Has to be expected, Hirai has a tough job in front him.
I just read that on top of Lenovo, LG (still not Samsung but still could give Samsung Ideas) aims at 60% of its TV to be smart TV, and that Google allowed them to tweak the UI of I don't remember which rendition of Android. Samsung migh be next.
Ultimately Sony will have to adopt Android somehow, they were imho the company in the best position to do while leveraging gaming in this realm (TV market).
I still can believe that the Xperia play and the PSV were different devices.
I still can believe than believe fight to position it-self in the tablet/slate realm, whereas the gaming crowd would die for something like a Xperia Tab (working a bit like ipad iphone in regard to specs, the tab would jsut have the extra juice to deal with the extra pixel).
I hold by it playstation is an half assed efforts set to fail, they could not and still can't compete with Android. At this point it was about leveraging Android and their strength to become market leaders.
Mr.Hirai has few time to set things straight for Sony I still have hope as they have the content and a more open approach than MS for example. I want to believe that they have time to port Android to the PSV and keep the thing up to date.
I hope they will realize that they need an xperia play with common specs with the PSV (same CPU, less gpu power but same architecture, more RAM).
I hope the same for tablets, they might have a standard tablet buit not having a gaming oriented tablet 7" or/and 10" (with sliding control like xperia play) when you have the mind-share Sony has is close to retarded.
PSV would have somehow to become less relevant vs its phone and tablet sibling (doing what I say it would still remain compatible so early adopter are not fucked and those liking the form factor can still buy it).
They should have done that already and they might have sell those thing for a profit instead of loosing money on the PSV. I believe the PSV is a bit "over-speced", it has the kind of specs I would have expected for a hypothetical play tab 10", then it would have been down scale according to resolution requirements (mostly a gpu affair). Anyway as things are now may allow for the device to survive a strong reorganization of sony product line.
Then there TV smart TV and what to do with plain playstation. First again they should have move earlier but they stuck them selves in a way too long product cycle to be react earlier.
They should include now an heavily overclocked PSV chip in every TV. It would pretty keep up with mid PC for a sane amount of time. Like the other chips it would have been produce @45nm. Would also sell as stand alone.
Sony would have moved from the loss leading business model, it worked when as a giant they entered with strength the gaming market, now they abused it.
They should have move to shorter product cycles. Refresh should happen every two shrinks. In a perfect world all the aforementioned products would have launch in 2011 @40nm, refresh for the whole products lines (and focused R&D) would happen when 20nm hits its pace .
So what do they do now that this did not happened? PSV is a bit of an in between product imho.
I would wait till 20nm hit its pace to launch a new game of products based on a single architecture declined in different form factor (phones, tablets, smart TV, stand alone smart what we call playstation). As I said PSV was a bit "over-specced" and it may stand its own in this new product line and by this time it may have last. In the mean time Sony has to execute, work on Android more seriously especially the PSV, push out existing product road map.
The change from PSN may be an announcement of Sony readying a proper "app market" available from multiple devices.
The most optimistic calendar for Sony is to have this in place for fall 2014 (20nm should be available but you never know), 2015 is more likely. That's almost the ten years cycle Sony spoke about not the one they though though, one of doom for the whole company. It will be at this time or never and they better pray for the market not to consolidate to much in the mean time. Imho at some point they should start to pump up the hype about a complete Brand and company relaunch and they better execute well.
They may have a go if no strong actor attacks the smart TV sectors, phones or/and tablet with strong might that including promoting games stealing what is now their strongest point. Samsung is crazy big and strong, and Google would only benefit and encourage such s push for example. But it can be MS doing surprisingly well with windows 8 and a clever leverage of their different products. Apple well we never know
Anyway at this point the issue is about having the funds to put this together and having somebody to do the dirty job for greater good (kill most likely a lot of jonbs
) while showing a strong lead so the company doesn't collapse on it-self in the process, I wonder. This down grade let me think that either Sony has not the good plan or that they don't believe that they will have enough lead to achieve this / that such a big company can go through such a drastic program in short amount of time without collapsing. Point is borrowing will become more costly for them. They have instantly to secure more assets to cover their existing loans, etc. That's bad real bad.
My personal POV is that Kaz Hirai doesn't have the vision to crystallize what can be saved of the company around him and to walk that dreadful road. So I expect nothing good sadly and some mocked CEO here may ultimately have had a point