Stun guns

digitalwanderer said:
Guden Oden said:
Killer-Kris said:
All of those have just as much potential to kill as a gun.
Not really, no.
I'm with Guden big time on this one.

No, there is nothing in my house right now as instantly and easily lethal as a gun.

I'm not bashing people who do keep guns, I'm just saying I choose not to as I see it as just an invitation for disaster....but I'll get a stun gun. :)

My main point is that just like everything else deadly/dangerous in a typical home, the reason that they are typically fine is through a combination of education, and vigilance.

And I whole heartedly agree that you shouldn't bring a gun into your home if you honestly think that people there wouldn't know how to deal with it.

I suppose I was just trying to be a little confrontational about whether or not that was the issue, or if guns are just something out of the ordinary that happen to be dangerous and the usual irrational fear that tends to come with it.
Guden Oden said:
Killer-Kris said:
So does letting your kid borrow the car. And I don't hear anyone crying very loudly about that.
Cars however do not have the sole purpose of making holes in people at a distance. Not quite the same thing.

That wasn't really the point, a knife's sole purpose is cutting things up into smaller pieces. Doesn't mean we need to ban them. Mustard gas' sole purpose (as far as I know) is to kill people [everyone I'm aware of has both chlorine bleach, and ammonia in their house].

The reason they aren't a problem is through education and vigilance. And not to mention that they are so prevalent in all of our lives. If all the same were true for guns I'd be willing to bet almost no one would even think twice about the issue.

All of those have just as much potential to kill as a gun.
Not really, no.

Really?! So you don't think a car can be as instantly lethal? To both the occupants, as well as any innocent bystanders?

Just think what would happen if an older toddler got a whole of the car keys, went out to the garage and pretended to be mommy or daddy. With keys in hand they could easily injure or kill not only themselves, but any other motorists or pedestrians in the area, JUST as easy as they could with a gun.
ANova said:
How about a good old fashioned handy dandy baseball bat? They're quite effective, especially the metal varients. Assuming you have strength of course.

You're forgetting he's not supposed to physically over exert himself, and if taking down the assailant with the bat doesn't do him in, I fear that the adrenaline from the whole encounter just might. :oops:
Killer-Kris said:
I suppose I was just trying to be a little confrontational about whether or not that was the issue, or if guns are just something out of the ordinary that happen to be dangerous and the usual irrational fear that tends to come with it.
Guns are just something that happen to be extrordinarly dangerous.

It's not irrational, and its unfortunately not that out of the ordinary.
digitalwanderer said:
Killer-Kris said:
I suppose I was just trying to be a little confrontational about whether or not that was the issue, or if guns are just something out of the ordinary that happen to be dangerous and the usual irrational fear that tends to come with it.
Guns are just something that happen to be extrordinarly dangerous.

In all reality, I don't think a 22 pistol is likely to be any more life threatening than drinking any number of house hold chemicals. Or even worse, the mixing of certain house hold cleaners.

With the sole possible exception of a shot in the head.

Of course that takes us back to the original topic, and as other posters have pointed out the stun guns often have more stopping power than a 9mm, let alone a 22. But of course many times all that is needed is the deterant, and an empty (pellet, airsoft, etc..) gun will provide that.

It's not irrational, and its unfortunately not that out of the ordinary.

I suppose my phrasing of the irrationality of it was a bit bad, though I don't know a better way to put it. And being a father myself I can definitely understand the idea that there is no such thing as worrying about your childrens safety too much. It's just that so many other equally dangerous things are over looked, and then everyone comes down so hard on guns.

Edit: and for the record with the advent of wireless tazers on the horizon I can actually foresee even myself supporting a ban on fire-arms. Provided these wireless tazers are allowed for citizen ownership and are equal in price to current fire-arms (instead of artificially high to keep people from buying them, but being able to claim they're available).
digitalwanderer said:

you can get this for that kind of money here....or less....


i am thinking of getting one of those ;)
The benefit of a stun gun in the US is the fact most states allow you to carry them wherever you go. You cannot do that with a gun since it's against the law for 99% of citizens. Keep a gun at home and carry a stungun with you or pepper spray. Also keep in mind that the higher the voltage the less time needed to take down an attacker. The low voltage stun guns need to be held against an attacker for several seconds while the higher voltage models only need 1 or 2 seconds. Stun guns are also less likely to kill.
Where do you all live. You all seems to live in fear. I am 42 years old and I have been robbed at gun point once in a store and my house got burglarized 4 months ago.

When I got held up at gun point I was like 16 years old if I would have tried to use a stun gun I can assure you I would be dead right now. As for the burglary I wasn't home, if I were home it wouldn't have happen they waited till I left for work.

So if you want to get a stun gun to protect your family I don't think it would be very effective, specially if there are more than one attacker. You are also not going to carry a gun all the time at home or on the road. If you have it at home you are not likely to keep it in easy reach. So the chances are that in the need to use it you may not be able to get to the gun in time to use it.

I settled on an alarm system on the house if they break in the syren and an automatic call to the police should make them go away. If I am home alone and I need medical, police or fire department I am one button away from getting help.
Killer-Kris said:
Guden Oden said:
Killer-Kris said:
So does letting your kid borrow the car. And I don't hear anyone crying very loudly about that.
Cars however do not have the sole purpose of making holes in people at a distance. Not quite the same thing.

That wasn't really the point, a knife's sole purpose is cutting things up into smaller pieces. Doesn't mean we need to ban them. Mustard gas' sole purpose (as far as I know) is to kill people [everyone I'm aware of has both chlorine bleach, and ammonia in their house].

No, you are missing the point. Bleach and ammonia is not in every household so that you can make mustard gas. Similarly with knives and cars. You don't have knives in your kitchen so that you can stab an intruder in the face and you don't own a car so that you can run over people on the way to work.

Hand guns however are made with the sole purpose of perforating people, which was Guden's point. Guns are point and click death, simplest user interface in the world.

So they have nothing to do in a home, especially when you have kids around. A stun baton on the other hand.... that probably comes in handy keeping the little rascals in line. :)
