Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

games store their data on disc. The layout, the frequency and the size of the reads is all controlled by the engine. They would be designing to the lowest common denominator, which is slow mechanical drives, especially the ones in current gen consoles.

Interesting, so does that mean it effects the loading speed because to make it work on mechanicals it doesn't use SSD properly?
Yeah and MS will not do any games like PS5, right? :p And those games ofc wont ever see the light on pc either, cause you know, it will be lagging behind.

Watch the Spider-Man postmortem because it gives an insight into how dense the world can be based on the speed you know your the storage system can deliver. For PS4, because people can and do 'upgrade' the stock drive with a large, slower replacement they worked with 20 megabytes a second. This number then dominates everything else in in the creation of the city and game assets because of how the data is organised on disc.

If PS5 offers 7GB/s drive reads, thats potentially some seriously dense worlds. On other platforms you need to work what they offer. If it's more, no problem, if its less then from the outset you work with a lower I/O budget. None of this is new, because available RAM, GPU power and CPU power have dictated game design for decades. Some things can be scaled dynamically in-engine, some things cannot. For example you could not take Spider-Man and have the engine compensate for a PS4 with a really crappy drive that only managed 19 megabytes a second. If the storage system can't deliver 20, then the engine just can't be fed data fast enough and it'll likely stutter and/or have bad pop-in of textures, geometry and other objects.
Interesting, so does that mean it effects the loading speed because to make it work on mechanicals it doesn't use SSD properly?

I wouldn’t say it uses ssd improperly. It’s just choosing to design your game around a slower drive. If you design it around ssd then mechanical drives won’t be able to keep up.
How exactly is the filesystem not optimized for game streaming? the filesystem works for sporadic access and sequential access, are you telling me that games need something else other than these two? What is the filesystem that is "optimized" for streaming games? please describe it to me.
This was described at length in the previous discussion on PS5's SSD. That topic doesn't appear to have its own thread -perhaps it's buried in the Tech Prediction thread? IIRC, Primarily, the filesystem and SSDs in PCs use less than optimal block sizes to support the data-types that they are required to work with. Changing that can greatly enhance drive performance. A console can also manage file structure a lot better where PC's current file system will put files anywhere and just point them A to B, increasing seek times. Sony has patents for file-allocation tables accelerating file access.

Maybe someone can recall the thread and link to it?
I wouldn’t say it uses ssd improperly. It’s just choosing to design your game around a slower drive. If you design it around ssd then mechanical drives won’t be able to keep up.

Ok I understand that, it's what I was pointing out about Star Citizen it has upped it's base storage speed requirements to above a mechanical drive.
So they can push more only problem is I'm not sure using Star Citizen for anything at this moment is a good thing though, they need to release the game first and hopefully everything works.
Games loading times on PC are often limited by CPU speed for compression/decompression or by shader compilation.
From the discussions and papers I've read about so far. This seems to be the largest bottleneck for faster loading speeds (wrt console vs PC). If consoles are going the 'very' compressed route, then hardware decompression will be a colossal win. You're moving less data and decompressing it into system memory likely in a compressed standard for GPUs. Then then GPUs go further. (we should also have a split thread on shader compilation)

But having written that, I see limitations on the word 'compression'; sounds very fantasy like. It is very challenging to compress that which is already compressed. Assume JPEG 92% is used. There is like JPEG 75% but the quality is seriously shit. So there is this 85% mid way in which the reproduction is pretty good. I don't buy into the whole compress a compressed texture bit. You aren't going to get much better than what you already have.

If this whole ASIC stuff is going to work then The other stuff, like models, etc, they all need compression - but not all compression algortihms are equal for each type. Audio works better with 1 algorithm, pictures and text another. I suspect that someone would have to make a compression algorithm for models and levels. I can't see how a single fully burnt ASIC will support all these different compression types.
Interesting, so does that mean it effects the loading speed because to make it work on mechanicals it doesn't use SSD properly?

As an example, you might be playing an open world game like Spiderman. The game developers will break the world down into some type of grid (I think spiderman may not have used squares for the grid). Your player is somewhere in the grid. The game engine knows how fast your player can travel and which are the neighbouring areas on the grid. So each frame they can decide where you are and which parts of the grid should be cached in RAM. That way as you move, the data for the next location on the grid is already in memory. When you move into a new grid location, the game engine drops any grid locations from RAM that it doesn't need anymore, and loads any new ones it does need. So for Spiderman, it sounds like they used 20 MB/s as their performance limit. So basically all of their loading and unloading of assets had to fit into 20 MB/s, including reading new tiles from the grid into memory. That means all of those tiles will be designed by artists so that they're small enough that they can fit into that limit. Also, it put limits on how fast spiderman could travel. Even if you could somehow put the fastest drive in existence into a ps4, you wouldn't notice much difference in gameplay, because spiderman was designed to swing at a certain speed based on the 20 MB/s limit, the assets were designed around the 20 MB/s limit and the caching system was designed around the 20MB/s limit. That's kind of where the PC is at with SSDs. The drives have a lot of speed that the game engines are not taking advantage of, because they want to be able to sell their games to consumers with old slow drives. So if PC games make SSDs a requirement, suddenly you'll start to see advantages.
So if PC games make SSDs a requirement, suddenly you'll start to see advantages.

Sometime, people will need to move on. SSD's have been around for atleast 10 years as a reasonable HDD replacement. But what the topic is about is PS5 games, if they will be able to be ported to PC or not. I think they will, perhaps with longer loading or something like that.
Primarily, the filesystem and SSDs in PCs use less than optimal block sizes to support the data-types that they are required to work with.
On Windows you can format any drive with variable block sizes, ranging from 512bytes to 4K bytes block size, which can hold huge file sizes, If needs be Microsoft can always introduce a new NTFS version which unlocks 8K and 16K block sizes, or even 32K, and without breaking compatibility with any thing else.
A console can also manage file structure a lot better where PC's current file system will put files anywhere and just point them A to B, increasing seek times. Sony has patents for file-allocation tables accelerating file access.
That's for the system drive maybe when under use, but Windows 10 always defragments itself when idle, my game drive is completely defragmented by default (all relevant files are next to each other), so the drive will always have the optimal seek time and data read speeds when gaming. I never even lifted a finger to do that, Windows took care it for me transparently.
Sometime, people will need to move on. SSD's have been around for atleast 10 years as a reasonable HDD replacement. But what the topic is about is PS5 games, if they will be able to be ported to PC or not. I think they will, perhaps with longer loading or something like that.

The PC versions will just have exclusive content, like more jeep wench environment interactions or squeezing through narrow crevices or hour long un-skippable cutscenes.
I know about the benefits during gameplay I was asking about the reason why loading doesn't scale but iroboto answered my question it seems to be a CPU bottleneck.

This was in response to Scot_arm post, this thread is moving to fast.:runaway:
I know about the benefits during gameplay I was asking about the reason why loading doesn't scale but iroboto answered my question it seems to be a CPU bottleneck.

This was in response to Scot_arm post, this thread is moving to fast.:runaway:

In terms of loading, game developers notoriously do not care or optimize loading. I've seen devs talk about it on twitter. The time to hit the menu screen is basically not something game developers put time into. They rightly focus on real-time performance in game. Again, a lot of the issue is just how the game is designed vs actual drive performance.
The PC versions will just have exclusive content, like more jeep wench environment interactions or squeezing through narrow crevices or hour long un-skippable cutscenes.
Surely developers can minimize the need to do that by utilizing the copious amounts of RAM that PCs have over consoles. 16-32GB should be expected for boundary pushing next gen games. Sure initial loading times will be longer on PC, but I would think games designed around streaming and retaining large environments in memory could get around those design issues during gameplay.

I guess we'll see.
I'm not sure how optimising the game will help loading? How? What can they possibly do to improve loads from a software perspective?

You may be able to compress some data more but it only makes sense to do so when the time/resources required to decompress it doesn't outweigh the time saved on the I/O.

but none of these games are architected for fast drives. They were designed to run of very slow hdds. I imagine engine optimization can extract huge performance gains on pc.

No, I doubt many games are optimised for SSD. This is mosty because they expected to run from a HDD. Nextgen consoles will change this for console games. In his Wired interview Mark Cerny has talked about games structured differently on PS5.

How exactly is the filesystem not optimized for game streaming? the filesystem works for sporadic access and sequential access, are you telling me that games need something else other than these two? What is the filesystem that is "optimized" for streaming games? please describe it to me.

With an SSD you don't want a conventional open-seek-read-close filesystem build on archaic concepts like small data clusters where every I/O works through an API, the I/O subsystem, the device driver, the interface controller, the drive's firmware and eventually the storage itself. It's too much overhead. Patents from Sony, which credibly support what Mark Cerny has hinted about about PS5's solid state storage, suggests addressing 'files' on their solid state storage is more akin to randomly addressing RAM.

In terms of loading, game developers notoriously do not care or optimize loading. I've seen devs talk about it on twitter. The time to hit the menu screen is basically not something game developers put time into. They rightly focus on real-time performance in game.

Yup, and this is why whatever solutions Microsoft and Sony have created, need to be easy to implement. If they are stupidly complicated, they won't get used other than SSD reads/writes just being faster than HDDs - which may be enough.
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Games on PC are not limited by storage speed, fire up a decade old game and watch it load in a slightly faster way than before. Games loading times on PC are often limited by CPU speed for compression/decompression or by shader compilation.

How exactly is the filesystem not optimized for game streaming? the filesystem works for sporadic access and sequential access, are you telling me that games need something else other than these two? What is the filesystem that is "optimized" for streaming games? please describe it to me.

That's the fault of the game data design and packaging, not the filesystem's fault or the CPU or the I/O or anything else. Any game that has it's files properly packed in a way to take advantage of NVMe drives will load significantly faster on PC.

A file system can be made for HDD like current file system on PC. The file archive the name they give to the game file is made especially for SSD. Current file system were created for HDD not with SSD in mind.

File Systems - What you see isn't what you get:

Host file systems were designed in the days when HDDs reigned supreme, simply because SSDs had yet to arrive in an available and affordable form. The file system does not take into account the needs of NAND flash. Files are constantly being updated: they get allocated, moved and deleted, and grow and shrink in size. The way the file system handles this is incompatible with the workings of NAND flash.

It's worth emphasising that storage devices are abstracted from the host operating system. Whilst an array of folders and files are displayed by Explorer in a form wholly comprehensible to a human, it's all an illusion. What Explorer is showing is a logical construct created entirely from metadata held within the file system's tables. The storage device controller knows nothing about files or folders, or tables or operating systems: all an HDD or SDD sees are commands to read or write specific sectors, which it does faithfully. An SSD has one advantage over an HDD however, it knows that some pages hold data, and are mapped to an LBA, and some pages are empty, hold no valid data, and are not mapped to an LBA. Conversely an HDD does not need to know this, to an HDD all sectors are the same.

That's true of most conventional filesystems, but log-structured filesystems are much more flash-friendly. That's why there has been a resurgence of interest in them, and also why a typical flash translation layer bears a striking resemblance to a log-structured FS. There are also flash-specific filesystems.

This is not what is used on Windows.
Sometime, people will need to move on. SSD's have been around for atleast 10 years as a reasonable HDD replacement. But what the topic is about is PS5 games, if they will be able to be ported to PC or not. I think they will, perhaps with longer loading or something like that.

but if it also affects streaming the game world there may be big performance issues, kind of like the reverse of my dayz example where adding SSD improved FPS in heaving loading areas PC versions of PS5 games may suffer
Sometime, people will need to move on. SSD's have been around for atleast 10 years as a reasonable HDD replacement. But what the topic is about is PS5 games, if they will be able to be ported to PC or not. I think they will, perhaps with longer loading or something like that.

How can you insert load a scene like this? God of War designer explained how they were limited during the combat against a stranger, a boss fight. They wanted each hit being able to send Kratos at fast speed in another part of the map and adding destruction on the path. It was impossible because of the HDD speed. The only way is to have the full scene in memory. I think a great way is to have the full game in memory for example.
but if it also affects streaming the game world there may be big performance issues, kind of like the reverse of my dayz example where adding SSD improved FPS in heaving loading areas PC versions of PS5 games may suffer

True but sometime, people will need to upgrade to faster SSD solutions, the PC can't be stuck forever on aging hardware. Mostly when new consoles arrive, PC's need to upgrade, has been like that for every gen, except the current which had low end hardware for the most. PS5 will be more akin to mid-end and high end on the SSD side.

I think a great way is to have the full game in memory for example.

Or a fast SSD solution.