songs that make you cry...


Time to get in touch with your inner child!

Artist: 10,000 Maniacs
Album: Our Time in Eden
Song: These Are Days

'When May is rushing over you with desire,
to be part of the miracles you see in every hour.
You'll know its true that you are blessed and lucky'

Gets me every time :)
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Don't you mean "These are Days"?

But to answer your question, no pop song brings tears to my eyes, except perhaps Sleater Kenny, but that's because the singing is that bad.

Anything that's my eyes water has been part of a musical, either one of the Disney flicks, or a broadway musical. I think its the investment into the characters surrounding the song, and the emotional impact of the story that make it more than just words and verse.
Don't cry over songs. Get really sad feelings, but crying just doesn't seem possible... I'm not trying to act all macho-bullshito, but I just can't grasp crying due to a song. I've had some pretty terrible things happen in my life, and even when listening to an extremely sad song that does nothing but remind me of those events, it still can't bring a tear to my eye. Not sure why, perhaps it's my subconcious saying "Don't be a corny bastard!". On that note;

For whatever reason, Max Payne 2's credits song 'Late Goodbye' by Poets of the Fall is a generally sad song for me. There are others that really get to me, but off the top of my head that's one that I actually like.
I never really cried over a song, but Komm, susser Tod (Arianne's version) almost brought tears to my eyes. But then again, it was the song as much as the movie scene it was a background to that created the impact. The melody is ironically upbeat, but you can still sense the sadness and hopelessness of the theme that the story unfolds. And yeah, just in case you're wondering, I am a dork.
Christina Aguilera always gets me with "F.U.S.S.". Also Sade has many songs which make me connect to some certan feelings, but Sade often makes me cry regardless (though those are tears of hapiness, not sadness).
Most rap, because people even think of it as music.

Oh, wait, that's not what you meant, is it?
Only books can bring tears to my eyes. A few movies have come close (Cold Mountain is a recent example), but certainly not a song.
I cry whenever i see the video "Everytime" by Britney Spears. Because by the end of it, I realize it's just a video, and she's not actually dead in a bath tub.
Let It Be by The Beatles brings a tear to my eye, 'cos my father has told me that that's the song he wants played at his funeral. Thanks Dad, nothing like a bit of emotional front-loading.
Adagio for strings from Samuel Barber
I like the electronic version better (made by William Orbit, one of the tracks in the movie Platoon *edit: did a wiki search and apparently its even on a game i liked allot, Homeworld (the first one))

The original version might be better for those who appreciate classical music even more.
What about depressing rather than sad?

Here's varios snippets from Marrillion's Misplaced Childhood album.

"On the outskirts of nowhere
On the ring road to somewhere
On the verge of indecision
I'll always take the roundabout way"

"Last night you said I was cold, untouchable
A lonely piece of action from another town
I just want to be free, I'm happy to be lonely
Can't you stay away?
Just leave me alone with my thoughts
Just a runaway, just a runaway
I'm saving myself "

"I saw a war widow in a launderette
Washing the memories from her husband's clothes
She had medals pinned to a threadbare greatcoat
A lump in her throat with cemetery eyes

I see convoys curb crawling West German Autobahns
Trying to pick up a war
They're going to even the score
Oh... I can't take any more
I see black flags on factories
Soup ladies poised on the lips of the poor
I see children with vacant stares, destined for rape in the alleyways
Does anybody care, I can't take any more!
Should we say goodbye?

I see priests, politicians?
Heroes in black plastic body-bags under nations' flags
I see children pleading with outstretched hands
Drenched in napalm, this is no Vietnam

I can't take any more, should we say goodbye
How can we justify?
They call us civilised! "


but then the album finally ends on a note of salvation and redemption with Childhoods end


"And it was morning
And I found myself mourning,
For a childhood that I thought had disappeared
I looked out the window
And I saw a magpie in the rainbow, the rain had gone
I'm not alone, I turned to the mirror
I saw you, the child, that once loved

The child before they broke his heart
Our heart, the heart that I believed was lost

Hey you, surprised? More than surprised
To find the answers to the questions
Were always in your own eyes

Do you realise that you give it on back to her?
But that would only be retraced in all the problems that you ever knew
So untrue
For she's got to carry on with her life
And you've got to carry on with yours

So I see it's me, I can do anything
And I'm still the child
'Cos the only thing misplaced was direction
And I found direction
There is no childhood's end
You are my childhood friend, lead me on

Hey you, you've survived. Now you've arrived
To be reborn in the shadow of the magpie

Now you realise, that you've got to get out of here
You've found the leading light of destiny, burning in the ashes of your memory
You want to change the world
You'd resigned yourself to die a broken rebel
But that was looking backward
Now you've found the light

You, the child that once loved
The child before they broke his heart
Our heart, the heart that I believed was lost

So it's me I see, I can do anything.
I'm still the child
'Cos the only thing misplaced was direction
And I found direction
There is no childhood's end
I am your childhood friend, lead me on.......

They don't write lyrics like that anymore, good old Fish and the boys....
reading those lyrics from misplaced childhood (havent heard it for years) its not as cunningly intricate as i thought at the time,

no songs/music make me cry, i do have the hairs on by body stand up with certain parts of wagner though
What about depressing rather than sad?

Here's varios snippets from Marrillion's Misplaced Childhood album.

If that album didn't suffer from the excessive usage of bad 1980s keyboards and from completely overmodulated bass, if it wasn't so incredibly kitschy and if Fish were a better singer, Misplaced Childhood might have had some emotional impact. Ultimately, it's merely overambitious, both musically and conceptually, to the point of being a bit ridiculous.