digitalwanderer said:I'm with Guden big time on this one.Guden Oden said:Not really, no.Killer-Kris said:All of those have just as much potential to kill as a gun.
No, there is nothing in my house right now as instantly and easily lethal as a gun.
I'm not bashing people who do keep guns, I'm just saying I choose not to as I see it as just an invitation for disaster....but I'll get a stun gun.
My main point is that just like everything else deadly/dangerous in a typical home, the reason that they are typically fine is through a combination of education, and vigilance.
And I whole heartedly agree that you shouldn't bring a gun into your home if you honestly think that people there wouldn't know how to deal with it.
I suppose I was just trying to be a little confrontational about whether or not that was the issue, or if guns are just something out of the ordinary that happen to be dangerous and the usual irrational fear that tends to come with it.