Well, I was getting around to finishing Grid 2, then stupid Dresden sucked me back into Borderlands 2!
Here goes another 90 hours of my life...
Malo said:Was a fun night of slaughter! Thanks guys. Great to take down the Warrior again
Damn you guys must've been up late! I quit around 11 and we still had some way to go IIRC. Also I suspect the going was a little slower after I was gone
Wonder if I could have 1 shotted the Warrior with that rocket launcher...
Everyone else left, but I stayed up a little bit. My buddy couldn't actually unlock TVHM. Apparently, he got a message saying he never completed the storyline? I've never heard anything about that before.
I have a thread open on the Gearbox forums about PhysX. Hopefully, I can get some sort of resolution.
Six wild games and a bunch of DLC. Pay what you want and get the urban warfare open-world adventure Saints Row: The Third; the prequel open-world action-adventure game Saints Row 2; the swashbuckling fantasy action RPG Risen 2: Dark Waters; and the hack-and-slash RPG Sacred 2: Gold Edition. Pay over the average and receive the survival horror RPG Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition and Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, which includes a bunch of DLC. And if you pay $25 or more, you’ll get the sequel to Dead Island, Dead Island: Riptide.
Deep SIlver's catalogue is on sale at humble Bundle.
No need for Steam sales anymore. we also get DRM free copies which we can install on any
computer !
Edit: Ah ! Turns out its a Steam only bundle ! Bah !
EDIT 2: bought it for Sacred 2 Gold and Risen 2, two games I never bought but always wanted to try. I am lost in Torchlight 2 right now, so Sacerd2 could be up next. But its 14gb download ! WTF have they got in there?!?!
Sacred 2 has a relatively huge static world. Hence the large size. If you've never played Sacred 2 before, word of warning. It's a Diablo clone with a unique way of doing skills. Skill re-use timer, cost, and power goes up quite significantly with each skill upgrade. The re-use timer and cost can be reduced via level + relevant stat. If you upgrade a skill too much too fast (skill upgrades are dropped, and not spec'd sorta like Diablo 1) then you'll find it virtually unuseable. It's a huge balancing act to find the right upgrade level for you depending on how powerful and how frequently you want to use it depending on your level and skill point allocations.
Humblebundle again:
If you don't have it yet - it's worth it for the KB pack alone.