Sony Playstation 3, loves Microsoft's PGR3 (AGAIN)

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+ 1
We all remember this right?


This was followed by using Gears of War advertising to sell the PS3 in the UK:

And now, they follow up with a KIA sponsored raffle:


We all know PGR3 looks great in photomode, but COME ON, the PS3 has something called GT:HD, which looks at least as good.

Edit: KIA has now changed the commercial, to some bad ps1\2 games with a photoshoped KIA Creed.
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Again did Sony have anything to do with either of these? This is poor marketing from some agency not really console game news.
Yawn... What's the point? I mean c'mon, how many decades we have seen artists stick Windows desktops screenshots on Macs in computer ads? (at least in the past year it's plausible though)
Again did Sony have anything to do with either of these? This is poor marketing from some agency not really console game news.

For the PSP download site, yes (from what I know, the artist normally responsible for the site was on vacation). The others, I don't know...
Again did Sony have anything to do with either of these? This is poor marketing from some agency not really console game news.

For the KIA one they do. Even if not direct involvement you should follow up on such sponsorships. If you're misrepresenting your product then you're getting nothing in return for your sponsorship. The ad should have been approved by the right people, etc.
Completely embarassing for Sony's PR team.

Which one?

Even if not direct involvement you should follow up on such sponsorships. If you're misrepresenting your product then you're getting nothing in return for your sponsorship. The ad should have been approved by the right people, etc.

Please... While a nice idealistic thought, do you have any idea of the resources needed to keep up tabs with every little promotion?
Completely embarassing for Sony's PR team. It happened once, okay that was funny, but twice?

Maybe you should do a littlle more research on this topic, neither was Sony's PR.

Sorry these type of useless threads are best left for lesser forums, but maybe I'm mistaken.
Please... While a nice idealistic thought, do you have any idea of the resources needed to keep up tabs with every little promotion?

A person approves the promotion, and then is shown the final result. It does not take a ton of resources. Its not like these go in front of some board for approval. They are handled by a project manager who should at least have some clue of the products they are in charge of representing. These promotions are assigned to people to be handled, if that person screws up their job then its their fault.

Its wonderful to see that Sony PR is not in charge of Sony PR. Way to go Sony, you've managed to never make a mistake because you can't make one.
Maybe you should do a littlle more research on this topic, neither was Sony's PR.

Sorry these type of useless threads are best left for lesser forums, but maybe I'm mistaken.

Actually, you should do a little more research.

First picture is from something called, doing a simple whois, it turns out this is managed\supervised by something called Sony Connect Inc, which in turn is owned by Sony Picture Entertainment, which in turn is owned by Sony Corp.
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