How on Earth are you not aware that resolution is probably the single biggest metric gamers know anyhting about? Besides frame rate, it is probably the only thing they can speak about without sounding like IGN staff writers. Subtle stuff like AA solutions, AF, AO, etc. are just buzzwords, but everyone with half a brain know what resolution is. They know their TV is 1080P and PC gamers all know their native monitor resolution. Your sudden surprise that resolution is a known metric is more surprising. Gamers were nitpicking 540P, 600P, 640P, 704P, 720P, etc. all this last gen. Suddenly they don't understand that 1080P is higher than 720P?
The resolution isn't that easy to discern though if you don't know the numbers. I have a few native 1080p games on the Xbox 360, like Sacred 2, Super Street Fighter 2 HD, Geometry Wars.... etc, and I recently purchased a full HD TV. They certainly look crisp but I don't see a huge difference to be honest.
I am surprised about the fact that
joker454 mentions this forum when this has been an oasis of peace compared to others. I used to frequent a forum and type things in a place which were -and still is- comprised of PS fans and the situation was very very different. Even the moderators began to ban Nintendo and Xbox fans for no apparent reason til they practically destroyed the place because there weren't differing opinions anymore, at some point. I stopped writing there, I wrote something today though, but I don't want to write there anymore.
Now I agree with you that maybe it is the time for Xbox fans to suffer some hardships, like Sony did and Nintendo... and everyone. I think one day we shall go beyond the mountains of hardship and find the vast plains of comfort again.
But what
joker454 has described is very real, not so much in this forum but in others. That made think twice and thrice and ... before buying a PS3, and I have never had one because of some of the stuff you had to read.
It was the generation of the excuses. Maybe it is just me but more than 95% of the multiplatform games -no matter how good the port was- looked slightly blurrier to me in their PS3 version. Yet if the differences were tangible developers would be accused of being lazy devs.
Parity was also something that they tried to achieve but I am glad that they are looking for disparity this gen, compared to the last generation where they went a bit too far with the parity sometimes after the criticism they had to face.
It has been 8 years having people saying that the PS3 would evolve in such a way that the Xbox 360 would fall back behind when developers learnt to tame and master the PS3 hardware, yet it wasn't the case in the end because the Xbox 360 games evolved technically over the years. Some devleopers say that the PS3 is more powerful, Carmack said recently that the Xbox 360 is more powerful, but in the end they were very similar, capabilities wise, give or take.
Now some of that same people have been creating a lot of drama around the Xbox One.
They way those people talked these days, getting a PS4 is the solution to every problem... Creating FUD, the weird kind.
Are Microsoft chasing you down with a pack of hounds? Get another console! Is the CIA using Kinect along with Microsoft and sending dark helicopters to hover over your house/flat and spy on you? Get another console! Are hackers using Xbox One tracking capabilities and sending you emails from some foreign nation you cannot pronounce and asking you to help their prince/princess transfer a million euros? Get another console... !!! A nuclear warhead landed in your backyard... One of your acquaintances who is a Xbox One users might be a drug dealer with a pit bull & an AK-47.... You saw the last Dead Rising 3 trailer and tonight the zombies are walking down your street and want your brain -- GET ANOTHER CONSOLE !!! It shall solve all your problems!
This is the kind of message I got in certain forums and sites. Some of the jokes regarding the difference in resolution between CoD: Ghosts on the PS4 and Xbox One are funny though.