pax said:Theres plenty reasons for them to be angry... corrupt govs, poverty where they have huge wealth. Residual cultural impressions from past colonialism...
Its both understandable and normal as in the west weve had long lasting repercussions from bad series of events... I dont think its helpful to lay blame all at the feet of muslims. Blame is best shared where it merits... Anyone trying to lay blame at muslims feet only is failing to see modern history and even current situations...
Pax what I am saying is that there is little going on from within Islam particularly in Arabic nations to stifle the terrorist sentiment. As such if Islam finds this supposed fringe movement distasteful then they ought to vigorously denounce what they are preaching and relegate the terrorists to being a fringe group. This would benefit Islam and keep the religion from being marked by these groups. They have to stifle the Jihad calling, it is Islamic therefore it is Islam who's name is in jeopardy consequently they are obliged to a degree to shut down this movement from within their own ranks. But in Arabic countries that is not happening. They need to strongly denounce the terrorist and by that I mean more then simply making one time statements with regards to certain acts of terrorism, they have to attack the beliefs and ideas behind it on a daily bases until these fringe movements are indeed extreme fringe movements.