Sony Playstation E3 2013 Events

I am bored
What have they done to their presentations.
Bad choice of presenters, bad presentation structure, not a nice choice of subjects to talk about sometimes.
This conference could have been 10 times better
Interesting how all platforms have these 2D / semi 3D indie games with unique art designs
Is it just me, or does Sony's show come off as more artistic in flavor some how? Not necessarily a good thing, just noticed I was thinking that.
Indie publishers can self-publish their own content
New indie section of the PS Store lets people find titles easily.
I am bored
What have they done to their presentations.

i know. i barely want to keep watching.

trying to think what else they can show that i might be interested in...a long shadowfall demo?

do they have any third party stuff?

Sorry low graphics indies may be awesome and all but they're really not my thing, normally anyway.
I am bored
What have they done to their presentations.

Sony didn't have the money to get multiplatform devs to chose them, apparently. Honestly, the Adam West Batman costume has to be a low point as exclusive content...
Somehow, I think most people were wanting to see things that push the envelope, not independent games (as cool as some of them are).

Okay, so on the one hand MS doesn't have enough exclusives as all the titles they've shown are multiplatforms, but on the other hand they don't even have those? Good.
Indie titles
Transistor (from creator of Bastion)
Dont Starve
Mercanary Kings
Octodad, Dadliest Catch
Secret Ponchos
Ray's the Dead
Oddworld: New 'n Tasty (remake)
Galak-Z: The Dimensional