So what? What is the point you are trying to make?
Its not an exclusive when its..... available on another platform, be it PS4 or not, hell even if its windows. Quake 2RTX does look much better then the original but that doesnt make it a new game lol.
What does this have to do with Sony's investing only in games that run on PS5? I don't know if you're just a troll, or just lacking in any critical thinking but you hammer out this nonsense and it doesn't change that since PS5 launched, Sony have published more games that only run on PS5 than games that also support other platforms. Nobody gives a toss if you din't like the graphics in a game, or another to a remaster. Sony are putting their money where their mouth is. Did Sony say they would never release more games for PS4? Because after launching PS2 they still realised games for the original PlayStation. Same with PS2 and PS3 and PS3 and PS4.
The main debate around cross gen last E3 was due to just that, it would hold back the graphical and other capabilites of new consoles. Returnal might be exclusive but it certainly doesnt cover any of the graphics assosiated with it. The only reason people generally are so against Cross generation is that new consoles might be held back, infinite got its blame for its flat lighting due to cross gen last year for example. Its all the Xone's to blame for etc.
Sony's headline messaging last E3 was 'we believe in generations', what we got was
mostly cross gen with PS4 games on the PS5. I dont care about that, but, MS got hammered last year for saying 'were going to go cross gen the coming two years', well atleast they where honest about it.
Its all tactics and PR i know, but still, Sony could have been
somewhat more transperant about what we actually where going to get.
To me, it seems your the one trolling here, you wherent all that kind last year to MS's idea of cross generational games during the first years of the console life span. Now your all over the map defending it, after knowing Sony is actually also very much into cross gen with their last console aswell.
Games shown at E3 last year gave the impression they where PS5 games aswell, Stray for example, turns out they either come to pc the same day or later to Xbox aswell.
Its very clear what kind of tactics sony tried to use (with some success), same for the UE5 demo which runs quite nicely on my 2018 gaming system.
Kinda like MS with their TF/full RDNA2 and no downclocking of CPU/GPU campaign, but, atleast they where somewhat more honest there.
Who is arguing against this? Who here isn't saying Sony's messing isn't shite?

You post like a reddit bot.
Just have a look at the current page lol. And yea, go on with the personal attacks, makes for some level headed discussions.
Or maybe that gamers believe what they want to believe?
Well, im kind of the wait-and-see person, but, i did believe sony was going to go full next gen for their PS5 because that was their messaging against MS's cross generation support for their new xbox series. Seeing the trailers i was already thinking 'aha', GT7 looked well, just like GTS for the most, forbidden west had many thinking 'cross-gen' and we had chris1515 commenting it was a PS5 exclusive using the SSD and all, yet its a cross gen game.
Dont believe all the hype, neither from the console manufacturers or random forum users, wait and see what happens instead.