No interest in DMC4. Halo 3 was fun in co-op, but I wouldn't play single player. NG2 seems pretty fun, but I never played the original. Pretty standard. LBP is ok.
You missed the point, I not was asking your opinion of the games, I was just pointing out your double standard.
I'm not saying God of War 3 isn't going to be good, but to me it's a big let down. It doesn't look like they made any attempts to innovate at all. It is a brief glimpse of gameplay. God of War was an incredibly polished button masher, with a lot of cinematic flair. They kind of rejuvinated that entire genre by showing an amount of polish and refinement that those games always lacked. Now 3 comes out at a time when the overall bar for games has been raised and they seem to have decided not to change a single thing.
Raised how? Which game in the action genre raised the bar? I've played the DMC4 demo, HS, NGS, NG2 demo, Conan, Too human, Wolverine - where has that bar been raised? BTW have you played GoW3 or just watched 20 secs of video?
Very few games have raised any bar this gen, it's either an illusion you hold or you are just moving the goal post (mixed metaphors FTW!) for particular games.