Yes it is. If I'm wrong then post a link to the article when Julian benchmarked the xbox hardware and look at the date. I can admit that I'm wrong if you can prove it.
That is most likely true. The socalled "BS benchmrks" were just a few demos specifically created for SW.
So now you say it's true? I'm glad you agree. I called them "BS" becuase they compared final gamecube hardware to what was basically a PC at the time. A pC with a geforce 2 and AGP4X.
Something he also made clear. Also, please refrain from using the word benchmark about a few demos done in a couple of weeks time. Benchmarking implies that the performance is measured in a scientifically responsible manner which was not the case with the Star Wars demos. Something Julian never claimed was the case either.
That's what he did though, he benchmarked the hardware. He benchmarked the hardware performance and declared the Xbox to be less powerful than the Gamecube. The thing is, you are correct in that he didn't perform these benchmarks in a responsible manner. It caused a ton of confusion and led to MANY misconceptions on the internet. This is exactly why Factor 5's comments can't be trusted. Did ERP do such a thing? no, he performed benchmarks on the final hardware for both platforms and his results are very clear.
So really, why are you arguing with people about his credibility(trying to say he "can" be trusted as much as julian)? When you even admit that Julian has a vested interest in not saying Xbox is better in any way.
I really wish you'd stop lying.
How old are you cybermerc, I'm curious? You claim I'm lying, well prove me wrong. i have no reason to lie about anything around here. I work on games on all paltforms. How about you? Do you work on games on all platforms?
No they haven't. If I'm wrong I'll gladly admit that. Prove me wrong then...
Is there a special genetic defect that prevents you Xbox supporters from reading something in its proper context?
That's exactly what you are doing. People in this thread discredit Factor 5's comments for a number of reasons:
1. Factor 5 helped design the gamecube audio hardware
2. They performed benchmarks on non final hardware
3. They made claims of things about xbox hardware without knowing the truth (which could be found out by doing some R&D on the final hardware).
Perhaps it's you that has the genetic defect, since you are the person that claims ERPs comments can be trusted as much as factor 5. Which is essentially an attempt to discredit ERP and disregard his comments if we o the same with julian/factor5. An attempt that failed honestly. ERP hasn't done anything like the things above, so we have no reason to doubt him.
Sure you can say he company once worked on a xbox exclusive title, but that changed so long ago that it doesn't have any impact on him getting gamecube hardware and seeing what it can do (in comparison). in fact, he should be angry with MS for dropping his title. However he isn't.
Not outside of audio hardware. And OS to some extent.
So now you at least admit
Factor 5 does have a vested interest in NOT saying xbox is more powerful. WEll, I'm glad you're being resonable on this. I fully agree.
I haven't. Learn to read.
You implied it. learn to argue.
Haha... All he said was that Factor 5 decided against DICE because they felt that the latency was too high. I'm still waiting for a quote where he specifically states that DD isn't possible in realtime on the Xbox. I don't deny he has criticized DICE (which is Dolby tech so no need for all you Xbots to take it so personally).
That claim of Julians lead to MANY more arguments and misconceptions about xbox, which simply aren't true.
While doing R&D on the Xbox Factor 5 ran benchmarks.
On a PC with a geforce 2. They haven't performed ANY behcmarks since then. I hoep you see where I'm going with this, becuase you've already admitted that tey did benchmark with early hardware, but you haven't show any bechamarks with current hardware, now have you?
If R&D qualifies as working on a platform then so was Factor 5.
NOT when the only platform Factor 5 worked with is no longer in use by Xbox devs.
Yes, without a doubt. And I hope you can at least admit that Factor 5 has done WAY more work on GameCube than ERP.
Sure I can admit that, but the only difference is that ERP worked with FINAL Xbox hardware, unlike factor 5.
Well, either zurich believes that ERP is still working for Boss Games or he knows where ERP is working now. I'm just trying to find out what it is.
I'm not talking about zurich, I'm talking about you being disrespectful to ERP with your, "he hasn't shipped a game comment". That was uncalled for.