesia to kill muslims. I dont see protestants going to brazil to kill cathlolics. But I do see muslims going to indonesia, US, England, and other countries to conduct violent acts.
Kashmir and India. Hindus kill and terrorize Muslims in both places. Especially in India where Muslims are in the vast minority. And lets not even bring up the archaic caste system when speaking about religions that espouse tolerance and love and education. Because under those tenets, Hinduism fails abysmally when compared to Islam.
Natoma said:epicstruggle said:So how do you tell the truth to the populace over there? Dont count on the schools or govermnent, or the clerics.Natoma said:I thought it was well known that Al-Jazeera is obscenely biased? This isn't news DC.
I think you'll find the "populace" is more in the know than you give them credit for. It is the "populace" that is forcing change from within in Iran. It's a start.
A) As far as the Brits are concerned England is not another country.pax said:Quite a bit wrong on the IRA there Hup. They most certainly targeted and killed civilians. They carried out attacks in England which is another country. They were associated with terror groups in other countries even as far as Colombia...
pax said:I just dont think the IRA was any nicer than al quaeda. Not the same objectives no but certainly there were elements who fantasized destroying britain...
Sabastian said:I think that is the discrepancy really Tahir. My impression is that the movement within Islam is far greater then a mere 0.01% of the Muslim population.
Sabastian said:I am regretful for that perception but there is a matter of cause for it.
http://www.ict.org.il/articles/articledet.cfm?articleid=424Top Muslim Clerics Endorse Suicide Attacks
A Challenge to the United States?
Colonel (Res.) Jonathan Fighel
ICT Researcher
On January 9th, top representatives of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, joined a religious convention headed by the General Secretary of the Hizballah, Hassan Nasser Alla in Beirut. The conference was attended by Muslim clerics from Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, Sudan, The Arab Emirates, Morocco, Algeria and Jordan. The next day, the participants issued an official declaration in support of suicide bombings against Israel, stating that “the suicide attacks against Israel are legitimate according to the Koran.†Suicide attacks, they stated, are “a strategic weapon which enable us to regain the strategic balance with the Zionist enemyâ€(1)
http://www.google.ca/search?q=cache...df+islamic+Jihad+clerics+Egypt&hl=en&ie=UTF-8Leading Egyptian Islamic Clerics on Jihad Against U.S.
Troops in Iraq: March - July 2003
Experts say that obvious Indonesian cooperation with the United States might spark large-scale demonstrations that could undermine the current government, but some developments hint at some U.S.-Indonesian cooperation.
Since 1979, oil-rich Iran under a clerical dictatorship has been the progenitor of Islamic terrorism directed against the United States, Israel and the governments of many Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually for propaganda and in support of terrorists such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Palestine Liberation Organization, Iran has been co-responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians, including more than 1,500 Americans. These attacks include the 1983 truck bombs in Lebanon that destroyed the U.S. Embassy and later killed 241 Marines in their barracks as well as the 1996 attack against U.S. personnel in Saudi Arabia.
After September 11, 2001, Iran held a series of terrorist summits in which it openly increased its budget for Hamas and other terrorist organizations while also providing additional millions for the families of homicide bombers who would kill civilians. Iran also publicly announced training for terrorists volunteering to strike in America and for the destruction of civilian passenger aircraft with shoulder-fired missiles. Iran is complicit in the recent upsurge in violence against Israel, and Iran's leaders have said that, when they have nuclear weapons, they will be ready to "annihilate" the Jewish state.
Arabs celibrate massacre at the world trade center
http://www.atour.com/news/international/20010914b.htmlHamas, Egypt Group Back Taliban, Urge Muslim Unity
by Nidal Al-Mughrabi, Reuters
Posted: Friday, September 14, 2001 at 12:56 PM CT
GAZA (Reuters) - A senior official of the Islamist militant group Hamas, echoing calls by Taliban clerics in Afghanistan, urged Muslims on Friday to unite against any U.S. retaliation for the terror attacks in New York and Washington.
In Cairo, the spokesman of Egypt's largest Muslim fundamentalist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, defended the Taliban's threat of revenge for any U.S. action against Afghanistan and urged Washington to show restraint.
http://www.meib.org/articles/0211_s1.htmSponsoring Terrorism: Syria and Islamic Jihad
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/local/story/71199p-66134c.htmlSowing seeds of hatred
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/09/06/60minutes/main521056.shtmlSaudi Schools Teaching Hate
http://www.jayreding.com/archives/000446.phpSchools of Hate
http://www.google.ca/search?q=cache...hools+Of+Hate+pakistan&hl=en&start=1&ie=UTF-8SPREADING HATE
Pakistan's Muslim Schools Offer a Dark View of U.S.
http://www.copts.net/detail.asp?id=361Hate Mongers , SERMONS FROM THE MOSQUES
In Praise of Bin Laden
Some Saudi Schools Teach Students to Hate the U.S., Love Osama
http://philologos.org/guide/videos/jihad.htmTerrorists Among Us - The Jihad in America (2001)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2829059.stmHate preaching cleric jailed A Muslim cleric who urged followers to kill non-believers, Americans, Hindus and Jews has been jailed for nine years.
http://www.adl.org/presrele/ASInt_13/3965_13.aspADL Says Anti-Semitic and Anti-American Reports in Arab and Muslim Media "Foment Anger And Hate"
Arab leaders try to contain anti-American feelings after Iraq attack
Terrorists Find Allies on Campus
Students: U.S. 'Had It Coming'; 'It Is Our Fault'
Sabastian said:I really by now never would have assumed that there was so much ignorance with regards to Muslim Anti-Americanism. I regret having to do this Tahir.