Splinter Cell 4 Gameplay Footage



Looks really good (for such a simple ice level).

Here's one of his new moves:


Did he just punch through solid ice thick enough to walk on with his bare fist while under water? Really, now... That's some 'superspy' power.
Zaphod said:
Did he just punch through solid ice thick enough to walk on with his bare fist while under water? Really, now... That's some 'superspy' power.

it's all in the wrist.....

i agree - seems somewhat hard to believe (although, having never tried to punch through a few inches of ice whilst submerged beneath a gun toting enemy, i can't go off any personal experience :LOL:) which is a shame as the splinter cell series is usually very good in that respect.

the video looks okay, but i can help but be a little dissapointed in the graphics given the graphical coup de gras that the original (and indeed later, CT) was on the xbox. I'm eager to get past this one and see what Ubi montreal can give us on the next gen machines.
Looks to me like he's actually sticking two "things" like hooks or something, to create some sort of handle he then pulls with all his body using his legs to help him, breaking the ice. Even then, it doesn't make it much more believable, but certainly more believable than punching through thick ice while underwater.
At least you can shoot the lamps in this game ;)
That breaking through the ice is really a silly inclusion, with added silliness because he's actually pulling the ice that apparently can carry a man on the surface into the water without much resistance from the water mass!
Well, maybe you must search for very thin spots of ice where you can break thru, instead of being able to do it anywhere.
Well, first the ice must be about 2 inches thick to carry a single man, and that's with solid strong ice.
Punching through such ice isn't that easy as some might think, and punching underwater even more so.
In the video, I think he is punching a hole through, then pulling the ice into the water so it shatters. Not attaching some hook in the ice and pulling from there as first seemed (which would've made it even more impossible).
That scene is just completely unrealistic, but that's ok 'cos things often are in games and movies. If it makes for exciting gameplay, I don't complain.
Any more questions?
Looks cool, I'd digging the variety of moves you can do. Though I hate to say it, but I'm not really impressed with the graphics. I didnt see what everybody was raving about in the last thread, and I still dont. But It's more about gameplay and the gameplay does indeed look fun. Theres some speculation that this might come to the ps3 (but not announced yet of course), I hope thats true.
rabidrabbit means water pressure will be resisting the force moreso than even breaking the ice in air. Of course, if the man is standing on the ice it's already got that force, so you only need add enough to take it to breaking point. If Sam can apply the pressure of another person t the same spot, it's conceivable it'd break. Punching through the ice could be achieved by an impact-induced pressurised shot, perhaps a compressed gas cylinder driving the hook. When impacted, the hook is shot with extra force into the ice, then the combined pull force and weight of the gaurd makes it break. Obviously they researched this heavily and didn't just throw in a cool action to make for fun gameplay... :D
arguing whether the ice could be broken in a videogame is dumb, guys.

he'd be a popsicle waaaaaay before he even had a chance to try in water that cold.
predicate said:
arguing whether the ice could be broken in a videogame is dumb, guys.

he'd be a popsicle waaaaaay before he even had a chance to try in water that cold.

hey, remember the mighty bulb! it matters to some. B3d suffers....
rabidrabbit said:
Well, first the ice must be about 2 inches thick to carry a single man, and that's with solid strong ice.
Punching through such ice isn't that easy as some might think, and punching underwater even more so.
In the video, I think he is punching a hole through, then pulling the ice into the water so it shatters. Not attaching some hook in the ice and pulling from there as first seemed (which would've made it even more impossible).
That scene is just completely unrealistic, but that's ok 'cos things often are in games and movies. If it makes for exciting gameplay, I don't complain.
Any more questions?

It didn't look like he punched through the ice. It look like he striked it to get a good grip with his right hand the used his legs to brace against the ice so he could pull and force the ice to crack. Water pressure has little effect when you're slowly pulling on the ice to cause it to crack. Water pressure only becomes a factor if you're trying to pull a large piece of ice under water. Once you've made it crack, everything else just happens naturally.
I know it's off-screen, but that quality should be good enough to see good details. But I guess it's not the quality, but the lack in the game itself. Cause to be honest, animation looks kinda clunky. He hit the guy somewhere on the leg and he sunk like a stone. And when he dove, there were no splash or what so ever. I prefer the middle-eastern like level from the other gameplay vids. And I hope they add under water effects like in Metal Gear because it's too clean (although that maybe only because he's wearing a goggle).

hmm... the video kind of just looked like SC:CT on PC (his animations look identical save for the new move) and not so smooth. Need a direct feed.
Same engine, same animation, crappy framerate, far from being impressive so far. Little dissapointement tech-wise.
predicate said:
arguing whether the ice could be broken in a videogame is dumb, guys.

he'd be a popsicle waaaaaay before he even had a chance to try in water that cold.
You know people scuba dive in the artic right? I watched a program (PBSHD) a about a week ago of someone scuba diving in a glaziers believe it or not.
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