I personally would love to see the next gens completely ditch all this rubbish gimmicky 'you are the controller' none sense and focus on being what they are... Games consoles.. As I think that half way through this generation things started started to get silly with all this Kinect and motion rubbish.
After how many years does a gimmick sop being a gimmick? And I could have sworn Kinect Sports was a game ...
All controllers are motion controllers (all the ones people commonly think of anyway). Kinect is great because it opens up the scope of input so massively - from face shape to tone of voice to posture to movement to more.
I would love to join the world on the console gamer again but I'm all about image quality and looking at the way things are going with the next gen consoles I'll be sticking with my PC again for the next 5-6 years.
On the PC you buy a fast graphics card and throw its power excesses at improving IQ. No matter how much power a console has it will never be used in such a way. You should probably stick with the PC, forever.
And what I meen by people going with a faster PS4 over 720 is this much difference..
How much would you be willing to pay for that difference in graphic quality? $100? $150? $200?
There probably won't be that kind of difference, partly because both will have similarly capable shaders (so just run at a lower resolution) and partly because Sony aren't going to be building a beast of a console either.
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