Sony loser of Leipzig according to someones site


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Rob Fahey 13:51 25/08/2006

It's rare for a videogames show - be it E3, TGS or any other event - to have clear winners and losers from among the top publishers and platform holders. In general, there are positives and negatives on all sides. Take this year's E3 for example, where despite the strong media backlash against Sony's arrogant attitude in their press conference (not to mention their price point), the firm did succeed in showing off a surprisingly polished array of software both in playable and trailer form.
This year's Games Convention in Leipzig is an exception to this rule. There is a very clear winner, and a very clear loser, in the Leipziger Messe this week, as 150,000 consumers are currently finding out - and hundreds of press types have already discovered. The winner is Microsoft. The loser, by means of shameful default, is Sony - whose utter complacency has now reached the level where it couldn't even be bothered putting on a press conference or making any meaningful next-gen related announcement at Europe and the world's biggest videogames event.

Read the rest at :

a bit overreactioned reasoning to my taste.. :rolleyes:

Well, I don't know about Leipzig, but Sony seems to be upping the momentum press-wise quite a bit of late. Frankly, I don't think their Leipzig performance, or lack thereof, matters much to anyone.

All eyes on TGS.

(and people know 'looser' is spelled loser, right? I feel I'm enduring wave 2 of the L337 or something...)
All right, let's get back on topic. I fixed the thread title for you, let me know through pm if you ish me to change it back.
I generally agree with that article. Sony have been keeping quiet and keeping quiet, with reasonable reasons to date. But you can only postpone a showing for so long, and turning up to the largest gaming show in the world with a few videos of stuff you've shown previously isn't sending a good message. We still haven't heard anything other than vague intentions about the online service, and zip for the Lunix OS. It could be they're holding out for TGS as it's only weeks away, but a few snippets here and there to grow excitement is a Good Thing. A few bits of info t the GC conference, and they whole world could have been talking about PS3's such-and-such feature. Neither of the other two made killer announcements except MS's dubious 12 year football claim, so the internet isn't abuzz with either XB360 or Wii. Nor PS3 because that was quiet. Why not divulge that 'secret feature' that's yet to be announced to get people talking about that until TGS? Or show a little OS, perhaps a quick snippet of starting F@H on PS3 and a glimpse in the OS to generate chatter and excitement?

The 'say nothing' approach can only generate mystery and intrigue for so long, and then people get bored and give up caring.
They kinda have an excuse for Leipzig, as said before, TGS.

Why show your cards at this relatively small european show, when you could start your pre-launch buzz with a bang in your native country of japan.

me personally am surprised we got as much as we did. (3 new minutes of mgs4)
them announcing 27 playable titles at TGS during leipzig lets you know right there, that TGS is their main focus before launch.

if they dont have a great showing at TGS, then we can complain. ;)
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Why show your cards at this relatively small european show, when you could start your pre-launch buzz with a bang in your native country of japan.
The Leipzig Games Convention is one of the largest games events in the world, with more than 134,000 attendees, 2,000 press members, and 280 exhibitors from 15 countries.

By comparison. TGS 2005 had 176,000 visitors with 131 exhibitors

It's not a small show so much as an overlooked one, though it could be considered small in terms of impact on the industry. If you're going to turn up though, it's better to turn up for a reason than to leave everyone thinking 'why are they even here?'
I stand corrected, though like you said it does seem like a very overlooked show. Sony/Nintendo/MS all having really no huge news there.

I still say sony is holding everything possible for TGS. Nintendo probably holding their stuff for their september 14th party. Not sure why MS didnt take advantage.
I don't know about you guys but I was not expecting anything from Leipzig from the Sony camp. It doesn't make much sense to "spill the beans" (some people call that bad saying ;)) when TGS is coming up and its only few weeks away. Although I have to agree with Shifty on that one that they should atleast give few tidbits here and there but Sony seems to be confident in what they have to offer in TGS.

TGS should be a blast, too bad I can't go there but I'll be looking out from the magical window of Internet. :)
I still say sony is holding everything possible for TGS.
They defnitely are. I just think it'd make more sense to trickle out information and keep interest up, rather than do an explosion of too much info at one event. Although the latter might generate more talk just before launch, creating a stronger message rather than a longer message.
Yeah it seems thats been their pre-launch marketing strategy as of lately. Keeping silent seems to generate a lot of talk on it's own. But then again, it does seem to create bad press from analysts. Whenever sony does open their mouths, it ends up hurting them as well, unless its specific game information.

As long as I know TGS will be huge (and im pretty sure of it), then I think I can deal with the lack of info.
The wow factor would not be as big if they tried to spread it out over 2 shows.

TGS is their big chance to pull what Nintendo did at e3. It's the perfect time before launch to really get the momentum rolling for PS3.

Off topic, I bought a brand new Canon Digital IXUS 800 IS today link. (SD700 IS in the US) and a couple SD memory cards. I will be taking that to TGS this year. ;)
The wow factor would not be as big if they tried to spread it out over 2 shows.
I wouldn't spread it over two shows, but add some teaser snippets. At TGS they're going to have to cover games, playable demos, the OS, what software is available to run on Linux and what sort of interface, the network structure and features with cross PSP connectivity, BluRay coverage...there's going to be so much information. A few little movies of the OS and opening a Linux app, going online and contacting a friend, using EyeToy (still no news on whether that's standard still) for a webcam in a 3 way conversation. We've had a few photos from developer conferences but nothing officially public. Releasing that info now at GC would stir more discussion and dampen down some of the 'It's all vapourware and PS3 won't really have a proper OS' talk elliminating some doubts. Expectation and thus interest would build and more ears would be tuned into TGS for the full-on info experience. As there's so much ground to cover, it couldn't hurt at all to release some of that now and the rest at TGS just after people have taken in the last batch of news.

Of course, if much of that supposed functionality isn't in a state to show, you woudln't show it, but then Sony would be cutting it ighty fine. The doubters still have plenty of reason to doubt and Sony aren't trying to deter that at all.
The Leipzig Games Convention is one of the largest games events in the world, with more than 134,000 attendees, 2,000 press members, and 280 exhibitors from 15 countries.

By comparison. TGS 2005 had 176,000 visitors with 131 exhibitors

It's not a small show so much as an overlooked one, though it could be considered small in terms of impact on the industry. If you're going to turn up though, it's better to turn up for a reason than to leave everyone thinking 'why are they even here?'

TGS is much more important for Sony, is a strategic step before launching Ps3, it is so simple.
At Leipzig Games Convention there isn't any Ps3 playable demo.
I wouldn't spread it over two shows, but add some teaser snippets. At TGS they're going to have to cover games, playable demos, the OS, what software is available to run on Linux and what sort of interface, the network structure and features with cross PSP connectivity, BluRay coverage...there's going to be so much information.

Maybe thats apart of their strategy. Websites are going to be saturated with so much new PS3 information, it would basically drown out the other two companies news.